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Y/N Pov

So, we had decided to go to the club. We were done with school so we were free. I was wearing a silk revealing dress. Kyeongie as I expected was wearing a not so revealing but cute dress. We were gonna meet the boys at the club. We left the place, sitting in my car and heading towards the club.

We reached here and we're looking for the boys when I saw them sitting on the bar. I smiled and walked towards them as they smiled. Taehyung was looking hit af as always and Yoongles oppa was wearing a pink suit. Well, let's say it was kinda matching.


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Yoongles oppa:

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Yoongles oppa:

Yoongles oppa:

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We joined them

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We joined them. Sitting on the chairs as the person poured the drinks in the glasses. Picking one up as I let the bitter and sweet soju down my throat. Taking more shots as I felt myself being dizzy. Walking towards the dance floor dragging Tae with me as we danced through the beat.

Taehyung Pov

This girl. She is drunk. I sighed. I didn't drink much so I was doing fine. Walking with her in my arms as she was not walking properly. Mumbling things to herself as she looked at me. "YaH! WhO aRe yOu? AnD wHeRe iS mY tAe?" She said in a drunk way as I chuckled, "This girl..." I mumbled to myself as she again looked at me, "WhY dO lOoK lIkE hIm aJhUsSi?" She said again as I glared at her. "WeLl yOu KnOw He'S sO sWeEt AnD cArInG!" She said as I smiled.

Finally reaching home as I opened the door and went to my bedroom. Softly placing her on the bed as I looked at her and sighed. Now how do I get her changed? No no nope! Don't even think about it Tae! I thought and again looked at her. Shutting my eyes as I opened them again. Sighing I took her shoes out. Ok...yu can do this! I said to myself as took her clothes out replacing them with one of my hoodies. I sighed and looked at her. I swear... she'll kill- wait....we did already so....we good I smirked as I got changed and plopped on the bed right next her. Cuddling up as I went to my dreamland.

Next day
Still Taehyung Pov

I woke up to the bird chirping. I looked at Y/N to see her still sleeping. Smiling I got up and headed downstairs.

Walking into the kitchen I poured some fresh juice into a cup. Smiling I went upstairs and put it on the side table beside Y/N with a small note.

Y/N Pov

Waking up with a really bade headache I sat up. Looking around as I found a cup of juice with a note. Picking it up as it read:

Dear Y/Nie,
Come downstairs after freshening up. Make sure to drink the juice. It's god for your health and will help you feel better i guess?
Love you!
Yours lovingly
Tae bear.

I smiled as I read the note. Walking into the bathroom I freshened up, wore one of his hoodie and headed downstairs.

Smiling as I walked downstairs I looked around to see no trace of Tae. Confused, I looked around but no-one. "Hm?" Still looking around I walked in the kitchen to see another note.

You got freshened up right? Make sure to eat the breakfast. Don't worry I ate it. It was so tasty. C'mon now you eat it. Finish it up, get ready and meet me at the xxx beach. Sad? Wahh don't be I'm fine you don't have to beat anyone to save me and all. Anyways eat it and come there. Byee love you!

Yours lovingly,

Tae bear.

I sighed and looked at the counter to see pancakes. I smiled and ate them.
Finishing, I washed the dishes and headed upstairs to get ready.
Wearing one of his cute hoodies I let my hair down and went to the place he told me to come at.

Sitting in the car as I saw another note. Smiling, as I read it.

Almost forgot! I'm sorry but I forgot to tell you that I don't really have any of your dresses. Just wear any one of mine. Hehe. I'm sorry..I will make sure to have some of them after this. Meet you there!

Yours lovingly,
Tae bear.

I laughed as i read it. How can he be so cute and hot at the same time! I thought and smiled. Turning the engine on as I drove off.

Finally! I thought as i had finally reached here. I smiled and excitedly got off. Looking around as I saw no-one. Ughh not again! Please now i need him i thought as impatiently looked around.
Walking around on the sand as I couldn't find him when I felt myself being lift up. Surprised as he turned me around spinning me around as I smiled looking at the person. Tae.. placing me down as I smiled and kissed him. Giving in as we had our moment.

Pulling out as I said, "Yah! You know how much I suffered!" I said chuckling as he smiled and hugged me. Hugging back as I smiled.

Pulling out as I looked at him. Smiling I said, "Catch me!" Running away as he chased me.

Finally getting me as he lifted me up and we both laughed.

Ok so...I don't think this book is gonna end that easily so keep reading! Anyways make sure to check my bestie BtsArmy7000 she has really awesome books too! Plus I'll be updating regularly now yk. I don't have school soo. Anyways don't forget to vote this book and follow me for content! Bye guys! 

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