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So I had decided to pull a small prank on Tae today. Yeah. Why? Cause I wanted to. So, My brother and his members had recently transferred in our school and it was gonna be there first day today. So, basically what's gonna happen is... you'll find out.

We were in the cafeteria for lunch currently. We had settled and ordered our food. As planned after a while into the talk TXT walked towards us. Reaching at our table a I saw Soobin oppa on the front. He bowed before talking, "Anyeonghasaeo we just transferred into this school" he said as the other smiled and made them introduce themselves.

After the introduction they all sat down and started to eat with us. Soobin oppa was sitting right next to me. Using his acting skills he kept on flirting and teasing me. We were talking when Tae pulled me closer to him and looked at Oppa with a poker face. He then looked away from him and stared straight at me, glaring. As I gave him an innocent look. He sighed and started eating again.

We had just finished our luch and we're getting back to our classes. I was putting my books in the locker and Soobin oppa was doing the same in the locker beside me when I saw Tae coming towards me. I looked at Soobin oppa and whispered, "Oppa he's coming" I said as he nodded and smiled at me putting his one hand on the locker.

Taehyung Pov

That guy. He's getting on my nerves. Literally. He's been too touchy with my girl. Seeing what he was doing with here right now made me loose my control. I walked towards him. Holding his collar I looked at him with anger.

Y/N Pov

I didn't know he'd do that. Surprised I tried to stop him. But he's strong. Ughhh- don't beat him up. I thought as I said, "Yah..Tae kamhane" he was not stopping. Now we were in the spotlight. At last, pulling him towards me, making him look into my eyes, I kissed him. Pulling out as he looked about calmed down I cupped his face and said, "He's my brother" I said as he looked at me shocked, "Wait-what!" He said shook as I nodded, smiling. The crowd had now lessened up as I looked at them telling them to leave. Once again Soobin oppa introduced himself, "Anyeonghasaeo I'm Y/N's brother Choi Soobin" he said giggling as Tae pulled me towards him and said, "Wahh how could you both" he said as we giggled.

Oh no this ain't going nowhere. I thought as I felt the bed sink. Looking up to see Tae crawling towards me. I moved a bit back. Finally hitting the headboard I mentally cursed at myself. Closing my eyes waiting for it to happen I though, I swear I'm not going to able to walk after this atleast for a month or so. I opened eyes slowly when I felt nothing. Opening them slowly I saw his face inches close from mine. His eyes staring into my soul. I gulped hard. He smirked moving closer to my ear. Biting my earlobe as I closed my eyes. I gasped when he said, "You know the rules. Everytime you break one you get punished. And I think you broke one today.." he whispered as my breathe became shaky. Slowly taking out the shorts I was wearing he smirked. Sliding his hand down in my panties. I moaned when he put two of his fingers in me. Thrusting in and out as I moaned. "Don't ever try to tease Daddy after this" he siad thrusting faster.

After while he took his finger out and looked at me. Kissing me as I responded. He pulled out and looked at me. Smiling he said, "Let's get you cleaned hmm?" I nodded as he picked my up in bridal style and walked towards the bathroom.

Taking out my clothes as he placed me in the shower. Joining me as  turned the shower on as I felt the warm water run through my skin. My legs were shaky and I was not being able to walk. Helping me stand straight as he washed me up. (Yk what I mean)

After showering we got changed and cuddled up on bed. It was already 10 pm so we had decided to watch some movies while cuddling in the room. We had everything ready.

An hour into the movie I heard small cute snores. Looking at Tae I saw him sleeping. He's so cute. I thought and giggled. Kissing his forehead I smiled and turned off the TV. Snuggling into him I smiled and let the sleep take over with me.

Next morning

Waking up to the sunlight hitting my face I squinted my eyes and looked around to see a cute Tae sleeping. I smiled and got up. My legs were.still jiggly and it was hard for me to walk. Shrugging the pain off I got up, did my routine I wore one of Tae's hoodies and walked towards the kitchen. Today was another day to hell. Ughhh-I'm gonna be teased by that brat. I sighed and made us both breakfast.

We were currently in school. It was korean class which was going on. I yawned. I couldn't sleep last night. "Yah..what happened you look tired" siad Kyeongie as I nodded. "Me and Tae were watching movies till late night." I said as she nodded. I continued, "Anyways I'm going to sleep for a while tell me when it's lunch" I said as she nodded.


One more thing before I go. Make sure to check out my besties books too! She's a really awasome writer. BtsArmy7000
Lucky Girl {Min Yoongi}
Keep Shining {Jung Hoseok}

And once more thnks to all the people reading my book! I'll make sure to improve and give you guys better content! Bye guys! Make sure to hit the vote button and follow me for more content! Bye guys! Thank you guys!


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