Finally Official

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1 week later

We found out that Yoongi oppa and Kyeongie are finally official. I was kinda happy cause the plan worked out pretty well. So, we had decided to have a party and Yoongi oppa's place. Yeah. He said it. It was this weekend. Which means tomorrow. It's Sunday tomorrow and since nobody has any plans we decided to have it tomorrow. So basically we are gonna stay there the whole day and have fun. Yea that's the plan. I know it sounds kinda boring but that's not it...I planned something else. Hehehehe. I had informed our principal that we'll not be coming school for some days. I had booked a private jet and packed mine and Taehyung's bags. I had told Kyeongie to pack hers and Yoongi's bag too. I didn't tell where we were going tho. I just told her that we are gonna to a road trip. BLACKPINK unnies knew the same thing.

On Sunday
(Guys your author is really lazy)

Ok! I had put our bags into the huge ass car I had. The driver was gonna drive us to the airport. Me and Taehyung got in the car and drove off to Yoongi's place.

Finally reaching we had parked the car a little away from the house as we walked towards the door. Ringing the doorbell, which seconds later was opened revealing all BLACKPINK and BTS members. We smiled and got in.

We were talking and smiling when Kyeongie asked, "Yah! Why are we going on a road trip so suddenly?" She asked as I smiled and said, "Nothing much I thought it'd be great to the newly couple to spend there time together" I said as she nodded, flustered.

Finally we had decided to leave. We had put all the bags and stuff in the trunk (guys idk if there is a trunk in a that huge ass car..I'm sorry if I'm not adding the photo I'm just not finding it haha😅) After everyone had settled down we drove off.

Before reaching at the airport I had handed everyone a blindfold, telling them that there is a surprise place I want to take them to.

We had reached here finally. Everyone was still sitting in the car. Our stuff had been taken and the jet was ready too. Ready to go. But-how am I going to take them to the jet? Mentally cursing I decided to take two at a time. I sighed. This work is hard...I thought and continued with my work. Taehyung knew all of this so it was easy for me to put them all in the jet. They had all settled and sat down. "Yah! Where are we and can we take out our blindfolds?" Asked Jisoo unnie as I chuckled and said, "Yeah sure" I said as everyone took there blindfolds out.

Kyeongie Pov

I finally opened the blindfold. I was shocked of what I saw next. I was on a plane!? Wait- WHAT. This brat. I thought as I glared at her while she just laughed. Everyone had the same expressions. That's when I heard Yoongles say, "Kitten...are you okay?" He asked as I nodded smiling. He returned it as we looked over at Y/N and Taehyung. This brat if she's doing this for me I'm gonna kill her I sighed and shook off my thoughts.

Y/N Pov

Everyone was kinda confused but I had calmed them down. After finally doing all the other things we were in air. Yeah. It was a 2 day trip which was kinda too long which became a reason for me to order a private jet. There were probably two shifts taking care of the plane. That was there work and for me..well, I'll have to make sure that we don't burn this plane down. I chuckled and looked at Tae who was sitting right beside me. I smiled and turned back to look outside the window. 

After 2 Days
(Guys idk if it's possible to fly form Seoul to Bora Bora so please imagine😅😉)

We had finally landed. Again, Everyone had there blindfolds on as I had told them. We all got out of the private jet as I looked around the beautiful place. I smiled and looked at Taehyung to see him smiling at me already. We both nodded before I said, "You can open your blindfolds now" I said.

Kyeongie Pov

She had told us to take out blindfolds. I slowly opened it to see the most beautiful and shocking thing ever. We were at Bora Bora. This was like a dream. It was soo pretty. It was like a kdrama..we were in our own world's when Y/N said, "Do y'all like it?!" She asked excitedly as we all nodded our heads vigorously.

We had checked in our rooms. Me and Yoongi were probably sharing a whole hut to ourselves. It was pretty big. It had an indoor jacuzzi too. This was the best vacation ever.

Y/N Pov

I was unpacking our stuff when i felt my legs in air. Knowing it was tae I didn't react but smiled. He spinned me around as we both laughed. After a minute or two he placed me on the bed and hovered over me. He slowly moved forward as what next happened was his lips softly brushing against mine. He pulled out and started to trail small kisses on my neck. I had gasped slightly as he had found my sweet spot. He started moving his lips harder as I moaned slightly, leaving hickeys all over my neck. He looked at me and smiled, "We'll continue this late" he said as he winked at me before getting up and walking towards the bathroom. I got up and walked the mirror. Looking at myself I saw the hickey mark he left. "Oh my god now i have to cover these up" i said to myself as I sighed and put some makeup on it.

We had decided to go and have dinner now. We'd meet up at Jin oppa and Jisoo unnie's place and eat dinner there. I had wore my PJs and didn't dare to change since we were having dinner only. Who's gonna wear another outfit just to have dinner I thought as I looked at Tae to see him wearing his PJs too. We really don't care do we. We smiled and headed towards there hut.
Reaching there we all sat down and started to eat as soon as we met up. Ik we were really hungry since we skipped our lunch.

Warning ⚠️ 18+ content ahead

After eating Everyone had headed back to their places as we were back at ours too. We were ready to sleep when Tae pinned me to a wall. I looked at him to see him staring at me with dark and lustful eyes. His one hand snaked down to my waist as he moved closer kissing me roughly as I responded immediately. After sometime he pulled out in lack of air and scared at me. Finally moving closer to my ear I gasped when I felt his lips brushing through my skin.
He had helped me get rid my shirt  and bra and had started leaving small wet kisses on my collarbone. I moaned at his every touch.
He picked me and slowly placed me on the bed. He took his shirt out and looked at me before attacking me with another kiss.
His one hand was for the balance as he trailed his other hand down in my panties. He took the them out, entering his two fingers inside me. I moaned into the kiss as he started moving them faster. After a few thrusts I moaned, "T-Tae I'm close" I said before cumming all over his fingers. Taking his finger out he licked all the liquid before taking his pants and boxers out. Positioning himself on me as he  entered in me without any warning. Letting out a loud moan as he groaned through the pleasure. The room was filled with skin slapping, groans and moans.
After a while we both cam as took himself out and laid beside me. Pulling me towards his chest We cuddled up, "That was amazing" said Tae as I nodded and we slept in each other's arms.


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