Chapter Sixty-Eight - a surprise visitor

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As we charged I pulled my bow off my back gritting my teeth, my hand automatically behind my back, the arrows lightly brushing my fingertips. Pushing starlight on I let go of the reigns and she let out a loud whinny as we rushed forwards, towards the oncoming battle,

As I got closer I noticed neither Magda, Hale or Dagger had moved from their spot and the vampires and werewolves were the only ones running towards us.

I smirked as I pulled an arrow out of my quiver and angled it towards the oncoming onslaught. I slowly rotated as swung my leg over starlight and I rolled onto my back, firing the arrow and flipping off of onto the floor as I landed on the floor and flicked my head up.

I quickly pulled my arrows out of my quiver as I dug them onto the floor and began firing, I twirled around as I let arrow after arrow fly, however it felt like they were never ending, once I had finished my arrows I threw my bow to the side and chucked my quiver, removing the extra weight ontop of me.

"LILLIAN NOW!" Hyde shouted across the field, tossing a rouge vampire to the side, as he motioned for me and I turned breathing heavily. I nodded as I ran to him and hopped up onto his hands as he launched me up into the air and I turned flinging my stakes out one after another, turning three vampires instantly into dust,

I dropped as I rolled onto the floor, a vampire charging straight for me. As I looked up I saw a sharp black rock embed itself deep into the heart of the vampire in front and I turned to see Matthias flinging the black rocks out of his hands, hitting as many of them as he possibly could,

I grinned at him as I turned back drawing my sword running straight for a werewolf who had pinned themselves on top of a witch. I twirled the blade as I sliced his chest and I turned around him embedding it into its rib cage, straight through their heart as I quickly withdrew it and it dropped to the floor dead,

I held my hand out for the witch to help her up as she called out in warning, my skin tingling as I felt someone running for me from behind. I turned drawing my sword, but I knew I was going to be too late as a vampire was right in front of me, his outstretched claws lunging for me, and I gasped.

However before he could touch me, he was lifted into the air and torn into two his body flopping onto the ground as I fell back and looked up seeing Damien shoot a small smile at me, standing above me with his hands up, his chest rising and falling quickly. He quickly turned around as he held his hands out to the side black smoke pouring out of his body as he incapacitated the vampires and werewolves around him,

As he did I saw Evelyn run across with her claws out, slashing them all at inhuman speed as they all fell to the ground dead almost simultaneously.

As I looked around amongst the chaos, I saw we were doing well. Bodies littered the floor and the snow had been stained red, a colour that sent a shiver down my spine. Despite this there always seemed to be more to replace the ones we killed, and I quickly ducked as a vampire slashed their claws at me, their fangs bared.

I turned as I waved my sword swiping its head off and I took a deep breath, the aura of battle consuming me. I looked up I saw a red wolf run past me, ripping a vampire to shreds, blood flicking onto my face as I raised my hands up to cover myself. It ran right up to me as I saw familiar eyes looking back at me, Hyde.

I nodded as I ran forwards with my sword raised and continued to kill werewolf and vampire one after another, until there was bodies all piled up around me.

I turned as I saw Cyrene fighting near me, her power flowing throughout the field, "CYRENE" I yelled out as she turned to me holding the heart of the vampire who quickly dropped to the floor in front of her,

I pointed at Magda who was still stood still at the back of the clearing, "WE NEED TO GET TO THEM" I shouted slashing my sword as I cut down another vampire. She nodded in agreement and we ran forwards, Evelyn quickly running up next to us as she quickly shapeshifted into a white leopard and began to clear a path for us ripping our enemies to complete shreds in front of us,

I whistled loudly as I ran and Starlight pushed through the fighting next to me and I leapt up to her jumping on and my wrapping my legs around. I grabbed the reigns pulling up next to Cyrene as I grabbed her arm pulling her up onto starlight behind me. I wove through the madness as Cyrene chanted behind me, a small barrier growing around us, throwing enemies immediately away from our path.

I pulled my knives out throwing them across the battlefield whilst Cyrene blasted power out behind me, aiding those we could whilst rushing through the chaos. Evelyn continued to try and clear the field in front of us, however there was just too many for her to manage alone.

A vampire leapt for me as he grabbed me around the waist, throwing me off starlight and sending me rolling onto the floor, pain slamming through my body and light splintering my vision as I struggled to remain conscious. I coughed as I clutched my side, wiping the dirt from my face.

Cyrene immediately stopped pulling starlights reigns as I flicked my head up and pulled my dagger out and dug it into the floor to stabilise myself. I pushed myself to my feet as I felt air rush back into my lungs and I waved my hands, "GO! I WILL JOIN YOU, DONT STOP!" I shouted as she nodded turning on starlight and charging on.

I growled as I plucked my dagger out of the floor and the vampire circled me, a cruel grin on his face. I mocked him, motioning him on as he charged and I rolled to the side, swiped the sword cleanly through the air and slitting his side, crimson blood dripping onto the floor. He howled in pain as I stood up and threw my dagger to the side,

I ran at him as I leapt up wrapping around his body and grabbing onto his neck, wrapping my thighs around his body as I swung and knocked him onto the floor, his hands clutching at me as I grit my teeth. I quickly grabbed my knife from my thigh as I lifted it high and plunged it deep into his chest, killing him instantly.

I blew my hair out of my face as I grabbed my sword off the floor and looked around, trying to find some sense through the madness. I caught eyes with Damien as he nodded and his wings expanded from behind him, his power throwing those around him to the ground instantly. He pushed himself up into the air as I ran forwards putting my sword away,

Brand noticed this as he lifted his hand up, breaking the earth in front of me as I hopped up clutching onto the edge and using all my strength to get ontop of the floating rock. I held my hands up as Damien caught my hands and flew me to where Evelyn was still trying to clear the crowd, her once white fur now stained with blood.

As I looked down I saw the chaos unfolding and I felt my stomach turn, Hyde rushed forwards waving his sword through the air as he sliced enemies down again and again and Brand uncurled his wings as he spread his power out, taking everyone around him down. The flashes of witch power spread throughout the fields, and I gasped.

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