Chapter 27 | Love Blossoms Again

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"I've not been any use up until this point, and look at her... she doesn't need me and neither do you two. It was a mistake coming here," You said as you looked away from her. The shame burned in your cheeks.

"Gaara! You are not useless! We need you to go find Tsunade-sama while we get Miku out of here and to a safe location. You can communicate through your sand to us when you've found Tsunade-sama and we will tell you where we are so we can all meet up," She said as her hands grasped your shoulders and shook them lightly.

"The blonde lady?" You asked in confirmation.

"Yes! And you're the best tracker of all of us, so you'll be able to find her much quicker than us. So off you go!" She said with a smirk as she ushered you back toward the way you came.

"But will you all be okay?" You asked as you turned around.

Temari froze in her tracks as a smile spread across her face. "I don't know what's gotten into you lately Gaara but it makes me happy," she said cheerfully.

You stared at her in confusion with an arched brow before she motioned her hands to sign you to shoo once more. You hesitated for another brief moment before you hoisted yourself back up into the exit path and headed off to find Tsunade.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Your panting was audible as you sat on a bench outside the operating room, your siblings beside you panting just as heavily. The plan had been successful and well timed in finding Tsunade and quickly heading back to a safer territory. Kankuro had concocted up a believable dummy of Miku in hopes that if they didn't pay close enough attention they would believe her to be dead and consequently no one would come looking. Tsunade's face had been a mixure of relief and fear when she found that you all had retrieved Miku from the clutches of Konoha's finest only to see her on the brink.

You ran your hand nervously through your disheveled red locks before your slumped forward in your chair. Your hands wrung together nervously as you let out a sigh of frustration. They'd been in there for so long now, and she had stopped breathing just as they passed through the hospital doors. All you had was the slow ticking of the clock across the hall to tell you time was passing at all. Just when you felt like you were losing your cool you felt a heavy hand clap and rest on your back. You jumped slightly and turned to find Kankuro sitting next to your now with a look of deep concern.

"Hn." You responded flatly before looking forward at the ground again.

"She has the best chance she can with Tsunade here, I know it's scary but she'll pull through," He said attempting to provide you with some sort of comfort.

Temari kneeled before you, cupping your face in her hands. "Look at me Gaara, I know this all sounds like empty words to you but we did it. We saved her. All that's happening is waiting to see her," She said with confident determination.

You stared at her blankly for awhile before you noticed her eyes widen suddenly. "Gaara...Oh Gaara!" She exclaimed as she brought you into a tight hug. You couldn't remember the last time your siblings were able to touch you like this, but now was not the time to wonder why. Your arms hovered around her sides unsure of what to do as she clung to you. "What's wrong?" You asked barely above a whisper. She pulled away from you in surprise, "Gaara... you're crying." She frowned deeply as she reached her hands up and wiped what must have been your tears as your cheeks felt cool and damp suddenly. She turned her fingers to show you the moisture and your eyes widened at the sight. Your own hands shot to your cheeks and you could feel the steady stream of tears and dampness of them.

"But...why?" You asked in disbelief to her. You hadn't cried before, not since you were a child. Your brother and sister shared a knowing look of understanding but as they looked back at you it was only with pity. What was unspoken just now? Why are you crying like this?

Healing Demons [Gaara x Reader/OC x Sasuke]Where stories live. Discover now