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Y/N Pov

The trip was finally over and we were finally back in Seoul. The hot air hit me as we walked outside of the airport. The trip had ended and we were finally back to our everyday lives. Well..... Jennie Unnie, Rosé unnie and Jisoo unnie were in relationship with Kai oppa, Jimin oppa and Jin oppa. I was happy for them. And.....I was with the one I love finally too!!

Taehyung had his hand around my waist as we walked towards where the other students and teachers were. He had a smale smile crept on his face as we walked towards them. "I guess you had a great night yesterday" the others said in a teasing tone making the both of us blush. We looked down due to embarrassment. They giggled and we continued talking about random stuff.

Time Skip at home

I was currently at home unpacking my stuff when my phone buzzed. I looked at it to see an unknown number calling. I picked up out of curiosity."Yeobseyo?" I said,"Hiii, remember me!!??" She asked. "Wait..... don't tell me, is it her" I thought. Now I couldn't anymore so I answered, "Kim Kyeong Mi!?" was the only thing that came out of mouth. "YES!!!!!" She said as a small smile crept to my lips but turned into an angry one. "YAAAHH!! You!! When did you come and why didn't you contact me" I said,"I came like two days ago, I transferred here and I came to visit but you weren't there!!" She said,"yeah I was on a school vacation with friends bUt you have my number why didn't contact me huh" I said as she giggled and said,"I wanted to surprise you~"," anyways you are a transferee at my school right??" I asked," yeahh" she said," so!! Meet you tomorrow at school and take care" I said," yeah yeah EOMMA" she said and before I could say anything she hung up. "AISHHH that Gurll" I said and continued with my work.

A/N Pov

Kyeong Mi is Y/N's childhood best friend. They both used to live in Boston. They both were separated because Y/N had to move to Seoul. After that they used to talk everyday but because of their busy schedules they had lost touch with each other. That's all for now.

Time Skip at school

Right now I was in the class waiting for the teacher to come. The teacher came in and called someone inside. The person entered in the class. I looked up to see Kyeong Mi!!! She introduced herself and the teacher told her to take a seat beside me. She came and sat beside me I smaked her head as she held it in pain. She looked at me and said," what?" She asked as I whispered,"Yahh! You didn't tell me that we were in the same class!!" She giggled and said,"hehe surprise!". " Yeah yeah whatever" I said and we continued the class.

Time Skip after classue

Me, Kyeong and Blackpink were sitting on the cafeteria table talking about random stuff when someone came and sat beside me. I looked over to see Taehyung. He smiled and pecked my lips. I smiled back and all of them sat down. After settling down I introduced Kyeong to the other members. "Oh so you and Kyeong have been bestfriends since childhood" Suga oppa asked. I was a little taken back cause he rarely asked any questions. But I nodded anyways. We were eating peacefully when Nancy the BITCH poured milk..... Legit MILK on KYEONG. I was fuming in anger after seeing her like that. I got up and walked towards her smirked at her and was about to hit her when I felt someone touching my hand. I looked at my to see Kyeong holding my hand and moving her head slightly to say not to hurt her. As a nice bestie I sighed smiled at her was walking away when she held my hand and stopped me from going. She lifted her hand up ready to hit me but I was quick enough so I stopped her hand and slapped her:

GuYs DO.NOT.PAY.ATTENTION.ON.THE SUBTITLES. and only the first scene

I simply walked out like nothing happened after leaving a fuming Nancy and minions. "Ha! That was fun" I thought. I was walking towards the classroom when I got a call. I looked at it to see an unknown number calling. Without hesitation I picked up the call to hear a really familiar male voice. "Hi, babygirl" he said. Now it hit me. "L-Lee T-Taeyong" I said stuttering. "Yes! It's your boyfriend!" He said,"We are over Taeyong" I said as he laughed through the phone call. "Anyways I'm coming to you soon, be ready" he said and hung up. I fell on my knees crying. I sobbed and cried for a while until I decided to go to the broadcasting room for some space and to calm down myself.

HA!!! Hii! I'm sorry for the too late update......I was so busy like literally. I wanted to when I couldn't. Plussss.......We have a new character😏😏😏😏.... anyways gUyS ttyl and you will get the information of Lee Taeyong in the next chapter bYe.

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