You're Just Like Me

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My fucking iPad broke and I haven't been able to animate in days I'm losing my marbles
(To be fair I was extremely busy anyway but)

Anyway y'all can't leave me alone for a minute because I'll do shit like this lmao

Life in L'Manberg wasn't the same as it used to be. Of course, that wasn't a bad thing. Tubbo was now the president, which was still a surprise to him, Tommy was his Vice President. Overall, it was pretty nice.

Though, Tubbo was now super busy the majority of the time, every time he had a break he would take the time to find wherever Tommy was, and they'd hang out.

On this day in particular, Tubbo found Tommy sitting near Wilbur's building. Tubbo sat beside him, "You okay?"

"He's doing it again." Tommy mumbled.

Tubbo looked over to the ghost, who was rambling about more and more depressing things.

"Hey, Wil." Tubbo smiled, trying to distract the ghost from saying something that would upset Tommy.

Wilbur placed another block and look up, "Oh hey, President Tubbo."

"You don't have to call me that you know." He laughed awkwardly.

Wilbur just shrugged, "Oh! Now that you're here, did you buy that pillow I advised you about?"

Tommy glanced at Tubbo, "Why a pillow?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, you weren't here for that. Tubbo asked me for presidential advice, and I said that, from what I remembered, I would scream and cry into a pillow a lot." Wilbur explained.

There was another thing, ever since Wilbur came back as a ghost, he would not hold back with anything he had to say. It was pretty depressing at times.

Tubbo laughed it off, "I don't need to buy a pillow, I already have one that's good for screaming and crying into." He said, jokingly.

Wilbur gave Tubbo a smile and continued to build his house, "That's good, you're going to need one."

Tommy stood up, this was getting a bit too concerning for him. "Anyway, Tubbo!" He turned to his friend, grinning, "Come on! I wanna show you something!"

Tubbo got to his feet, "Okay! Lead the way. See ya later, Wil." Tubbo waved to the ghost, who said something else but Tubbo didn't hear.


He didn't quite understand at the time, but as weeks passed it started to make sense. He started getting more and more stressed, and even took Wilbur's advice by screaming into his pillow at night.

He couldn't even enjoy his breaks anymore as he was too paranoid about Technoblade coming back. It probably wasn't the smartest idea to establish a new government right in front of an anarchist.

He opened his mouth, "Maybe Wilbur had the right idea..." His eyes widened and he shook his head, "Yeah right!"

He got out of his bed and went outside, immediately letting out a scream when he was met with Wilbur standing there. "Wil! You scared me!"

Wilbur smiled, "Sorry 'bout that!" He chirped, "You doing okay?"

"Just... stressed I guess."

"Makes sense, wanna go for a walk to take your mind off it? I get lonely at night anyway." Wilbur suggested, and Tubbo nodded.

On their walk, Tubbo stayed quiet most of the time, listening to Wilbur ramble some more. Soon, he spoke up, "Wilbur.. why did you blow it up?"

Wilbur paused, thinking. "Umm..." He looked up, trying to remember. "Because L'Manberg would never be the same anyway and it was all part of the deal I made." He explained, "I think."

Tubbo looked at the ground. L'Manberg wasn't the same, and now Tubbo wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not.


Tubbo was back in his room, biting at his fingernails and tapping his foot. More days had passed since his walk with Wilbur, but he wasn't feeling much better.

Tubbo got to his feet and left his room, heading out and not telling anyone where he was going. Though the room was blocked off now, it was still there, and he just wanted to see.

He walked into the room quietly, looking at what remained of it. Words scribbled onto the walls and a very welcoming bloodstain from when Wilbur was killed.

He sat down, leaning against the wall and just taking it all in. It took some time for him to calm down, and he closed his eyes. His head rested on his knees as he started thinking.

A vision came to his mind, he was still in the room but was sitting in a chair in the middle. Staring at the button that was on the wall in front of him.

"Why not end this once and for all?" A familiar voice spoke to him, resting their hands on his shoulders. Tubbo turned to face Wilbur, in his trench coat and cloak instead of the vibrant yellow sweater. Tubbo nodded slowly and reached for the button.

Tubbo opened his eyes, gasping. He looked up and he was alone in the room, just like he always was. There was no chair, and no button. Tubbo hid his face in his hands and let out a scream.

"Tubbo??" Tommy's voice interrupted him. "What are you doing in here? Are you okay?"

Tubbo stared at Tommy with wide eyes and he pulled his friend into a tight hug. "I don't know what to do, Tommy!" He sobbed out, "I don't know what presidents do!"

Tommy frowned and hugged Tubbo back, "Hey, don't worry man." He patted his back, "It's okay to ask for help, you know. As your Vice President and best friend, I'm always willing to help you."

Tubbo sighed, looking down and nodding, "Sorry..." He laughed slightly, "You're right.."

Tommy grinned, "Come on, let's get out of here!" He said starting to walk out.

Tubbo followed Tommy, glancing back right before he left. He saw the same vision of Wilbur standing in the middle of the room, staring at him. The vision of Wilbur grinned, saluting at Tubbo.

He blinked, wrapping his arms around himself, before turning away and leaving the room.

He closed his eyes, muttering to himself, "I'll be back."

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