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Btw.... Ur going to Namhansanseong Fortress (a place in south Korea)

On Friday

Y/N Pov at home

Right now I was packing my stuff for the one week vacation. I was packing my clothes when I got a call from Jennie Unnie. I picked it up. "Hi unnie!!" I said as she smiled and said,"Hi!!! I called to ask you if you need any help......I could come over". "Oh! No unnie it's ok you have to pack too I'll manage, plus I'm almost done so I'm fine" I said as she nodded through the phone call. "Well anyways I found out you had a crush on Tae huh" she said as I widened my eyes. "H-How?" I said more like mumbled but to my frikin luck she heard it. "F*ck now I'm dead" I thought as her smirk grew bigger than ever before saying,"oh, so you do" she said making me blush as she just laughed through the phone. That's when I remembered I smirked and said,"Well, I'm sure you have crush on Kai too~~". Mow the tables had turned I was the fun smirking and she was all flustered and blushy. "I-I'll hang u-up now b-bye!" She said before hanging up. I giggled amd went back to packing my stuff.

Time Skip at the school bus 😅 (on Sunday)

I was talking to unnies when someone dragged me into the school bus. I looked back to see unnies smirking at me. Heh.....?? I was not able to see the persons face so I was confused as hell. After getting in the bus he made me sit down and I finally got the chance to look at him. "Oh f*ck it's him!! AHHHHHHHHHH what should I do!!! Do not tell me he is my seat partner! AHHHHHHHHHH" I thought. I was freaking out right now. I must be hella red. "Eotteohghe (how)" was the only word that came out of my mouth. He giggled,"what I'm you partner" he said and i just nodded and looked away avoiding his eye contact. If I stay with him even more I'm gonna fall for him even more. He settled down next to me. He put an airpod his ear and offered one to me. I took it and fixed it in my ear. I looked outside of the window letting the cold air hit my bare skin and I didn't know when I had fallen asleep on Taehyung's shoulder.

Taehyung's Pov

I was listening to music when I felt my shoulder getting heavy. I looked over to see Y/N sleeping peacefully. She is so cute. I wish you knew how I felt. I smiled and drifted to sleep.

At the place ( still Taehyung's Pov)

I woke up to see everyone getting out of the bus. I looked at  Y/N to see her still sound asleep. I smiled and my eyes went down to her sweet plump lips. How would they taste? They look so plump and sweet. Without a second thought I leaned in and pecked her lips when..........." I knew it! They do love each other" my eyes widened as i looked at the person. J-Jisoo noona? Does she know. OMG!OMG! What do I do know?? I gave her an awkward smile as she smirked and within a second there they were...... All members of BTS and Blackpink already giving me smirks and weird looks. "Yah! Stop she will wake up" I said as they made the 'oh' face before giving me the last smirk and getting off the bus. I looked at Y/N. "Still sleeping aish" I thought woke her up. Once she woke up we both got off and went inside the cottage.

Y/N Pov

I was really embarrassed when I knew that I slept on Taehyung's shoulder. "AISHHHHH" i thought. We were heading towards the others. We saw them and they waved at us. We went towards them. "Heyyy!!!" Jennie Unnie said as I smiled and nodded. We were talking about random stuff when the teacher clapped her hands to get our attention. We all looked at her. "Ok! So whoever was your bus partner is your room partner too" my eyes widened as she said. "OMG!! NOO THIS CAN'T BE TRUE. NO! NO! NO I CAN'T......... I'LL DIE OR WORSE I CAN LOOSE MY CONTROL" i thought. I looked at Taehyung to find him staring at me already i was sure hella red now. I waved my hands in front of his face as he came back to his senses and said," oh! We are partners for room too now! Let's go" he dragged me as we took our cottage keys and went inside the room.

We had a full cottage to ourselves. It was beautiful. Everything was wood and our cottage was surrounded by trees and greenery which made it more beautiful. I ran towards my room which was upstairs. It was beautiful bUt it had only one bed

"OmG NoooOOOooo not again" I thought. Taehyung was right behind me. I could feel he was smirking. I felt my blood rush to my cheeks when he leaned in and whispered in my ear," what are you thinking Princess","N-Nothing" I said. "AISH why did i stutter" i thought and cursed at my self. "Ok! I will sleep at on corner and you on the other" he said and I nodded. "I-I'll take a quick shower" i said and ran into the bathroom. I could feel him chuckle but I didn't care.

Hey there 😄 ik this chapter is small tooo...........I was like I'll just update so here I am with this shitty chapter. Anyways gUyS my fRiEnD is writing one more more yes, ONE MORE FF so pks check it out 😅😅: BtsArmy7000  byeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) -_-

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