Why Are You Here!?

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We had got back to school. We in our classrooms currently, having fun talking and teasing each other. I was still not able to walk properly. Glad the fact that Tae had the same class as me. Atleast he helped me in walking and getting things that I wanted. It was not that obvious but my bestie, I mean Kyeongie had noticed it and started giving me looks. I swear I wanna kill her right now. I thought and sighed.

The class had finished and I was at my locker, getting the book I needed for the next class. I was doing my business when someone dragged me out of the school. I couldn't see who was it. Finally stoping at the back of the school I got to see who it really was. Lee Taeyong...I looked at him in anger, what does he want now? I thought. "There's no one saving you this time..babygirl, you thought you could get away" he laughed evily and continued, "You are mine and always will be!" He yelled, I just stared at him blankly. "You know I'm already in a relationship...And I fucking love him" I said calmly as he yelled, again, "What did I ever do! You left me! And now with that asshole! Come back to me Y/N..." I sighed. I was boiling in anger, "You! You broke me! And you know what! That asshole you are talking about loves me to death!" I yelled back. "I don't really care.. you are coming with me!" He said, about to approach me, when I felt someone pulling me.

I looked up to see...

Taehyung Pov

I couldn't hold it anymore. He was trying to take my girl away. I went towards them, pulling her towards me. "Bro, I think you should back off before I beat your ass to death.." I said glaring at him. I looked at Y/N to see her smiling at me. Looking back at the furious and jealous Taeyong, I smirked. His face was worth it, red from all the anger. He pushed me. I smirked, "Let this begin" I punched him right in the face. He held the part that was bleeding and looked at me, glaring. "I told you" I shrugged. "You!" He said punching me but I dogged. Punching him again and again as he fell down. Hovering over him I punched him again.

Y/N Pov

I had to stop this. He had beaten him up too much. I rushed over to him and held his arm lightly. Looking up at me and then back at Taeyong, he sighed. Getting up as he shot a last glare and him and dragged me away. Half way to the class I stopped. Pulling him to me, I scanned his face. It was bruised. His face was badly bruised but still he looked angelic. Worriedly scanning his face, he smiled at me. "Why did you stop we need to attend a class you know" he said. I glared at him, "Why did you do that.. you're hurt so badly now!" I whisper yelled at him. "C'mon we are getting late" he said again dragging me.

At home

I had decided to stay here, at Tae's place for a few day. I can't live without him anyways. I was currently looking at his wounds so that I could aid them. His face was like inches close from me. Taking the ointment in my finger I looked at him, again and moved closer. Slowly putting the ointment on his lips, he hissed, "Sorry!" I said. He pulled me closer to him, "So, you broke one more rule today.." he said as my eyes widened. "W-What.." I stuttered. "And this time it's gonna be harder.." he smirked.

⚠️ Warning 18+ content ahead ⚠️

Kissing me roughly, as I kissed back. Trailing his one hand inside my shirt. Unbuckling my bra as he threw it across the room. Pulling out he looked at me and took my shit out. Trailing kisses down my collarbone as his hands played with my breasts. I was a moaning mess.

He suddenly got up and carried me. Walking towards the bedroom. Shutting the door with his legs as he place me on the bed. Hovering over me as I stopped him, "Tae...I'm already sore" I said as he smirked, "Then I'll try to be gentle" he said as he trailed his one hand down my panties. Gasping at his touch, he put two fingers inside me, giving me pain and pleasure at the same time.

Thrusting harder as I cummed after a few thrusts.  Taking his finger out he licked the liquid. He was about to undress himself when the bell rang.

Frowning he looked at me, "I'll be back" he said and exited the room.

After waiting for a while, when he didn't come back I got up, wearing his shirt I exited the room. What I saw next shook me. All the members and unnies including Kyeongie were here. Blinking my eyes, I made sure this wasn't a dream. I looked at Tae to see him looking at the members glaring. "Why are you here!?" I said as they looked at me. "Yah! We heard what happened so we thought to come here and check on you!" Said Rap Jin. I sighed. Nice timing guys I thought.

I sighed. Everyone was still here. I looked at Tae to see him sighing too. We all were having fun but I don't think Tae was really in the mood. You got saved right now, when they go you are dead. I thought to myself.

After an hour, they finally left. Me and Tae were alone, cleaning the mess they made. Picking up the last wrapper and putting it in the bin, I sat on the couch.

Gasping when I felt someone picking me, I opened my eyes to see Tae. "Babe we have something to complete" he said smirking


The Fake Nerd [Kim Teahyung]Where stories live. Discover now