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Y/N Pov

We walked inside my house and everyone got comfortable. After some while we decided to go have have some fun at the Club that had just opened. We all got ready and hopped in my limo and drove off to the club.

 We all got ready and hopped in my limo and drove off to the club

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This is what I looked like👆👆

This is what I looked like👆👆

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Blackpink 👆👆

Blackpink 👆👆

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At the Club

After the driver told us that we reached we got out of the limo and went inside to be welcomed by the smell of strong alcohol and people enjoying, dancing and drinking. We had booked a v.i.p place so we went there to see a table, almost full of alcohol. We went there and decided to play something. After spending 10 minutes to decide what to play we decided to play Truth or Dare. I was not in the mood to play something like that but everyone started to do the pUpPy EyE magic which I couldn't resist so I said yes. The first one on whom the bottle ended was Jimin. I decided to ask first so I asked," Do you have a crush on someone in this room" I said making him go red. He looked down and bit his lower lip. "Yes..." He said making me smirk, he noticed and said," okk!! Who's next" he said spinning the bottle. It stopped spinning and ended on Teahyung. "Dare" he said simply. " Kiss any girl in this room expect for me" Rosé said as Teahyung got up from his seat and started walking towards me. Heh..?? Waittt.... don't tell me he is going to kiss me...... I could feel the blood rushing towards my cheek as he bend on his knees and got closer to me now are faces inches close. I could feel his hot breathe hitting my face. Now I knew that I was 50 shades of red. Without wasting any time he got closer and before I could even say anything I felt his soft lips touch mine. He started moving his lips and all I could do was to kiss back. I didn't know if I should do that or not but something in me told me to do it so I did. He pulled back and smiled at me," thanks" he said as I looked down blushing hard and nodded. We looked at the members to see everyone shock and surprised. "Anyways!! Let's continue" Jin said as we started playing again.

After 1 hour

Everyone was already drunk. I didn't drink that much so I was okay but still going crazy. We were now dancing and going crazy on the dance floor when I spotted Momoland fighting with.....oh shoot! She fighting with my old school bullies. I decided to ignore them but that b¡cht Nancy called my name and I had to get into the fight now. "Long time no see Ms. Y/N" Hwasa said making me smirk and say," yeah bitch looks like you like me so much that you had to have a last fight with me". That's how you fight:

After turning the whole club into a mess that police had to get involved I took BTS and Blackpink and got out of the mess. We hopped in the limo and drove off to my house. We reached there and decided to sleep since we all were really drunk. The maids helped us get changed and showed BTS and Blackpink their rooms. I went in my room and I slept the minute my head hit the pillow.

Next morning

I woke up to a heavy headache and I couldn't remember anything that happened last night. Getting out of my thoughts I hopped out of bed and went inside the bathroom to do my morning routine. After finishing my business I wore some nice and cute clothes and went downstairs to have breakfast. I went down to see BTS and Blackpink already having their breakfast. I went towards them and sat next to Jimin oppa. They all looked at me and Jungkook said," You were amazing last night!!" He said as I frown and look ant him confused. That's when I remembered everything that happened last night. The kiss, the fight, Nancy, Club every. single. thing. I widened my eyes and  looked at them. They were all concentrated on their foods. I decided to ignore the blushing face of mine remembering the kiss and started to eat my food.

 I decided to ignore the blushing face of mine remembering the kiss and started to eat my food

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Food 👆👆

Hey guys hope you like this shitty chapter......idk like ya know my friend is an author so listen check her stories out pls......her nameBtsArmy7000 "Lucky girl" and "Keep Shining" and one more author who is my friendarmy4987 she is a really nice writer too he story name," Friendship stays forever". I love the way they write so pls check these stories out 🙂. And yeah I'm sorry I didn't upload I had the frikin exams so yeah... anyways meet you guys in the next chapter byeee

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