Bonus Chapter!

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I smiled at the guests, I looked around for someone. Sighing as I didn't see him around. Where are you Tae!? Ughh- and where is-! I was suddenly pulled and pinned by someone. Looking at the person made me angry.  "Yah! Are you crazy!? And where were you!? And where is-" he shushed me by putting his finger on my lips. Slowly removing it as he leaned over. Kissing me as I responded.

We were in our moment when, "Eomma! Appa! What are you doing?" Asked a familiar voice. Pushing him as I nervously looked at her. Kneeling down to her I smiled. "Yah! Kim Aera! What are you doing here! Huh?" Asked Tae.

"I was here with imo and samchon! But then they got lost" she said innocently. Chuckling as I said, "They got lost or you are the one you got lost" I smiled. "No they are the one who got lost" she said while pouting. Laughing at her as we both smiled at each other.

We were talking to with Aera when Kyeongie and Yoongles oppa called our names. Smiling as we hugged each other.

"Aera! I thought you are lost! You know I was so scared of what will your eomma do to me!" She said sighing as we laughed.

"Imo I didn't get lost! You were lost so I came back to eomma and Appa!" She said innocently. I don't think I own this hella ass cute child. I thought as I smiled at her.

"Yah! Why the both of you are always not there when we need you huh!?" Asked Jin oppa in an angry tone.

"Sorry" me and Tae said making everyone burst into laughter.


Slowly placing her on the bed I went to our room and got changed into one Tae's hoodies. Ik that became a habit now. I went downstairs to see Tae making something. "What are you making this late at night Tae?" I asked.

"Well I was hungry and I know you didn't eat much at the party too so I made some ramen for the both of us" he said.

Nodding I smiled and sat down on the dining table. "I still can't believe my child is not savage! She is fucking cute!" I smiled thinking about her.

"Ofcourse! She's my daughter!" He said proudly as I chuckled and said, "Yeah Yeah, well if you're done I'm starving" I said as he chuckled and served us some ramen.

The next day

"Aera! Come fast! You'll be late for school hun!" I called out. She ran down as I handed her, her lunch box and bid her goodbye.


I smiled as I got in the car. I had to pick up Aera from school. Tae opened the door and sat beside me as we drove off to her school.

Reaching there, we went inside go pick her up. Walking in her class as I saw a lady scolding her. Heh? What did she do? Confused, I walked towards them. "What happened? Why are you scolding her?" I asked confused of what she did.

"What did she do!? She pulled my daughter's hair!!" She said. Looking at Aera proudly I smirked.

"Eomma! She was the one who said that you guys don't come to pick me because you don't love me!" She said as I nodded.

"So you are her mom! Teach her some manners!" She said as I blankly looked at her. "What will you do I don't" I simply asked.

"Well then your daughter's gonna be expelled from this school" she said sarcastically. Chuckling I said, "By any you know who I am?" I asked calmly.

"No ofcourse not! You aren't The Kim's CEO or something" she said rolling her eyes. Rolling eyes at me. Huh..I swear- calm down calm down. Sighing I looked at her angrily.

"It was your daughter you tried insult mine...well if we are done I'll take my leave" I said holding Area's hand but she stopped me. "You can't go like this! I'm the sister of the principal of this school! Your daughter's gonna get expelled if you do" she said. Trying to make me beg huh. I was gonna tell at her when someone approached us.

"Ma'am is there a problem?" The girl asked as I said, "Yeah, this lady..can you please show her the way out of here? She seems a little bit off to me" I said whispering to her. "Hey! You can't speak like that to me!" She yelled.

"I'm sorry but I want you both to stop fighting" said the girl. "I'm fine with it.. you tell that to her" I said as calmly as I could. "You know The Kim's donate more that a billion in this school cause their daughter studies here!" She said proudly.

This shithead knows my guy and doesn't know me and my daughter. Wow what a slut. "Do you know that guy has a wife" I asked as she just nodded. I was gonna continue when someone put his arm around my waist. Looking at the person I smirked. This is gonna be fun. "Let's go?" He asked as I nodded.

"Wait- why are you standing there?" She asked as Tae looked at her confused. "Excuse me? Do I know you?" He asked confused as she went on blabbering stuff. "You are my husband!" She said as I sighed. "Lady this is my husband. This girl you blaming is my daughter" I said fed up of her now. "Wait- what- I-"

"You can keep dreaming I'll get going now" i said waving her a goodbye as we sat in our car and drove off.

"Kim Aera...when did you become such a baddie?!" I asked. "Well I'm your daughter mom what do you expect!" She said as we laughed.


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