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Y/N Pov

I took a fresh shower and wore something nice and comfy. I got out of the bathroom to see Taehyung sitting on the bed using his phone. He looked at me and said,"oh! You came..... I'll go cleanup then" he went inside the bathroom. After about 15 min he I heard the bathroom door open. I looked apthere to see a shirtless Taehyung standing infront of me. He looked hella hot. His hair were still wet and his toned abs were just perfect. He looked at me and I quickly looked away with red cheeks. "W-Hat are y-you doing h-here go w-wear some c-clothes" i said,"aishhhhh Why did I stutter". "Nothing Princess i forgot to take my clothes" he said smirking. Suddenly he started walking towards me I got up from the bed and walked a Little backwards. This happened until my back hit the wall. I mentally cursed at myself. Now I had no chance. He had trapped me with his hands and his face was inches close from mine. His hot breathe was hitting my face and we were breathing the same air. He started getting closer and closer until our noses touched. Now I had enough even though I wanted this to happen I pushed him away and ran downstairs with red flushed cheeks. My outfit:

Taehyung's Pov

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Taehyung's Pov

I was about to kiss her when she pushed me and ran downstairs. I chuckled softly. I saw how red she was. She is so cute!! I looked at myself and got changed into something nice. My outfit:

 My outfit:

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Y/N Pov

I was waiting for him because Jennie Unnie said that we had to go for a hike. I was quite excited because I love hiking and it was almost  3:30 so we'd be able to see the sunset. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard 'our' room door click. I looked up to see Taehyung coming down. Damn he looked hot. I quickly looked away remembering what happened in the room few minutes ago. "Hey! Jennie unnie called saying we have to meet up at the reception."  I said as he nodded and said," why tho?" ," The teacher said we have go hiking" I said explaining. He nodded and we left the cottage heading towards the reception. We reached there to see Jisoo unnie and Jin oppa both holding hands and Rosé unnie and Jimin oppa acting like couples. And there I saw Jennie Unnie and Kai oppa acting as they are married. Heh...........? My ships already SAILED. YESSSS!!!! I went towards them and pulled Jisoo unnie, Rosé unnie and Jennie Unnie at a side. They looked at me confused and I smirked," so........My ships sailed huh?" I said as they looked down blushing hard and nodded continuously. I chuckled. Atleast they are happy. "I'm so happy for you all plus I had made ships too- Jinsoo, Jirosé, Jenkai" they looked at me with widened eyes as I giggled and they suddenly hugged me tightly I smiled and hugged back. " Are you done cause we want our girlfriends back" someone said as I looked over to see Jimin, Jin and Kai giving us not so happy expressions. I giggled and pulled away as they took there 'girlfriends' back. "Ok! So let's go!" We heard the teacher say as we followed her.

Time Skip at the mountain top
We took almost two hours reaching at the top. But it was beautiful. We had reached there at the perfect timing I'd say. We were taking pictures when Taehyung pulled me by waist and made me look at him. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. He touched our foreheads and put one of his hand on my cheeks. "Y/N I love you, I don't think I should do this but I can't hold myself back now" he said and crashed his lips on mine. They were soft and sweet. He started moving them and without thinking I kissed him back. After almost a two minute kiss we pulled back and he smiled and attached our foreheads. We were breathing heavily because of the kiss but we didn't care. "I love you too" I said and looked at him smiling as he smiled im his cute boxy smile and hugged me. I smiled and hugged back. We were lost in our own world when someone cleared their throat. We pulled away and looked at the direction to see the whole class looking at us. Suddenly they started clapping and cooing. I smiled and looked at Taehyung to see him on his knees," so... Choi Y/N will you be my girlfriend" he said as I nodded continuously. He immediately got up and pulled in for another kiss. We were lost in our own world when we heard the camera click we pulled away to see Jennie Unnie giggling at the camera. I went towards her and had a look to see his:

I looked at Jennie Unnie and she smiled and said," you two make the best couple" I smiled and nodded

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I looked at Jennie Unnie and she smiled and said," you two make the best couple" I smiled and nodded. "Yah! You better take care of her" I heard Jin oppa saying," Oppa you also better take my besties" I said as they blushed and nodded.

Time Skip at the cottage

Contains 18+ smut (watch at your own risk)

We came back home almost at 11. Me and Taehyung were already tired so we had fresh shower and were ready for bed. I was laying on the bed when Taehyung hovered above me. I looked at him confused but he smirked. He kissed me roughly as I responded. He broke the kiss and started trailing small kisses down to my neck. My breath was shaking and I was trying my best not to moan. He found my sweet spot as I left a little moan. I could feel him smirk through my skin and sucked at the spot hard leaving hickeys all over my neck. I was moaning and he loved it.

He went down to my chest part as I gasped feeling his touch. His one hand went inside my t-shirt as he unbuckled my bra and threw it away somewhere in the room. He soon took out my t-shirt too. Now I was left in nothing but my jeans. He pulled away and looked at me. I felt embarrassed so I tried to cover myself but it didn't work,"no need babygirl you look beautiful" he said and attacked me with another kiss. His one hand was on my cheek and the other made its way towards my clothed clit which was already wet. He took My jeans out and made his way inside my panties. I moaned because of his touch.

He smirked," wet for Daddy I see" he said and undressed. His toned abs were just perfect. He smirked and positioned himself on me. Without any warning he pushed himself inside me as I moaned loud . He started moving inside me. "It hurts" I said between my tears. He wiped my tears and said," it will be fine after some time". He kissed me. After the pain went away and it felt more like pleasure. We both were moaning mess. He went faster and faster.

After sometime I cummed on his d*ck and he cummed on my stomach. I didn't want to be pregnant you know. He fell beside me breathing heavily. We both looked at each other and smiled. He pulled me closer and said," I love you" I smiled and said," I love you too" after that we cleaned ourselves up and went to sleep.

H-Hey guys....... bestie was like,"Yah! Add some smut in your story" so here I am. Plus I'm so done with her right now I feel like I can kill her but don't worry I WILL NOT. Anyways gUyS I hope you like it and if my bestie is reading this.........girl don't worry you'll have to add smut to your story too......and.......don't worry I was cringing to myself writing this....I'm so sad and hurt you know🥴😭 just kidding....hehe byeeeeeeeeeeeeee 

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