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18+ smut ahead

He had placed me on the bed. Hovering over me. Kissing me roughly as I responded. After a long kiss he pulled out, taking the only piece of cloth on me, out. Kissing me, down my collarbone. My eyes had been closed due to the sudden pleasure. Moaning at every move he made, it was like I was in heaven.

Moving down to my breast, he massaged them. I moaning louder than before. Taking his shirt out, revealing his perfect, chocolate abs. "Like what you see" he said smirking. Kissing me again as I responded.

After pulling out he undressed himself. Hovering back over me, he positioned himself. And without any warning, he pushed himself inside me. Moaning out loud, as a groan left his mouth. "You feel so good babe!" He said and groaned.

After a few more thrusts we both came. Pulling out, he fell on top of me as we laughed. "Tae you are heavy" I said, "Oh, sorry babe" he said getting off and laying beside me.

We got cleaned up and cuddled each other to sleep.

The next morning

I had gotten up early and freshened up. I had bought some if my clothes, but I still wore Tae's hoodies. I liked them. They were comfy and smelled like vanilla. I was currently making me and Tae breakfast.

I flipped the omlette which was sizzling on the hot pan. Rolling it up, I placed it on the plate. Breaking one more egg for me, I put it on the pan. After making the omlettes, I put some bacon in the pan and let it cook.

The breakfast was ready. Some omlettes, bacon with hot, fresh coffee. I smiled. I was gonna go upstairs and wake up the cute bear, who was still sleeping. I turned around, about to go to wake him up, to see him coming down.

His hair was still wet. Guessing he just had a fresh shower. He was shirtless and looking perfect as always. I stood there staring at him. He looked at me and smirked. "Hey babe" he said coming towards me. I smiled, "Hey!" I said.

He sat down and smiled at me. "What's in breakfast?" He asked as I smiled, "Not too special, it's just omlettes, bacons and fresh coffee" I replied. Picking the plates up, I put them on the table.

We had finished the breakfast and I was washing the dishes. Even Tae told me not to, but I still did. He was cleaning the house. We had school in a few hours so, I was hurrying up. Putting the last plate on the counter, I didn't notice and it fell on the floor, making a big noise.

Hearing that noise, Tae hurried up to the kitchen. Running up towards me, he scanned me. "Yah! Be careful! You could've got hurt!" He said. I just stared at him, I didn't know what to say. "Yah! Are you listening!?" He asked as I nodded, blinking my eyes.

In school

We were in school. It was like hell, today. Yeah. I wasn't really feeling it today. What happened yesterday just made me uncomfortable. Taeyong kept trying to talk to me. He wouldn't leave me alone. Right now he was following me. I wish I could punch him in the face. I was minding my business when someone pinned me to the locker. Looking at the person mad eme wanna throw up. "What the fuck?!" I yelled, gaining attention.

"I told you..you belong to me!" He yelled back. That's it I couldn't hold it anymore. Punching him in the face, as he looked at me with bleeding lips. He smirked, "I guess you really have the guts to hit your own boyfriend in the face" he said. Punching him again, I said, "You are not my boyfriend! I have one who loves me more than you! So, I will appreciate if you walk out of my life!" I said, glaring at him. "How about a no" he said, again walking closer to me. Pushing him, "I siad leave!" I yelled with glaring eyes. He glanced at me one last time before glaring at me and then leaving.

Sighing, I looked at the crowd. "What!? Go do your work!" I said, as the crowd slowly lessened up. Sighing, again I turned to the locker and took the books I needed. I was gonna grab the last book when someone back hugged me. "I saw..are you ok?" Asked a deep, husky voice. Smiling I turned around to see a worried Tae. "Ofcourse! Plus I got someone better after loosing someone really useless" I replied smiling. He smiled and nodded. We headed to our classes.

After school

Me and Tae had decided to have dinner at a really famous place near his house. I wore a simple and cute outfit. I let my hair loose and didn't wear any make up. It was just dinner and some...drinks I guess.

I walked out of the room to see Tae sitting on the couch. "Hey..let's go?" I asked, he nodded.

We reached. It was a small place but the food was really good.

This boy. he's drunk. I don't know how he drank this much. He can't handle these things. I shook my head. Sighing as I looked at the cutest version of hin. I like him drunk. He acts really cute. I smiled. He was eating the food we ordered.

"Let's go home?" I said. We had payed our bill and she was still sitting on the table. "Hmm?" he said looking at me. "You want to go home?" he said in a drunk tone. Giggling, I nodded.


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