Amnesia: Dream [Part 2]

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Second and last part to Amnesia Dream :]
Hopefully it's easy to understand

The first thing he went to check was the phonograph to his left. Turning the side part, he gave it a listen.

"On this next piece you should be looking for some diving inspiration. Time to delve into your spiritual side. What do you see?"

He started walking, checking the first room as Dream's voice continued talking.

"Is the man begging for mercy, or is he being blessed."

The first room looked like a storage unit—he noticed something on the shelf. A slide, one you put in a projector of sorts.

He put it into his pocket, might be of use later.

"Perhaps both! My friend used to say, there were no right answers. Have the light guide you."

The voice stopped and he left the storage room, going into the one across from it. It had a desk, and another slide on it. Okay, so they must mean something.

He left, going to another room which looked to be a small library—yet another slide on a bookshelf. He left the library and went through the last doorway—he stopped.

"Who are you? Who's there?" A male voice—they sounded scared like the one he found before—George.

He couldn't see them, there was a wall in the way. He noticed there were two slots and a lever—don't pull the lever, he reminded himself.

He stepped back, looking for a way to help this person. He saw another slide and took it.

Leaving the room, he continued down the hall and noticed a projector projecting onto the wall—perfect!

He smiled, starting to go over but gasped when there was a bang on a door. Turning to his left, he saw a boarded up door, and he slowly went over.

He heard someone talking on the other side—"Dream? Is that you?" They asked, "I can hear you!"

He knew that voice—it was Wilbur! He stepped back, hurrying to the projector. He placed in the slides one by one—they were all a silhouette of a man in different poses.

Open arms as if wanting to embrace, holding a sword, kneeling in fear, and standing proud.

He didn't get it, but he went back to the room where the other person was.

He could hear them talking as he looked through the slides. He placed the proud one into the first slot, and then the one kneeling in the second.

Here goes nothing...

He pulled the lever and—

He heard the sounds of chains and then their voice spoke again, "Look out for Dream, that demon, he may still be close."

He nodded—not like they could see—and left the room after taking the slides back. He ran through the library room, finding an opening and squeezing through—it was the only way to go.

Seemed like the right way too because he found another phonograph. He turned the knob-

"I wonder," Dream said, "Is dear Sapnap with his 'God' now? Maybe you helped them there. Don't worry, I'm sure he didn't have a family, he probably wasn't even all that well liked."

That didn't seem nice—Sapnap...that was their name. So George and Sapnap are the two he came across...

Who was that person he saw—the one with torn wings... maybe that was Phil? If he had just heard Wilbur not too long ago then maybe...

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