It's Fine.... I'll Wait

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I'm sorry for this many pics! Hehe enjoy 🙂
A week later

"Good morning babe" I said to Tae. But as expected, he gave no answer. I sighed. It's been a week since he's been ignoring me. I asked the others but they said it may be stress. I couldn't do anything cause he wouldn't talk to me. He has to open up so that we can find a solution to it.

"Ok then, I'm gonna go get fresh" I said, getting no response in return. I nodded and headed to the bathroom.

Tae Pov

I sighed as I looked at her heading towards the bathroom. I'm sorry bae. I have to..I thought to myself before going somewhere.

Y/N Pov

I walked out of the bathroom after a fresh shower. Looking around I didn't see Tae anywhere. I sighed. Out. Again. I sighed again and wore some of Tae's hoodies.

I had called Kyeongie over. I had talk things out. She will be here in a while so I had decided to make some snacks for us.

I was doing nothing when the bell rang. Getting up I walked towards the door. Opening it, I was welcomed by a hug. I slowly hugged back. Seperating from each other I invited her in.

"Do what did you wanna talk about?" She asked sitting on the couch. Nodding, I sat down beside her. "It's about Tae.." I said. She nodded and I continued.

"He's been acting strange...he doesn't talk to me..he doesn't answer when u ask's just wierd" I sighed.

"'s gonna be fine! He must be stressed.." she comforted. I nodded.


After a while she left. It was quite late and I was waiting for Tae to come back. I was kinda sleepy but I kept myself up.


Tae Pov

Oh fvck! I'm late. I hurriedly went inside. Opening the door, I went inside. Walking towards the living room, I started regretting ignoring her. She was sleeping on the couch. Heavily sighing, I walked towards her. Bending down to her, I slowly placed my hand on her cheek. Caressing it slightly, "I'm sorry.." I said. Getting up, I picked up her small body and went upstairs.

Placing her on the bed, I went to bathroom and had a fresh shower. Getting out, I wore some clothes and laid down beside her. "I'll make sure to give you the best of me tomorrow.." I said and went to sleep.

Y/N Pov

I woke up to an empty bed. I sighed. Getting up, I went the the bathroom and freshened up.

Walking downstairs I looked around, in search of Tae but he wasn't there. Walking towards the kitchen I saw some food. Smiling, I heated it up and ate it.

After eating, I decided to clean up the house when my phone buzzed. Looking at it, it was a message from Tae. Opening his chat window, I read the message.

Meet me at the xxx place at sharp 7 30. I wanna tell you something. And yeah! Your outfit is in the bag near your wardrobe!


I smiled and kept my phone aside.

At 7:30

I got ready and went to the place he told me to come to. My outfit:

 My outfit:

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