Amnesia: Dream

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Totally not another crossover but Amnesia Justine and DreamSMP haha
May or may not made a separate book for this depending on how it goes

I'm excited for it :]

Slowly opening his eyes, his vision was fuzzy. He looked around the cold, damp cell he found himself in. He squinted his eyes, trying to make out his surroundings.

His shallow breaths picked up, panic setting in when he laid eyes on someone staring at him from the other side of the cell.

They looked sad, but also angry—wait no...they weren't looking at him...what were they looking at? Nothing. They.. they can't see at all.

He made no attempts to calm his erratic breathing, causing his vision of black out as he lost consciousness once again, the last thing he saw was the person on the other side limping away.


He woke up again, gasping loudly and sitting up—where was he? What is this room he was in?

He stared up—a lantern was there! Attached to a rope... he followed the rope, it leading to a... phonograph? What? What year is this?

He tried hard to remember but nothing came to mind. Sighing, he turned the lever on the side, waiting until sound came out of the end—

"Welcome!" A male voice—that sounded so familiar—came out of the phonograph. "You are now listening to the sound of my disembodied voice! It will serve you no purpose to look for me, for this is a voice from the past."

He tilted his head. What were they talking about?

"I bid you welcome to my cabin of perturbation! It is my study of the human psyche, specifically yours."

He tilted his head the other way—him?

"A set of recordings have been prepared to chaperone you through the chambers ahead. There are a few parts to this study and it is up to you, not only to pass but to figure out which elements are important."

He didn't understand what they were talking about.

"Please go on, move into the next chamber. Just remember, they can all be saved." The voice spoke with a laugh, "There is always a way."

Then the voice cut off. He found himself looking up to the lantern he saw earlier. Standing up, he reached for it, tearing it off the rope it hung from.

This caused a chain reaction and before he knew it, the call door opened. Making a surprised noise, he walked out, looking at the walls—bugs crawled around, cowering from the light his lantern gave off.

He came across two halls—one blocked off by a rock slide, and the other cleared. Of course, taking the only path he could, he travelled down, ending up in a much larger room filled with six cells.

He stepped in, looking along as he walked. His footsteps must've alerted someone as a voice broke the silence, causing him to flinch.

"Hello? Is someone there?"

He turned to where the voice was coming from seeing someone strapped to a table. He walked over, finding that the door was locked.

"Who's there? Have you seen Dream?" They asked—they had a deeper voice and an accent. "Can you help, I would really appreciate it."

He scanned the area, finding a lever by the cells door. Doing what anyone would do, he pulled the lever down, panic setting in when the other person seemed to panic.

"Wait wait wait! Spare me!" They begged, and he looked in to see a spear-like contraption threatening to plunge itself into the other person—okay, the lever is off limits.

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