The Happiest Day Of My Life

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I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror. This is the day. The happiest day of my life. I'm gonna finally marry the love of my life.

"Dear! You look so beautiful" said mom, scanning from up to down.

"Thanks mom" I replied, smiling at her as she returned it back.

"Aunty! What about me!" Said Kyeongie, pouting.

"Oh! How could I forget you my daughter! My both daughters are grown up now" she said with teary eyes.

Smiling I held her hand, " crying today!" I said. Smilling as we heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Said mom. Clicking the door open, both of our dads walked in. Smiling at me, they hugged the both of us.

"Let's go?" They asked as we linked our arms together. Me:


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Walking straight, with people looking at the both of us

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Walking straight, with people looking at the both of us. Looking at our grooms we smiled.

Tae Pov

Man, she looked so hot in that outfit. Smiling at her as she smiled back.

Y/N Pov

Looking at each other as the priest continued. Tae:

Yoongles oppa:

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Yoongles oppa:

Standing infront of each other, smiling as the priest says, "Do you take Choi Y/N as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish un...

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Standing infront of each other, smiling as the priest says, "Do you take Choi Y/N as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

Looking at Tae as he smiled before replying, "I do"

After the thingy

"You may now kiss" the priest says as Tae pulls me towards him. Leaning in, he slowly attached our lips.

After the marriage. (Btw Kyeongie and Yoongles oppa are married too. Teehee)

Getting home, we went straight towards the bedroom.

Here I was. Struggling with the zip of this damn dress. Sighing I looked at Tae. "Tae can you please help me with this zip?" I asked as he looked up to me.

"Sure" he said slowly unzipping my dress.

Trailing small kisses down my collarbone as my breathe became shaky. Taking my dress out as he slowly placed me on the bed. Kissing me as I responded.

Pulling out as he sucked my neck. My eyes were closed, in the moment.
Tae layed down beside me as we breathed heavily. Looking at him, I smiled. Smiling back, he cupped my face. "I love you so much" he said.

"I love you too my bear" I said before closing my eyes and letting the sleep take over me.

The next day. LoL

Waking up to a shirtless Tae sleeping beside me, I smiled. Kissing him on the cheeks, I got up and went to the bathroom.

Getting out of the shower, I wore some of Tae's hoodies and went down to make us breakfast.

Author Note!!

Ok so, quick info. So, Tae has his own company. The Kim's. Yeah. Ik to common, but I want to so deal with it. Hehe, now back to the story.

I was making breakfast when I felt two big arms around my waist. Smiling, he rested his head on my neck.

"Good morning babe" I said as he nodded.

"I have to visit the company today" he whined.

"Go get ready then! We don't have much time" I said turning around, facing him. "I don't want to~ I want to be with my wifey" he whined.

Hitting his chest lightly I said, "Come home early then! Now go get ready while I pack your lunch" I said pushing him.

After a while he left. I was sitting on the couch cause Tae told me to rest. Well, I couldn't walk soo...

Walking in the kitchen I looked around to find something important. "Oh? He forgot his lunch!" Sighing I looked at the time. 1:30 it's past luch now. Sighing, I grabbed the car keys and drove off to the company.


Walking in the big company, I rushed towards his office. I was in hurry I hit something hard. Lost my balance and fell down. "Ughh! Watch where you-! Y/N?" Asked a familiar voice. Looking up to see Tae. "What are you doing here?" He asked helping me stand up.

"You forgot your lunch! I thought you'd be hungry" I replied. Puling me closer to him as he connected our foreheads. "You could've changed your outfit but I like you in my hoodies. You look hot in them" he said smirking as I hit his chest lightly.

"It's because of you! I am so in love with you that I forget everything when it comes to you" I said as we both laughed.

Hehehehhehe. Ik a wierd ending but I like it! Anyways I love you guys! And don't forget to vote and most importantly! Follow me for more content! Byeee

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