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Y/N Pov

After we got there, I looked at Kyeongie and nodded. "So, I guess you have to go alone after this.." I said kinda happy as she nodded and got out of the car. "Listen to me! I swear if this guy looks like a nutcase I seriously, will kill you!" She said glaring at me as I smirked and said, "Yeah, Yeah we'll see..~". She was about to close the door when I stopped her. She looked at me confused as I got you of the car and handed her a blindfold. She looked at me blankly as I turned her around and put it on her eyes. "Yah! Why this?" She asked as I said, "See it's a blind date set by me so I choos the rules" I said as she sighed and nodded. I smiled and helped her with the stairs, before leaving her.

Taehyung Pov

I saw car parking infront of the place so I smirked and looked and Yoongi Hyung. "Hyung she's here...~" I said as Yoongi Hyung panicked. "Yah! If this goes wrong in any ways I'll kill you!" He said as I nodded and wished him one last time before getting out of there. I got a bit far from them and saw Y/N leading Kyeongie unnie to where Yoongi Hyung was. I smiled and looked at her cute figure, which was wearing a cute hoodie of mine. Where did she get it from tho? I thought. After wishing Yoongi Hyung she ran away from them. From her look it was like she was looking for me. I was observing her moves when I got a text. I looked to see it was from her only. I smiled and opened her chat window.

Babe😘:Babe I'm here... where are you?

Me: Oh! I had an important meeting babe I am so sorry😔

Babe😘: it's fine babe🙂

Me: Thanks babe you are the best! Btw I go to go I'll meet you late!

Babe😘: Yeah byeee~ babe~

I smiled and put the phone aside. I had a plan. I smirked and went behind her. I followed her as she stopped at the car. I decided to go behind her and ask her if she has a boyfriend.
She didn't notice that I was behind her so, I came closer to her ear and said, "Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked calmly as she looked kinda shocked but nodded saying, "Yeah" I nodded and continued, "Can you tell me how he looks like?" I said smirking as she nodded and said, "Yeah, he is handsome..he has a really hot body and-" before she could continue I turned her and made her look right into my eyes. She smiled but that smile had now turned into an angry face. "Yah! You were at an important meeting right!?" She said hitting lightly on my chest as I smiled and hugged her. "Aww babe I was just pranking you~" i said as she hugged back and we both laughed.

Kyeongie Pov

The person infront of me opened my blindfold as I adjusted to the light. After sometime I could finally see properly I saw who really the person was. The person I had a crush on...yes him. It was Yoongi. I couldn't believe what I was really seeing. "Y-Yoongi?" I said as he nodded smiling. "Yes Kyeongie?" He said as smiled and shook my head. He looked so hot. She really does know me well..but what if she forced him to go on a date with me? Aish Y/N! I thought. I didn't know what was going on so I decided to ask him, "Y-Yoongi you d-don't have t-to do all o-of this I k-know that Y/N-" he cute off before pulling me closer to him and looking deeply into my eyes. "Do you think I would really be forced to come here to see the one I love the most?" He said as I gulped. He was too close. My heart was pounding like it would come out. I had butterflies in my stomach. The only thing we both could hear was our racing heartbeats. Suddenly he started moving forward. He had his eyes closed as he moved forward. Now our faces inches close. And the next thing we knew that we were... kissing each other. He smiled through the kiss. After a long and passionate kiss he pulled out and backed away saying, "I-I am so so sorry- I didn't mean to do tha-" being the brave old me I cut him off and attacked him with another kiss to shut him up. I pulled and said, "I love you" he smiled and said, "I love you too" and hugged me tightly.

1 hour later

We were relaxing on the mat when I decided to go swim in the water for sometime. Before going I asked Yoongi if he was coming, "Hey Yoongi I'm going to swim for a while, do you wanna come too?" I asked as he nodded.

Yoongi Pov

We got up and we're gonna head towards the water when she, out of nowhere pulled her shirt out. I was shocked at how hot she was looking at first. Without any second thoughts I pulled her towards me as she looked at me confused. "Who told you to wear this?" I said as she looked at herself and then at me, "Why is there something wrong with it?" She asked smirking as I shook my head.

Y/N Pov

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Y/N Pov

We saw all that happened with Yoongi and Kyeongie. I had some pic too. I knew they were official now. We had decided to leave them alone and let them have their time. I was here looking at the pretty sky when I felt someone back hug me. Knowing it was Taehyung I didn't react. We were enjoying when I thought to go swim in the water for sometime. "Babe... wanna go and swim for a while?" I asked he put his chin on my and nodded a bit. I smiled and looked at him. "Let's go then!" I siad and pulled my shirt out.

He looked at me up and down smirking as I pulled him closer to me

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He looked at me up and down smirking as I pulled him closer to me. He looked me and said, "Babe you look hot" he said as I nodded. I moved closer to him, about to kiss him but I like teasing so I ran away towards the water.


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