It's Either Cuddles or Arson [Karlnapity]

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Shazzam look at what you've done

And please Shazzam leave me and my illiteracy alone I'm begging you I have a wife and kids I need to take care of

The shapeshifter found himself grabbing onto his arms as he was shivering violently, trying to bury himself into the couches cushions to keep warm. Seriously, whose idea was it to visit a cabin in the middle of winter?

"It's fun!" Sapnap told them, "We can go to this cabin and stay there for a few days!"

Well it was now day 2, and Quackity felt like he was gonna be sick from how much he was shivering. "Sapnap, this was by far the worst idea you've ever had!"

"Poor Quackity," Sapnap frowned, getting closer to him, "do you need more blankies?" He asked with a higher pitched voice.

"Don't talk to me like that, Fuego!" The shapeshifter shouted in annoyance, "It's irritating."

Karl butted in, "I know just what you need, Quackity!" He stood up, walking over and sitting on the other side of him. He wrapped his arms around Quackity, "You need warm cuddles from your two favourite people!"

Quackity leaned into Karl's embrace, for sure it was nice. He let out a content sigh, and then glanced at Sapnap.

Sapnap grinned at him, "How about I start a fire, hm?" Quackity nodded with a huff.

"Don't burn the place down." Karl warned, jokingly.

Sapnap rolled his eyes, lighting a match and tossing it into the fireplace, "I wouldn't do that with you guys around!"

Karl gasped, "So you would burn it down?!"

Sapnap just laughed in response, making sure the fire was big enough before returning to the couch, "Lemme in on this." He huffed, scooting in and also wrapping his arms around Quackity.

"Wow, Big Q," Sapnap let out a gasp, "You really are freezing!"

"Yeah, no shit!" Quackity snapped, shifting his position a little so Sapnap could get more comfortable.

Sapnap laughed, "I thought you were just being dramatic!"

Quackity pouted and then looked at Karl, "Lobito," he sniffled, "Sapnap is so mean to me!"

Karl frowned, placing a kiss onto Quackity's forehead, "Don't worry, I'll protect you from the mean Fire Man."

Sapnap rolled his eyes, "Whatever, you guys." He chuckled. "Are you feeling better, Quackity?"

Quackity nodded slowly, going quiet.

Sapnap tilted his head, he was expecting some sort of sassy remark or something. He stared down at Quackity, and then smiled, "We warmed him up so well, he fell asleep!"

Karl giggled, letting go of Quackity for a moment to grab a blanket that rested on the couch's arm. He tossed the blanket over the three of them, getting cozy.

Sapnap grinned, closing his eyes and just enjoying their silence and the soft crackles of the fire. This was nice.

Sapnap and Karl both came to the silent agreement that they'll return home tomorrow, for Quackity's sake.

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