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Y/N Pov
At morning

I woke up to the direct sunlight hitting my face. I looked at my side to see Kyeongie still sleeping. I got up and went inside the bathroom to do my morning routine. After done i came out to see Kyeongie still sleeping. I sighed and went towards her. I snatched the blanket folding it and keeping it units place as she groaned. "Yah! Why~~ just two minutes more~" she said whinning as I took her hands making her stand up and showing her into the bathroom. After she was ready we looked at each and went downstairs to have breakfast:

 After she was ready we looked at each and went downstairs to have breakfast:

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Time Skip at school

We reached school a bit early so me, Kyeongie and unnies were talking when I felt someone back hugging me. I knew who was it so I smiled. "Taehyung!~" I said as I felt his face in the crook of my neck. I smiled as the others were completely visible now. I smiled more widely. This is amazing! Living with someone you love and having friends who would never leave you! I thought as we went back to talking and teasing each other. We were talking when we heard whispers and cooing. We looked at the direction to see a huge crowd surrounding someone. That's when the teacher came, "Yah! Leave him alone!" He said as the crowd slowly disappeared making the person who was surrounded visible. As soon as I saw the person my jaw dropped, eyes filling with tears, legs trembling and hands shaking. I was in my worst state. I never imagined this. I never wanted this. He was back.....Lee Taeyong. Kyeong noticed and held my hand lightly making me feel safe and calm down a bit. Thankfully no one had noticed my behavior. I turned to them to see them already staring at me, "Let's go to class now" I said as they nodded and we went our ways.

Time Skip at luch

It was lunch time and we were heading towards the cafeteria. We reached there to see one table at the corner empty so we sat there. After settling down and ordering our food we were waiting and talking when we heard coos and whispers. I knew it was him so I didn't dare to look back. The coos soon went louder and I could feel a presence behind me. I gasped. It was him. AISHHHH! I swear I don't wanna cause a scene here!  I thought as I looked back to see Taeyong. Aish! I didn't plane this! I thought again seeing him right infront of my face. Suddenly I could feel a hand around my waist. I knew it was Taehyung. He slowly pulled me towards him and looked at Taeyong calmly. "Hey bro! I'm sure you're new what your name by the way?" He asked  as Taeyong smiled and offers his hand to shake before speaking, "Taeyong.... Lee Taeyong" he said as Taehyung nodded and shook hands with him. After talking to him for a while the others introduced themselves and iNvItEd him to sit and eat with us. Me and Kyeongie were a bit uncomfortable with it but managed anyways. The luch was pretty hard. The moment I took a bite he asked me a question that made me uncomfortable. AISH! Igeisegi! I hate that jerk.

After lunch..
In classue

We had music class. It was with me Taehyung Kyeongie and Yoongles oppa. Unluckily that jerk and Nancy was there too. The both can't leave me alone! I'll go crazy if they stay with me. I thought fake crying a bit not making it obvious. But I was happy at the same time~~. Kyeongie and Yoongles oppa sat together so ya know.....I was dancing inside. I was happy not thinking about him when the teacher called me, "Y/N how about you sing first" she said smiling as I nodded and went towards the mic. I looked at Taeyong before starting to sing

After finishing I went back to my place. The next was Kyeongie. I was excited for her. She sings better than me:

I was sure it was for Yoongles oppa. Hehe. She came back to her seat sat back and smiled at me as I shot her a smirk going near her ear and whispering, "It was for Yoongi oppa right?" She looked at me with her eyes wide while I just smiled at her, "I'm your bestie you know" I said making her blush and hit me on the arm. I smiled knowing it was true. It's sailing~. I thought and smiled at myself.

Time Skip after classue

The school was over now. FINALLY! I'm free. Away from hell. I was standing on the school gate with Taehyung, Yoongles and Kyeongie. Taehyung was back hugging me with his face in the crook of my neck. And Yoongles and Kyeongie were talking about something. Idk. That's when a bike past us making Kyeongie to fall on Yoongi oppa. OoOooOoo. This is gonna be fun~ I thought. That's when the other appeared. BUt the both of them literally had no reaction. It was like they were in their own world. Hehe. I walked towards them slowly and took away Kyeongie away. That's when they came to there senses. I could see the both of them blushing so I decided to add so e more spice to it. "Omo! Gweanchana-ahyo?" I asked as she nodded. "How was it? And why didn't you kiss him!?" I said again making her eyes go wide and blush a bit. "A-Ahmm.... Yah! Stop!" She said as I giggled seeing her state. I looked at Yoongi oppa to see him smiling. I'm sure they love each other! I thought and we continued with the talk.

At home

Me and Kyeongie were at home...bored. We were just laying on the bed doing nothing when I suggested, "Yah! Let's go out for a walk hm?" I asked as she shook her head saying no. Aish! This lazy girl! Just like Yoongi. I thought and said, "Ok then I'll go alone" I said. I wore my coat and exited the house. I decided to go to the park I usually go to and turned on the GPS. Not to mention I am not good at keeping track of places. Hehe. After reaching I saw a cafe open so I decided to have some coffee before going. I entered making the bell ring. I went inside and ordered what I wanted. After drinking and all I paid and exited the shop. I was walking when I was pulled in an alley. It was almost 7:00 so it was pretty dark and hard to see. That's when someone pushed me to the wall and said, "Hey there babygirl" and kissed me roughly. I knew the voice. It was Taeyong. I tried to escape but no use. He was strong. My eyes filled with tears as I begged him to stop. But he wouldn't listen. This is it. The end of my life. I'm done. There's nothing else left. I had lost my hope when he started undressing me. Each and every move he'd take, he'd say you're mine or you belong to me. I was naked from the upper part. He was gonna go more further when someone punched him making him fall on the ground. I fell on the ground and before falling unconscious the only thing that came out of my mouth was, "" and all dark.

HIIIIIII! HA GUESS WHAT......IM BACK! AnYwAyS.... sorry for the late update. I'm not going to update for the next two weeks so yeah...I have my finals so gotta study hard. Wish Me Luck! HWAITING! Byee!

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