Chapter Three - the sunrise

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"You can't escape me forever darling" I heard a deep voice say as I felt rough hands run down my sides, electrifying me with every touch. I let out a moan rolling my head back and arching my back as they kissed down my neck, their teeth scraping down the sensitive spot as shivers rushed straight to my core as I gasped and the hands grasped my body tighter, "You are mine, and I will find you. You belong to me" they said as I opened my eyes turning around to see pitch black ones looking straight back at me.

I shot up in my bed, covered in sweat as I took in deep breaths, my heart practically hammering out of my chest as I felt a desperate need between my legs.

"Just breathe Lillian, it was a dream. It's only a dream" I muttered to myself as I ran my hand over my head and took deep breaths, calming the shakes echoing through my body. Sweat was clinging to me as I threw my covers off and bent over, my hands on my knees as I breathed in the cool crisp night air. The feeling of that mysterious man's hands was still on my skin as I shook my head.

I had been having these dreams for a while now, and I knew that they didn't mean anything good. That man always claimed I was his, and that he was going to find me, and his words shook me to my core. But I couldn't deny the sexual tension I felt in my stomach or the wetness that was left behind from every interaction.

I took a deep breath sneaking past Bethany's room to stand outside. I sighed as I saw her fast sleep, her light snores passing through the slightly ajar door. I gently crept forwards and opened the front door looking around outside. I wrapped my arms around myself, letting out another deep breath, fogging up the cold autumn air around me as I shivered slightly.

I hadn't told Bethany about the dreams, they just felt too personal and equally as embarrassing. How could I explain that someone was on a mission to find me because they believed they owned me. Oh, and I also want to fuck the living shit out of him, even though I've never seen his face or heard his name.

Or better yet, I don't actually know who the fuck he is or how he could even make me feel this way.

I sighed brushing my hair out my face I looked at the rising sun, pondering my life and the decisions I had made.

I knew it was going to catch up with me one day, and I was going to face the consequences for my crimes, for who I had become and how the gods had planned my life to go.

But in the past few days I've felt a certain sense of doom, and whenever I have felt that before I knew something is going to happen and it has never been good. I guess it's just another great gift from my mother that I possess, as if something inside me could sense things were going to change, and it was trying to warn me.

I've felt this way twice in my life, first when I was eight, they day we became orphans. I will never forget the day our mother was dragged out of our house and burned before mine and Bethany's very eyes. And then I felt it again when I was nine, right before we got taken by the assassins.

This feeling never led to anything good, and I shuddered at what it could mean for us, what it could possibly be now. I turned to look at the house sighing deeply,

I felt as if the weight of the world was pushing down upon me, and I was slowly running out of air. I couldn't let anything happen to Bethany, she was my only ray of light in this world, and she never wanted any of this, I didn't want to drag her down with me.

She didn't deserve any of this, I knew she had always dreamed of pursuing her interest in books and knowledge and eventually marrying. Having a little wedding and children and a family of her own. She wanted to have a nice little house to tend to and to grow old in. I knew she wanted all of them things, no matter how bad she told me she was content with her life as it is.

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