Movie Night...... Ruined 😑

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Kyeongie POV

Reaching at his place I rang the doorbell. After a minute or two an old lady opened the door. I didn't waste no time but rushed in to see Y/N sitting on the couch and Taehyung cooking something in the kitchen. I looked at Y/N and rushed towards her. Giving her a hug and asking her all what happened she panicked. "What happened? Tell me!?" I said as the old lady who opened the door said, "Aigoo whoever did that to my future daughter in law has to be punished!" I looked at her and then back at Y/N. "What's going on? And who is she?" I asked as Y/N replied, "She is Taehyung's Emmoa" I looked at Taehyung and then at the lady. She does look a lot like him tho. I thought and bowed at her. "Mianeyo I didn't even ask if I could come in" I said feeling a little embarrassed. "Ahh~gwenchana gwenchana~~" she said. I smiled at her and we had a fun time.

Time Skip (8:00)

After some time Taehyung's mom went home and that brat.... Kyeongie she left too... saying, "I think you need some time alone" sometimes I wonder what's going on I side the nasty little brain of hers. I shook my head and went back to making Jajangmyeon. After making I served it on the table and called Taehyung. "Tae, come and have dinner" I said.

Time Skip 10 pm

Y/N pov

We were currently cuddling each other on the couch watching some movies together. We were enjoying our moment when the bell rang.  This is the second time this is happening today! I thought before getting up and walking towards the door while stomping my feet. I opened the door to see some unexpected guests who were not supposed to be here. It was the members and Kyeongie. That brat. I thought before glaring at Kyeongie and then smiling at members.

Taehyung was a bit taken back to see his hyungs standing there with pillows, food and much more stuff. "So, we will be staying over tonight..ok?" Jin hyung asked as we both nodded while smiling at them. " about we play some games then!" Kyeongie asked as we all nodded agreeing to what she said.

The rest of the night was pretty fun, but still I was kinda sad that the our movie night got ruined. *Sigh😔*. At the end we were all pretty wasted because of the soju and beer but it was still fun.

I woke up to the sunlight hitting my face as I tried getting up adjusting to sunlight to realise Taehyung had wrapped his hand around me. I slowly and carefully took his hands out getting up to see we were sleeping in the living room. Jmin and Jungkook were hugging each other, Jin and Namjoon were holding hands, Hobi was just sleeping alone while.......*smirks* Kyeongie and Yoongi were cuddling each other. Kyeongie had her lags and hands around Yoongi's neck while he was just sleeping peacefully. Hmmm I have to do something about them. I thought as I smirked to the idea that had come in my mind. I slowly walked towards the both of them with my phone and took a picture. But to my misfortune the camera di a sound causing the othe members to wake up. Slowly they gathered up and we all were having fun seeing them being so cute like this. They were still sleeping peacefully when Kyeongie moved a bit.

Kyeongie POV

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Kyeongie POV

I woke up to the sound of someone taking a picture. I shot my eyes open to see Y/N holding her phone in her hand while pointing her phone towards me. I looked at confused but then looked at the other members to see them giggling and laughing while looking at her phone. I tried got up and went towards her to see a pic of me and Yoongi sleeping while cuddling each other. My eyes widened as I tried snatching away the phone causing her to run around her to run around the house as the members laughed.

Time Skip at school

We were in our classes when Nancy came in with her minions. I sighed. Don't they have any other work to do rather than troubling me. I thought, before looking at her blankly. "What do you want?" I asked as she chuckled and said, "Ummm....I want a nerd like you to leave this's for rich students and not for poor people like you. I chuckled and looked at the time. "Honey look at this watch? It costs more than your cheap and rented dress" I said as she glared at my before trying to slap me but the teacher came. I smirked before whispering in her ear. "Honey, I don't think the teacher would want you to beat me up do you?" I sat back down and smiled innocently as she left the class with her minions.

Hey guys! U-umm ik ik I am a bit

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Hey guys! U-umm ik ik I am a bit....I mean too late but I was so into my other stuff that I wasn't able to update. Hehe. AnD....guys I-...umm NVM I forgot. So byE I guess...

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