Lee Taeyong

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Y/N Pov

I was currently in the broadcasting room with my guitar. I sighed and sat down on one of the chairs. I took my guitar and started singing:

Taehyung's Pov

I was walking back to the class when I heard soft sobs. I we towards the sound and there I saw my....my baby, my love, my everything sitting on the ground crying. I wanted to find out what was going on so I didn't go near her. She after a while stopped crying and went somewhere. I followed her. She had her guitar in her hand and she entered the broadcasting room. I didn't go inside and stared at her from outside to see her sitting down near one of the mics and started to sing. When she started she didn't realise that she was broadcasting live. Her song was on air. I smiled listening to her angle like voice. Everyone was whispering and appreciating about it. The song was soothing and relaxing. After she finished she got up from the chair and was walking towards the door. I quickly hid and she just walked away. That's when I saw hyungs and noona walking towards me. I smiled as they said,"hey, what are you doing here" Jennie asked as I said rasing my right brow," what are YOU guys doing here?" They smiled and Jisoo noona said,"ah! Nothing we came here listening to the broadcast, the girl had such a nice voice" I smiled and said,"it was Y/N" they looked at me," I knew it!" Jungkook said," well anyways where is she" Jin hyung asked,"I don't know" I said as we all giggled and talked for a while. 

Kyeong's Pov

I was walking towards my class. I reached there and when I was about to go inside I heard sobs. I looked through the window to see Y/N sitting in the middle of the class her hair covering her face and...........and she was crying? Why? Did something happen? Is she sad? All the thoughts were flooding in my mind. Without a second thought I entered the classroom with no voice. She was still crying. I went towards her and put my hand on her shoulder. She flinched and slowly looked up. After she looked at me she hugged me tightly and sobbed. I could do nothing but hug her back and calm her down. After she calmed down I made her sit down and asked,"now tell me what happened?" She replied,"h-he's b-back" thinking who's he I asked,"who?","L-Lee T-Taeyong" she said now looking in my eyes. My eyes widened at the thought of him.

A/N Pov

So......Lee Taeyong is Y/N's ex. They used to be in a relationship in America . He used to abuse her and if she disobeyed he even raped her. Thinking why she didn't fight back? Well because she thought that he'll change but he didn't so, One day she was looking for him and when she finally found him she saw him with a random girl making out in his car. She was heart broken and hurt so the next day she left a note and left and they never met again. That's all for now 🙂

Y/N Pov

She had her eyes wide and was shocked. She knew how much I went through by loving that piece of shit. "Really!?" She finally said. I nodded and her eyes went dark. I knew how much she hated him from the start. "It's fine, even if he comes back, I'll have Taehyung" I said and her eyes went soft and she smiled. "Well anyways I think someone's interested in Yoongi oppa~~" I said changing the topic. She looked down blushing and I giggled. "Ummm.....so it's true~~~" I said teasingly as as she blushed harder. I knew it! They're gonna make a perfect couple. I was about to say something when the bell rung. "You're saved by the bell, anyways be ready after class were going shopping." I said and she nodded. We both took our seats and the students started to enter including Blackpink After sometime the teacher came and started the class.

After school at home.

I told Blackpink to come over too so, right now we were in my room talking Kyeongie and Yoongi oppa. "So guys my bestie likes Yoongi oppa~~" I said ina teasing tone as they looked at me happy. "Ashincha?!( Really)" I nodded as they said, while Kyeongie was blushing. We had decided to go shopping so we got ready and got into my car and went off. Me:


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After shopping

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After shopping

We had decided to have a decent dinner because we were not so hungry. We had samgyeopsal and soju. We had a full blast and now Unnies were pretty drunk so we decided to give them a drive home. They were pretty hard to handle but we handled anyways. After reaching we went inside and I took Jennie Unnie and Rosé unnie while Kyeongie took Jisoo unnie. We laid them in their beds and left the house. The house pretty big and was all in the colour of baby Pink. It was pretty and casual. I'm sure they love the colour Baby Pink. Not lying that colour is pretty cute too. We went out, got in the car and drove off to my place. Kyeongie was refusing but she slept in the car so she had no choice.

Time Skip at home

I got at home and there were barely any lights on. I had texted mom telling her I'll be late and not to wait for me. I was walking towards my bedroom when I saw mom sleeping on the couch. I guess she slept while waiting for me. I went towards my bedroom laid Kyeongie on the bed, took her shoes off pulled the blanket over her body. After doing that I went downstairs and still saw mom sleeping. I guess she was really tired because of the work at the Company. I took one of her hand over my shoulders and took her to hers and dad's room. After laying her down and pulling the blanket over her body I left the room. I went in my bedroom did my night routine and went to sleep beside Kyeongie. 

Hey guys 😊 sorry for the late update. Hehe. Ummmmmm.... So we have another ship. HUH!! eeeeee....so excited for it. Anyways hope you like it byeeeeeeeeeeeeee. AND samgyeopsal image at the top. ByE

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