I Want Cuddles~

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A week later

I had moved back to my place. I didn't want to, but mom said she missed me so. Yeah. And now that I had returned, she wanted to meet Tae. I mean, she knows him. But hasn't met him yet. I had told Tae and he seemed really tensed about it. Mom had invited him for dinner tonight.

Tae Pov

Fuck! I'm really nervous. Y/N's mom wanted to meet me. What if she doesn't like me? What if she doesn't prove this relationship? What if I have to break up with her!? All these thoughts made me even more nervous. I sighed. "It's gonna be fine!" I said to myself and went back to do my work.

Still Tae Pov (8:00pm)

I was here. Standing infront of her huge house. I was really nervous. Sighing, I put on a smile and rang the bell. After a minute or two the door clicked open revealing, Y/N. I smiled at her. Smiling back as she welcomed me in. I was standing there nervously when I was hugged. Shocked, I looked at the person. It was her mom. Pulling out she smilingly looked at me. "Omo! You are so handsome my future-son- in-law" she said excitedly. I smiled awkwardly and looked at Y/N to see her blushing.

"Mom!" She whisper yelled at her. "Ah..no it's fine" I said smirking at Y/N. "Oh! Come in!" He mom said as I nodded.

Y/N Pov

We were all having dinner. It was quit fun. Dad was in chill mode which was the best that could happen. I was sitting right next to Tae. He seemed pretty comfortable with mom. I don't why he was so nervous before.

We had just finished our dinner, I was washing the dishes while Tae said he had to use the bathroom. I was doing my business when a hand snaked down my waist. I flinched. "Shhh...it's me" said Tae. I sighed. "You just gave me a mini heart attack" I siad turning around. "Sorry...I can make it up to you.." he said leaning in, kissing me. Giving in I slowly kissed him back.

We were in our own world when we heard some noises. Pushing Tae as I looked to see Mom. She was smirking. I looked at her glaring. "A-Ah..I'm so sorry I didn't me-" Tae was cut off by mom saying, "Ah no it's fine dear!" She said quiet excited. She really has something going on in her head. I thought looking at her suspiciously.

We were all talking in the living room when mom said, "Taehyung-ah it's quite late I think you should stay for tonight" she said. I looked at her glaring. "A-Ah no it's fine I'll just go back to my place.." Tae said smiling. "Noo~ it's quite late you are staying and that's my order" mom said. "O-Ok..I guess then" he said. "Yes! You can sleep in Y/N's room! I'll bring you something comfy to wear!" She said as Tae nodded.

Here we were. In my bedroom. Tae had got changed into some of Yeonjun oppa's clothes. We bith had finished our night routine. He was laying on the bed looking at me. It a total silence in the room when Tae said, "Let's just sleep~ I'm bored I want cuddles babe~" he said. Smiling I nodded. Crawling up in the bed I layed beside him. Hugging me as we cuddled up.

"Your mom is really nice" he said out of the blue. "Hmm.." I said giggling. "But we aren't doing what she expected us to" he said now smirking. Looking away with red cheeks, he giggled. "I mean..we can if you want" he said again as I hit his chest lightly.

The next morning

I had woken up a little early today. Tae was still sleeping. It was line 2 hours before school. So we had enough time. I had gotten ready and bought Tae all of his school things. Ofcourse he didn't bought them on the way here. Putting th on the bed I smiled and went downstairs to make us breakfast.

In school

We had reached at the school. Me and Tae didn't have the same classes which was sad. Sighing I took my books and head to the class.

AHH..we stop here! Make sure to vote and follow me for more content

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