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Your Pov

I see........2 boys, most likely angel walking in the class ignoring all the girls that were fangirling over them.

After class

It was lunch break now. I was heading to the cafeteria table with a some food in my hand. I didn't order too much cause I wasn't hungry.  I finally found a place at the corner of the cafeteria and sat down and started to eat. I was eating peacefully when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see 3 cute girls standing smiling at me. I returned the smile and said," hey, do you need anything?" I asked," hey I'm Jennie wannabe friends??" She asked I smiled widely and nodded continuously making them chuckle. They sat down and started to introduce themselves," I'm Jennie the leader" she says and smiles," I'm Jisoo I'm the oldest" she says," I'm Rosé nice to meet you!!" I smile and say," hi!! I'm  Y/N nice to meet you all, I'm glad that you became my friend I thought no-one becomes friends with a nerd" I say," well I'm sure you are not a nerd besides who cares!"  Jennie says as continue talking and laughing.

You are Lisa btw

Time Skip

We ate and we're heading to the next class. We had the same class which was.....Dance. I love to dance!! We reached there and waited for everyone to come

Time Skip after everyone came...(including 7 more angels that I don't yet know about)
The teacher introduced me to everyone and told me to dance first so I went towards the center with my friends and started dancing

Your dance👆👆

We finished and everyone started clapping we thanked them and went back to where we were sitting. "Thanks Y/N.. now who's next" the teacher asked as 8 girls raised their hands," ok so next is Momoland!" The teacher said as the came to the middle and started dancing

Imagine they are at a dance studio.hehe

They finished dancing and the 7 angels were cheering for them. Heh...? The dance was too easy.... Ummm whatever I guess.. I thought. They suddenly looked at me and said," I wanna dance battle with the NERD" she said to the teacher and she looked at me, I nodded," ok you can but if she wins she will become the new Queen!" He says as the girl nods and smirks at me," you first!!" She says as I nod and start dancing.

Imagine you are the only one 👆

I finished and she smirked and said," that's all you got.." I smirk and say," this is warmup honey" and started to dance again

Everyone started to cheer and scream," she's mine",oh hell no!","let's get married","ahhh!I love you". I looked at the girl earlier and smirked," your chance honey" she smirked and said,"wait and watch" and started to dance

Her dance 👆👆

I look at her in disbelief and the teacher says," ok now group dance!!" He says as I nod and come ahead with the other members

Imagine only the four of you👆👆

We stopped dancing and everyone's jaw dropped. I looked at her and say," your chance QUEEN"

There dance👆👆

"Ok it's the end of the battle here so who's the queen??" Everyone was about to answer but the bell rang,"meet you tomorrow" I said and walked away with everyone.

Hey guys hope you like this shitty chapter.....idk I was just out of my mind while making this chapter and meet you next time...aNgElS at the top

Shout out to my friend too.....she is a really nice writer and a Yoongi stan... She has written FFs too so make sure to check them outBtsArmy7000 here is he id or whatever you guys call it.... BYe

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