Double Date~

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Y/N Pov

I was in the school cafeteria and Kyeongie and Yoongi were still not here. "Hey! Where is Kyeongie and Yoongi?" I asked Rosé as she shook he head before saying, "We thought she was with you..?". I shook my head indicating that she wasn't with me. The looked at each other and then at me smirking and smiling at the same time. "Hey~" Rosé said as I looked at her suspiciously before asking, "What?" Their smirk grew bigger as Rosé continued, "How about we set her a blind date with Yoongi?~" I looked at them surprised. "Oh! I didn't expect that! Well.....we can but they both have to agree on it" I siad as they nodded before all the boys came and sat on their seats. Me and Taehyung sat together same went for Jisoo unnie and Jin oppa, Jimin oppa and Rosé, Jungkook and Lisa. Jennie is still single you kNoW. Thinking of Jennie she likes that new guy too right? What was his name again....hmm yeah! Kai! Yeah him! How about I set both of them blind dates? Ooooo that sounds fun. I thought before looking at Jennie and then smirking when Kyeongie appeared out of nowhere saying, "Hey guys! Sorry I was a bit late..I was just busy in some stuff". We all nodded understanding. "Let's start eating?" I asked breaking the silence as they all nodded and we digged into our food.

I was currently with Taehyung getting back to the class after lunch. He had his hand securely around me and we were walking in the corridor with everyone looking at us. It was normal for us cause he was really famous in the school. Walking we heard whispers like ohh... look at his girlfriend! She is so pretty!, I know right I wish I was the one walking her to her class, Hey! Taehyung oppa is really handsome too you know!, Yeah Yeah. I giggled hearing the whispers as Taehyung just smiled at me. We were walking when Taehyung pulled me into the girls locker room. Pinning me to on of the lockers, he looked into my eyes. His one hand was still on my waist and second one on my cheeks.
My heat was racing and felt like it would pop out any second. He suddenly started moving forward and closing his eyes. My eyes were already looking at his lips as he moved closer. Finally our lips touching he started moving them. Kissing me passionately as I gave in knowing I had no choice left. He smiled through the kiss as we continued. He pulled out smiling at me and then connecting our foreheads as I giggled. " could've told me!" I siad as he chuckled and said, "If I would've done that I don't think I would get my kiss". My cheeks heated up as I snuggled into his chest hearing a giggle from him. "You are really cute" he said before hugging me back.

Taehyung Pov

I dropped her off at her class and rushed for my own. Reaching there I sat down at my place which was in between Jungkook and Yoongi. I sat down and got my books. I smiled remembering what happened earlier in the locker room. I looked down whispering, "Cute". My bad the both of them heard it. "What? Who's cute?!" Said Jungkook trying to hold his excitement. I chuckled and shook my head as nothing happened. "Let him be..I'm sure something happened between him and Y/N" said Yoongi Hyung as I looked at him shocked as he smirked as me. " this is how you want it huh.." I said as he nodded and I continued, "And what's going on in between you and Kyeongie huh?" I asked in a teasing tone as I could see his cheeks lit up. I chuckled and said, "Come on I know you like her..." I siad as he looked away saying, "Yeah so what are you gonna do about it huh?!" He said as I chuckled and said, "How about I set up a date for you both? That'd be fun...hmm what do you think" he looked at me and then at the teacher. "O-Ok Fine but if anything goes wrong I'll kill you" he siad as I nodded.

After school

Y/N Pov

I was waiting for Taehyung as everyone had left already. Kyeongie was gonna stay with me at my house and she was really lazy to wait so I told her to go first. After waiting for 5 minutes he finally showed up and waved at me as I smiled and waved back. He ran towards me and hugged me as I hugged him back smiling. "Hey! I think you would already go back home!" He siad as I smiled and shook my head. "Anyways, I thought about it and I thought it was a really good idea soo...." He siad as I nodded before him continuing, "I was thinking to set up a date for Yoongi Hyung and Kyeongie..hmm what do you think?" He asked as I looked at him surprised and happy before nodding continuously. He chuckled and we went to our homes discussing.

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