The Man In The Cabinet... Hey, that would be a good song title!

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I thought the title would be funny but this is actually part 2 to Computer Virus: Meanwhile

Dude it's so embarrassing how out of shape I am for writing

But I started school so that's cool

I left this very open ended for multiple reasons :p

It was a terribly stupid idea. Breaking into an abandoned restaurant at midnight, they were sure to get caught!

"It's locked Tommy." Tubbo stated, holding his phone up to the door so Tommy could see.

Tommy huffed, "Well break it open, you're strong."

"What? No I'm not-" Tubbo tried to argue only to be drowned out by Tommy cheering him on.

With a defeated sigh, Tubbo braced himself, taking a few steps back to get a running start. He shut his eyes tightly as he body checked the glass door, shattering it and falling through.

He winced, "Ow, shit."

"You good?" Tommy asked, "I can't see."

Tubbo looked to where his phone was, facing towards the ceiling and a few feet away from him, "I'm fine, just laying in glass is all."

He pulled his sweater sleeves over his hands to shield himself from the shards, going over to his phone and checking for any damage to it.

"Are you good?" He asked, Tommy nodding in response.

"Yeah, I can't exactly feel anything." He laughed.

Tubbo rolled his eyes, shaking himself to get rid of any loose glass, "Good thing this place doesn't have an alarm anymore—What did you say happened to it?"

"Went out of business, no one would stay very long. It's not a nice place. But it's because it's haunted!" Tommy explained, laughing when he was done and making an 'oooo' sound.

"Whatever." Tubbo replied, walking inside and taking a look around, "Yeah, this place looks like shit. I guess being closed for a decade would do that."

Tommy nodded, looking around as well, "Strange how no one decided to use this for something else."

"I mean if it really was haunted, no one would want to try." Tubbo hummed.

The restaurant was dark, it made sense, there's most likely no electricity and it was late at night. What Tubbo mostly noticed was chairs and tables still set out, even after all those years nothing seemed to have changed.

Not that Tubbo knew what it looked like before it shut down, but he found it strange, like at any moment the lights would turn on and it would open, and they would be caught.

"I think we should go, Tommy."

"No way!" Tommy shouted, "We came this far, I just wanna see what's in here."

"Well, we came and saw, and.. Tommy you are a cellphone you can do nothing to stop me from leaving."

Tommy's jaw dropped, offended, "I am not a cellphone, I am in the cellphone!" He corrected.

Tubbo was about to retaliate with a firm 'we are going home' when a low buzzing sound caught his attention.

"Do you hear that?" He asked, quickly shushing Tommy when he tried to answer, "It's like.. something's in here."

Tommy quieted down, trying to listen, "I can't tell where it's coming from."

Tubbo nodded in agreement, "Me neither."

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