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Y/N Pov

After eating we decided to head to school. We got in my limo and drove off to school. After reaching I exited the limo and was followed by BTS and Blackpink. As we started walking towards the school gate we were welcomed by students screaming our names when I spotted the sluts walking towards us. They came and looked at me and then at BTS. Then what happened was unbelievable. They LITERALLY attacked them like they were their preys. ExCuSe Nancy was about to kiss Taehyung but he pushed her making me calm down and smirk. "Hun, I think you love attention, well if you love it that much, let me give you some more of it" I said and pulled her hair making her groan in pain," you bitch how dare you touch me" she said and was about to take my hand off her hair but I didn't give a chance and pulled her hair more tightly. "You think you can beat me huh.. well that's more of you" I said looking at her sarcastically as she shot a glare at me. "Oh hun, those glares of yours don't work on me" I said," you bitch leave Mee!!" She said as I pushed her to the ground as she groaned and shot me a glare. I went towards her and whispered in her ears, " listen hun, you stay away from me and my friends, I stay away from you, so better listen to me before I make your life MISERABLE" I said," I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!" she yelled at me before her minions took her away from us. I got up and looked over at all of them to see Blackpink looking at me proud af and BTS shooked and surprised af. I giggled of how funny TaeTae looked. After making everything normal we talked for a while and went inside the school. We went towards our lockers and headed to our classes.

After classue

We finished our classes and decided to go to the cafeteria as it was lunch time now. We went to the cafeteria and found a seat at the very corner of the cafeteria. We went there and settled down. After ordering the food we waited until our food came and after it came we ate and went back to our classes.

After school

I was walking towards my locker when I heard some noice more like moans and names. I went there to see Nancy having s*x with some random guy at school. I decided to take a video and take my revenge on her for kissing my TaeTae. After they finished and I finally could breathe properly because of the screaming and moaning made me naseous and I felt like puking. The boy threw money at her and left. She took the money," got the money" she said smirking and left too. "She really is a slut" I thought and put my books in the locker and left the place. I went towards where the others were and left from there.

Time Skip at home (at 8 pm)

I reached home and went towards my room. I gota fresh shower and changed into my PJ's as I wasn't going anywhere. After changing I went downstairs to see my brother sitting with four boys. Heh.....?? Who are they. I went towards them. Soobin oppa looked at me and said,"oh! Guys meet her she is my sister Y/N, and Y/N meet them, they are my friends, TXT" I smiled at them and bowed as the returned it. "Hey I'm Heuning Kai" the one with the prince look said. "Hiii!! I'm Taehyun" the one with cute big eyes said. "Hiii! I'm Beomgyu" said the one with grey colour hair and cute look. "Hi I'm Yeonjun I'm the oldest member" the one with the hella cute look and blue hair said. I smiled and said," Hiii!!! I'm Y/N it's really nice to meet you guys" I said, smiled  at them and bowed a bit. "Soobin oppa I'm going upstairs now I have school, so meet you later" I said as he nodded and I left from their after bidding them goodbyes. I went to my room and jumped on my bed and let the sleep take over me.

 I went to my room and jumped on my bed and let the sleep take over me

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TXT👆👆Next morning

I woke up and did my morning routine. I wore something cute and comfy. I didn't do much make up and let my hair loose. I took my things and went downstairs to have breakfast. I went downstairs to see TXT and dad eating peacefully and mom making breakfast. I went towards mom and kissed her cheek saying," good morning mom!!" She smiled and said,"good morning, good morning my daughter" I giggled and sat down as she gave me food and I started eating.

 I went towards mom and kissed her cheek saying," good morning mom!!" She smiled and said,"good morning, good morning my daughter" I giggled and sat down as she gave me food and I started eating

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Outfit 👆

Time Skip at school (sorry your author-nim is lazy)

I was taking my books from my locker. I took all books I needed and went to my class to see Blackpink waiting for me. They looked at me and waved at me I smiled and went towards them. I sat next to Rosé unnie and we talked for a while. After sometime the teacher came in and started teaching.

Time Skip after school 😅😅😅

I told Blackpink and BTS to go first so I was all alone. Right now I was in the hallway near my locker keeping my books in it. I was about to keep the last book in it when I felt someone pushing me hard against the locker I was surprised so I shut my eyes. It was almost half a minute but I didn't feel anything so I opened my eyes to see Teahyung's face inches close from me. His hot breathe hitting my face. I could see his perfect visuals and his hotness...ughh it was killing me. My heart was beating fast and I was red like a tomato. He backed off and started laughing at me," look at you, all red" he said as I looked down embarrassed. "Anyways I came here to call you come fast we all are waiting at the school gate". He said and left. "AISHHHHH" I said "I could've died by the closeness you know" I said out of TrUsFrAtIoN.

Hey guys hope you like this chapter ☺️☺️......and Looooooooooooooooooveeeeee you guys like we reached 100+ reads you know!!!! Anyways ttyl byeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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