Chapter Forty-Three - Sirene

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I opened my eyes slowly, blinking repeatedly as the world appeared fuzzy, the light blinding me slightly. As the world slowly shifted back together I realised there was an unknown ceiling hanging above my head and I groaned as I pushed myself up, holding my head, still pulsating slightly from power I had just experienced.

Turning I came face to face with Cyrene, sitting across from me with an undetectable expression on her face as she quietly muttered to herself. As I sat up fully she snapper her head to meet my eyes and smiled at me briefly before walking over and sitting next to me on the bed,

"Glad to see you have returned, unfortunately you passed out from the magical energy that surrounds and fills this place, something we should have anticipated. As you were not brought up within a witch community, your magic wasn't used to being around that many witches, nor were you ready to be around that much magic, but we have managed to stabilise you for now. Hopefully your magic will settle on its own, knowing what you are, it shouldn't take you too long" she said as she handed me a cup,

I sniffed it suspiciously as she smiled longer this time, a small flicker of humour in her eyes, "Don't worry Lillian, it's just water" she said with a light giggle, "We aren't going to poison you, not everyone is out to get you, would do you well to remember that" she said as I nodded stiffly before gulping it all down, the cool liquid running down my throat as I sighed in relief,

"I'm so sorry I brought all this trouble here, this was never my plan, but I fear you may be under attack very soon and I need the answers that only you can provide. I know we don't know each other, and I don't expect you to help me considering the ruin the kings before have put you in, but I brought them here to help you, I fear for your colony, it seems something big is brewing." I said as Cyrene tried to hide her concern, folding her arms,

"You are not wrong Lillian, I had half the mind to remove those two monsters at the gate as soon as I set my eyes on them. Us witches have been lending support to the other colonies recently, there has been an increase in persecution, in fines and in relocation." She said as I frowned swinging my legs around the side of the bed,

"What on earth are you going on about?" I said as she raised an eyebrow at me, "Interesting, even as the future Queen of Ezerene it seems your king refuses to let you in on what orders his armies have, and what orders he has been giving to them" she said calmly as I folded my arms in silence, not impressed with her lack of answers,

"It is not something I can meddle with I'm afraid, who you are and what you are means I may have no part in changing the natural order of things, it is our main rule. A witch cannot interfere with the plan the gods have, if you do not know the truth yet, you will in good time. All I say to you is, you may want to look past the illusion that has been presented to you, find the cracks underneath and truly understand what you are being pushed into." She said as I rolled my eyes,

"So do all witches just talk in riddles?" I scowled as she laughed lightly, "They are not riddles if you listen properly Lillian, had you been raised where you were meant to be, you would understand everything I said, however that is no fault to you. I am deeply sorry for our failure at finding you, and I am sorry for everything you had to go through." She said bowing her head ever so slightly at me as I shuffled uncomfortably,

"Anyway, my mother wishes to speak to you, she is willing to give the answers that you seek. But as for a potential attack, I am the leader here so I do believe that would come to me. Please do explain further Lillian" she said as I stood up and followed her out of the tent,

"I've spent the last month studying the lands and borders surrounding this kingdom since living in the celestial stronghold and I have noticed that the werewolves have been moving their land closer and closer every day. We now believe that they have teamed up with the rogue vampires, to find this prophecy that we have come here looking for, it's the prophecy associated with this potential Great War that everyone seems convinced involves me" I said as Cyrene's face turned grim,

Cyrene stopped walking as she turned to me, grabbing my hands as she looked me in the eyes, her face completely calm but the small shake in her fingers giving her away, I could sense her fear at my words.

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