Bonus Chapter.

173 11 1

In the north...

I sat down on my throne as Hyde stood next to me, my fingers tapping lightly on the chair.

The coronation had been short and sweet, with only those I had brought with me to witness, as well as a few witches to officiate. I had not created a spectacle of it, there was no need. People would find out soon enough about the first Queen in the world, and they would begin to fear me.

It wouldn't take long, and before they knew it they would be either bending the knee, or I would be removing them from existence.

"How is the village?" I asked Hyde as he bowed his head, "Coping well Lillian, borrowing supplies directly from the Celestial stronghold was a wise choice, we may have suffered during the winter without it" he said as a young woman approached me, her head bowing as she halted,

"Irene, what is it" I said as the young witch smiled, "Your highness, there is someone here asking directly to speak to you" she said as I tilted my head, "Well do let them in" I said as I motioned for the workers inside the castle to take a break for now, all of them bowing before exiting, leaving me and Hyde at the top of the throne room.

The doors swung open as I froze slightly, the scent of a vampire filling the room. I watched wearily as the young man walked down the centre of the hall, his feet the only sound within the large stone room.

He had only two guards with him, both who looked like they had never seen a day in battle. He hadn't come here to fight, so why was this strange man here?

He reached the bottom of the steps leading to my throne as he quickly got on one knee, surprising myself and Hyde.

"Your Highness, allow me to introduce myself. My name is King Nathaniel Dashen, of the West." He said as my eyes widened slightly and my eyes darted quickly to Hyde who quickly realised what I was thinking.

"King Nathaniel, to what do I owe the pleasure" I said keeping calm as I tapped my finger lightly on the stone throne, my eyes flashing ever so slightly,

"Firstly, on behalf of the West I offer my deepest condolences on the loss of your sister" he said as a sharp pain went through my chest and I clutched the stone tightly in my grasp, a small tear prickling as I controlled myself and took a deep breath nodding slightly at him, unable to use my words.

Once we had finally reached the north I had shut down. It had been a month or so since she had gone but it was still fresh, as if I could sometimes hear her laughter down the corridor late at night, or feel her asleep next to me like when we were children.

I had wasted away the first week we had arrived, my sobs and cries echoing throughout the stone fortress, my power breaking down that very same stone. Hyde dared not disturb me whilst I grieved, and even now I knew he pretended to not hear me cry myself to sleep every night.

"And I would also like to offer my deepest apologies for my father's behaviour" The king said as I was ripped out of my thoughts, my head snapping to the young man in front of me.

"Is that so?" I questioned as he bowed his head, "He was a horrid man, and in fact you did me a favour, the west was wasting away, my father too prioritised with which woman he was going to fuck that night or which party he was going to hold next" he said as I watched him quietly,

"I hated him and had my mother been alive, she would have killed him herself for what he tried to do to you." He said as I frowned, raising an eyebrow,

"My mother was a witch, a faint one really, but also a vampire. Once turned into a vampire a witch loses her abilities you see and one night she was found by my father and he took a fancy to her, turning her right then and there" he said as Hyde looked at me but I refused to turn my head.

"She told me many stories of your coming, and had she been alive to know you are real she would have told me to usurp my father then and there to follow your cause." He said as surprise rushed throughout my body.

"Does the King know you are here?" I questioned as he shook his head, "No my Queen, he barely checks on us, especially the west. His main ties are with the East-" He said before being abruptly cut out by a loud snort from Hyde as I turned my head narrowing my eyes at him,

"And the South, Your highness" the king continued as I raised my eyebrows in surprise,

"Are you currently on the council of Kings?" I questioned again as he nodded and I smiled, "Good" I replied as he frowned, "So what is it you are here to offer me, King Nathaniel?" I asked as he stood tall,

"The West is yours My Queen, it always has been and always will be. Feel free to move right in if you desire, and relocate your people there if you need, anything you want is yours if we have it. I offer my armies and myself towards your rightful claim." He said as I rose from my chair and slowly walked down the stairs, clasping my hands together.

"And why should I trust you king Nathaniel? Indeed it wasn't you, but your father did try to kill me" I said as he looked me dead in the eyes and offered out his hands, "Let the Erebus judge me, I am here because my mother taught me all about you, and warned me that you would come one day. She made me swear that if you did, you would have the full support of the West" he said as I narrowed my eyes,

"And, if you don't mind, may I ask how she died?" I said as he grit his teeth slightly, "She was murdered, I'm not sure by whom, but it was someone who found out what she was teaching me, what she was telling me to do. My father had planned to have me removed from his succession but then he conveniently died and I was named King." He said as I raised my eyebrows,

"Sounds like I did you a favour then?" I remarked as he nodded, "Very well, pass me your hands" I said as he lowered his head and I gripped his wrists, magic flowing around us as I eventually pulled away.

He looked up at me as I smiled and returned to my chair, smoothing out my dress. "Do you believe me?" He said as Hyde chuckled lightly,

I smiled as I leant forwards, "If I didn't, you would be dust" I said as he let out a small sigh of relief,

"Very well King Nathaniel, for now you will tell no one of this interaction. You will be my eyes and ears for every single one of their meetings until I finally decide I want my own seat" I said sitting back in my chair as I crossed my legs,

I lifted my head high as I turned to face Hyde who smiled slightly and Nathaniel rose,

"Let's begin" I said grinning as I let a small smile rush across my face.

"Time to take back what is mine"

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