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I'm feeling sad lmao I got reminded of a sad Tiktok

I actually made three different parts to this, but didn't like the third one so leave it to your imagination (But my closer friends know how it really ended :p)

Glatt feeling down, sad, staying in Las Nevadas when he sees Quackity and Wilbur together. Immediately, he smiles, going over to them. They greet him all the same, when he brings up he's been feeling sad,

"Tell us what happened." Quackity says.

"Well..." Glatt starts, "I feel unloved, unwanted and I feel like I have no real purpose than to be dragged along by you guys and I feel kind of worthless..."

He stops, hearing a laugh from Wilbur, "Oh, Glatt." He says, "That's because you are."

Glatt stares at Wilbur in disbelief, and all Wilbur could do was laugh at his confusion.

Quackity decided to clear some things up, "What, you think we keep you around because we like you?"

"Well—That's what I thought-I mean I like you.."

"You were nothing but an asshole to us, Schlatt. You think we can just forget all that because you're some asshole ghost now? At least with Ghostbur, he was kind of cute."

Glatt just stared down at his feet, ears and tail drooping low. "Oh, okay... sorry for the bother then."

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