The Nightmare SMP: Sadnap has a moment

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Should I just make a separate book for the Nightmare SMP?

Georgie was just making his way down the stairs, having just woken up. Earlier, he had checked the other bedrooms, but neither Nightmare nor Sadnap were present.

He hummed, assuming they had left earlier. It was late in the afternoon. So, he skipped into the living room, yelping when he saw Sadnap laying on the couch.

"Afternoon Sadnap!" Georgie chirped, gently nudging him over so he could sit down.

Sadnap let out a quiet whine in response and Georgie giggled. "Oh, Sadnap." He scooted over, "Put a smile on that cute little face of yours!"

Sadnap made another distressed noise in response, shaking his head.

"Was Nightmare being a big meanie again?" Georgie asked, "Do I need to talk some sense into him?"

Sadnap nodded, "He didn't want to eat what I made him for breakfast..." He mumbled. "And I spent so much time on it..."

"Aww, poor baby." Georgie said, teasingly. "As soon as he walks through that door I'll let him know exactly what's on my mind."

Sadnap inhaled deeply, holding his breath for a second before sighing loudly. "He doesn't love us anymore."

"Now you and I both know that's not true."

"It isss... He told me himself.."

"Did he actually?" Georgie raised an eyebrow, pulling Sadnap into a hug, petting his hair soothingly.

"...No.. but that's what it felt like." Sadnap mumbled.

Right then, the door opened and Nightmare walked in, "I'm home." He glanced over at Georgie and Sadnap, "Is he doing that thing again?"

"Nightmare!" Georgie raised his voice slightly, causing the other to flinch, "You made Sadnap.. er.. sad!" He quickly looked Nightmare over, he'll question why he was covered in blood later.

"What?! What did I do?" Nightmare quickly got defensive.

"You didn't want to eat the food he made you!"

"I ate it!"

"But you didn't want to!" Sadnap wailed.

"Oh my lord- that's not true! I enjoyed it!" Nightmare quickly said, rushing over. "Don't cry!"

Georgie giggled, hugging Sadnap tighter, "Maybe Sadnap will feel better if you tell him you love us."

"I'm not gonna say that..." Nightmare huffed.

"Whyyy?" Georgie frowned.

"It's weird!"

"It's not weird to tell your friends you love them! It's not like you're confessing ten years of built up feelings and affection to them." Georgie quickly explained, "It's just telling your friends you care about them!"

Nightmare hesitated, "Yeah well..."

"Don't you care about us?"

"Of course I do!"

"Then tell Sadnap!"

Nightmare hesitated, glancing to Sadnap, who was still clinging to Georgie like his life depended on it.

"Sadnap I..." He groaned, "Fuck this is awkward... I enjoy the breakfast you made, and I... care about you and appreciate your friendship-"

Georgie hummed, glancing at Sadnap, "Was that good?"

Sadnap nodded, "Mhm.." but he still looked sad.

"What's wrong now?" Nightmare tilted his head.

Sadnap was quiet before he broke down completely, "You guys are so nice, I'm so happy to have you has my friends." He sobbed.

Georgie grinned, sighing quietly, "Oh, Sadnap." He chuckled, "You're so funny sometimes."

Nightmare rolled his eyes, "I thought something was seriously wrong.. Goodness, you guys." He was quiet but then quickly started to laugh in amusement.

"Nightmare," Georgie soon spoke up, "Why are you all bloody?"

"Heh, I got into a little dispute with Tobie." Nightmare explained quickly. "He came up to me like, 'I will put this cleaver through your skull' and I was like, 'thanks for the offer, but I'm good'."

"That doesn't explain why-"

"And then he put the cleaver through my legs instead." Nightmare laughed.

Georgie frowned, which sent chills down Nightmare's spine, "You shouldn't play such violent games with him, he's just a kid."

"Yeah.. more like a demon sent from the deepest depths of Hell by Satan himself." Nightmare mumbled, "Hey- HE STARTED IT WHY ARE YOU MAD AT ME?!"

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