I've Figured Out What Can Move Me

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Part 2 of "I could pack my things and be gone before you wake"
Long title lmao

Sapnap had given up on waiting for Dream to come back. He didn't bother calling, Dream wouldn't have answered anyway.

So, he continued on with his life. He tried his best to forget about Dream.

One day, at a local coffee shop, he ran into a tall figure, almost dropping his cup in the process. The figure apologized quickly,

"Sorry! Was I in the way?"

Sapnap glanced up at the brunette, "Uh- no! Sorry I wasn't paying attention!"

He smiled, reaching a hand out, "Good, I'm Wilbur, by the way."

Sapnap took his hand, shaking it gently, "Sapnap." He smiled back.

He continued to meet up with Wilbur, becoming friends with the Brit. And when Wilbur asked him out on a date, Sapnap accepted with no hesitation.

They ate out, had a mini argument about who was paying, and then returned to Sapnap's place.

Wilbur got comfortable on the couch, smiling happily. He glanced across the room, perking up, "Hey, is that yours?"

Sapnap followed Wilbur's gaze, his eyes landing on a guitar that was on a stand in the corner of the room.

"Oh, uh.. N...- Yeah! Yeah it's mine."

Wilbur got up to look it over, "Do you play?"

"No, not very well." He let out a weak chuckle.

"Mind if I play?"

Sapnap smiled, "Knock yourself out!"

Wilbur grinned, carefully taking the guitar off the stand and sitting back down on the couch, "You know," he began, playing with the strings, "I write my own songs sometimes."

Sapnap laughed, "Never would've guessed, considering you tell me almost every day." He said, sarcastically.

Wilbur laughed as well, starting to play a song he wrote. Sapnap listened closely, smiling softly.

"I could go away,
I could pack my things and be gone before you wake,
You know I've tried hard to love me too,
It always seems to fall in through..."

Sapnap found himself thinking about those lines a lot, long after Wilbur had returned home.

He remembered the sound of a car leaving the drive way, the sound of the front door opening and closing, the shuffle of someone fumbling with a suitcase zipper.

He remembered waking up the next morning, alone. No good morning kiss or hug, no bright eyes that were always staring at him when he would wake up.

Sapnap hid his face in his hands, letting out a sob. He reached for his phone, his finger hovering over a number saved in his contact list. He stared at the contact photo.

It was a photo of Sapnap and Dream on their first date. He always thought it was a cute picture. Dream, a fry in hand, just happened to glance at the camera at the right second, and Sapnap who tucked himself into the bottom corner.

Sapnap quickly scrolled away, going to the bottom of the list and tapping Wilbur's number.

It rang a few times before Wilbur picked up, "Is something wrong?" He asked, a hint of urgency on his voice.

Sapnap was quiet for a few seconds, trying to find the words. "I just... need someone here right now.."

And with that, Wilbur wasted no time grabbing his keys and rushing out the door, he stayed on the phone with Sapnap all the way until his got to his house.

As soon as Wilbur walked in, he was tackled into a hug by Sapnap.

"Are you okay?" Wilbur asked, holding Sapnap closely. Sapnap nodded slowly.

"I am.. now that you're here." He said quietly, wiping away his tears.

Wilbur smiled, closing the front door and spending the rest of the night with Sapnap, watching movies and singing songs.

Sapnap walked down the sidewalk, holding Wilbur's hand, and explaining his plans for the day.

Wilbur listened mostly, occasionally jumping in to give his opinion. Sapnap smiled brightly, having the time of his life hanging out with Wilbur.

Across the street, by a parking meter, Dream dropped his empty soda cup.

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