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Taehyung POV

"Yeah hyung I bought her home safely" I said to Jin hyung on the phone.

In the alley
Still Taehyung POV

I was walking back to my house when I heard crying sounds and voices like, "Save me" "Don't do that pls" and "Taehyung". That's familiar. I thought abd walked in the alley. Walking in I saw two people making out. I decided to ignore them but the female was a bit familiar. I walked closer to see......to see Y/N crying and begging..... Taeyong to stop. My blood boiled. I couldn't see it anymore. I ran and punched Taeyong in face making him loose his balance. U looked at Y/N to see her in the ground. "Taehyung help"
she said before passing out. I sighed and bend down to her level. Looking at her angelic face I smiled and removed the hair strands that were covering her face. She had bruises. Everywhere. I was mad and worried at the same moment. I looked at her body to see no clothes on the upper part. I quickly took out my jacket and wrapped it around her. I picked her up in bridal style and walked towards my place. Walking inside I went in my room and placed her on the bed carefully. I took out her shoes, changed her clothes and got out of the room.

Present Time

I woke up in a familiar room. It was Taehyung's room. How did I end up here? A-And who changed my clothes?... T-Taehyung?! OMG! no no no pls no just not him. I thought as I facepalmed myself. That's when the door clicked indicating someone came inside. I hesitantly looked over to see Taehyung standing there with a tray of food in his hands. I gulped. It looked so tasty. He smiled and said, "You're awake!" I smiled and nodded. "Go have shower" I nodded and walked towards the bathroom door but he continued, "geogjeong hajima~ I didn't change your clothes, but anyways if I did what's the big deal. We had it right~"
my cheeks heated up and I had butterflies in my stomach. "Go now or else the food will get cold" he siad as I rushed in bathroom. Getting in I took of my clothes and started the shower. Letting the warm water hit my bare skin I cleaned myself up and wore the t-shirt I had on of Taehyung. It was pretty big and covered half of my body so it was perfect.

Well atleast I loved it

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Well atleast I loved it. It was cute. I got out of the shower to see Taehyung sitting down with a table infront of him and food. I rushed towards the table, sat down and started eating. "Ah~Mashita~" I said as the food was really tasty. I was in my own world of eating when I felt a stare at me. I looked over to see Taehyung staring at me. "You should eat too" I said as he smirked. "How about eat you. I'm sure you're tasty" he said as I looked away blushing. "A-Ah ummm... Palli bogu I'm sure you're hungry" I said leaning in and giving him a bite of the food. He then took his own.plate and started eating too. While eating I heard a chuckle. I looked up to see Taehyung giggling. I looked at him confused but he just leaned in and touch his hands to my lips. Staring at my eyes, our faces inches close from each other. He slowly leaned in looking at my lips. Finally his lips touch mine kissing me slowly as I kissed back.
After a 2 minutes kiss we pulled out in the lack of oxygen. Touching our foreheads we looked.at each other and smiled. We were enjoying our moment when the bell rang. He smiled at me before getting up and going to open the door. I also stood up and walked outside to see who was it. I walked out to see an old lady probably in her 70s sitting on the couch and Taehyung giving her water. He looked at me before saying, "Oh..umm mom meet Y/N" he said bringing me infront of her. Heh? Mom? Don't tell.me...no no no.... it's his mom! OMO. I'm so dead. I don't even-ughh nvm. Getting out of my thoughts I smiled and bowed at her. She smiled back saying, "Hey! I've heard so much about you!" She said but soon continued scanning me, "Ummm...did I disturb you? I'll get going then.." my eyes widened and I had surely turned red by now. "A-Anii it's not what you think" I said understanding what she meant.  "Yeah yeah, that's what kids these days" she said as I looked down in embarrassment. "Aish eomma! She is uncomfortable" he said as I grew red. "Yeah yeah whatever" she said and pulled me beside her on the couch. "Soo....how many months have been dating him huh" she asked as replied, "u-umm about 4 months I guess" I said as she smiled at me. I smiled back and we had a fun talk.

Kyeongie POV

I was with Yoongi and the others. We talking and having fun when some kids came running towards us. "Y-Y/N she was almost raped by T-Taeyong." One of the kid said as I looked at him with wide eyes. "Where is she!" I said now getting up as the kid said, "Taehyung.." he said as rushed over to Taehyung's place.

HA! Hey guys! Guess what!.....I'm back! Well i didn't know what to do so I updated..hehe...well anyways who's a fan of Park Sin Hye? Well I'm! I love her... she's a total savage! So I wanted to tell yall that her new drama is out! It's called Sisiphyus: The Myth.. check it out....it's available on Netflix.....and make sure to you know tell me in the comments. Byeeee

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