4 Years Later

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I woke up. Looking around. Tae was sleeping beside me with his one hand around my waist. I smiled, getting out of his grip I ran downstairs. It was raining. I loved it when it rains. Opening the main door, I ran outside.

Letting myself soak in the water, I smiled.

Tae Pov

I woke up to an empty bed. Looking around, I frowned. Getting up and walking downstairs I saw no-one. Walking towards the main door,I slowly opened it to see the cutest view ever.

It was her. Y/N. She was playing in the rain. Her hair was wet and she was wearing one of my hoodies. She looked the cutest. Smiling, I quietly went towards her.

Y/N Pov

I was in my own world when two big arms wrapped around me. I smiled. I knew it was him. Turning around as we smiled at each other. "When did you wake up?" I asked.

"Well, you know I can't sleep with you" he said shrugging and I smiled.

"Let's go inside you'll catch cold hmm?" He asked as I shook my head.

"Nope! You know how much I love rain" I said refusing to what he said.

"But-" before he could complete, I ran away. Hiding behind the tree, I smiled.

"You think you could hide huh?" He said making me flinch, trapping my in between his hands.

Deeply looking into my eyes, he slowly moved closer. Finally attaching his soft lips to mine, we kissed.

Pulling out he smiled, "Now let's go inside!" He said, picking me up and taking me inside.

"Hey!" I said trying to get out of his grip. Opening the door he slowly he walked inside. "I wanted to play more" I whined.

Walking upstairs, he put me in the shower. "Why~" I whined again.

"Young lady, I know how much you love the rain but you can't stay there forever!" He said. Continuing, "And what of you get sick!".

"Fine!" I said, defeated. "That's my girl! Now shower before I come there to taste you" he said in a teasing manner.

"Y-Yah..f-fine!" I said stuttering. Taking out my clothes, I got in the shower and cleaned myself.

After you both get cleaned

We were both sitting on the couch, having a cup of hot chocolate, talking to each other.


It was dinner time. I had made some ramen for the both of us.

"Babe! Dinner is ready!" I called out. After a few seconds he was sitting on the dining table.

I served us both and we ate together.

We were currently cuddling each other in our bedroom. "Babe! Let's invite the others over tomorrow?" I asked.

"Sure why not!" He said and we cuddled each other to sleep.

Ik ik short chapter! So this is after you get graduated and all. Then you both start living together. This is the end.. well not really. There are some more chps but you can say this is the end

The Fake Nerd [Kim Teahyung]Where stories live. Discover now