Chapter Twelve - Dinner

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TW - rape, abuse


Brand tapped his foot impatiently on the floor as Evelyn and Hyde both looked at each other, their faces blank as they refused to meet Brands gaze. Brands fury was growing greater by the second, it had already been half an hour, and he hadn't heard anything from her room.

He had sent Clarissa up there to get her ready, and she had returned not long after, informing him she was washed and dressed. But for some reason, Lillian had decided not to come out of her room to join them downstairs for dinner.

Brands eyes flashed black as he slammed his fist down on the table and stood up aggressively, his power washing over the room as the servants present cowered in fear. Brand was prepared to knock down the door and drag her downstairs, whether she liked it or not. He was not going to be disrespected in his own house, let alone by a human girl.

Evelyn quickly rose from the table, her long dress swaying against the floor as she turned and looked at Brand, calmly holding her hand out as he halted, "Brand please stop just a moment, perhaps before you go all caveman on her again, just let me try first" she said calmly as Hyde and Brand looked at her as if she was crazy. Evelyn was worse than him, more likely to kill Lillian than to help her, why would she offer to help?

"You Evelyn? You don't even like her, what are you going to do to get her down here? Use your compulsion on her or drag her here by her hair? A heart to heart doesn't seem your kind of thing" Brand said as she shrugged, the red silk material dropping off one shoulder as she ran her hands through her ice white hair,

"Well, unlike you, I am a woman. A girl-to-girl talk seems a little better than you dragging her out whilst she screams obscenities again. I may be able to relate to how she's feeling, better than you two anyway" she said flicking her long hair over her shoulder,

"But you hate her" Brand said raising his eyebrows as she shrugged, "I don't hate her, I don't really like her if I'm honest, but then again, I don't really like anyone. But, if she's going to be here forever, I may as well try. For my own sake, living with all you men all the time is completely draining me. Anyway, I didn't like her when we were planning on killing her, remember that request?" she said as she walked off leaving the table.

Brand turned to look at Hyde who shook his head shrugging, completely unbothered by the interaction as he took a large gulp out of his goblet and Brand sat back down in his chair groaning as he hung his head in his hands.


I was still laying on the bed half an hour later, my legs and body unwilling to move an inch, I kept rubbing my hands against the soft sheets underneath me as my stomach turned again and again.

I didn't want to go. I didn't want to be here. I was honestly surprised I hadn't been dragged out yet, I thought as I heard a soft click of the door.

I turned my head to see Evelyn's pale hair flow into the room as I rolled my eyes dropping my head back onto the bed, the blood red of her dress burning into my mind.

I sighed as she walked in and I rolled over onto my front, "Oh gods above, they sent you. Are you here to drag me down, or kill me? If I can request one, please just kill me" I said into the bed as she chuckled lightly,

"No one is killing you now, and I'm not here to do anything of the sort.  I'm not ruining this dress for you; Gods get out of your little pity party" she said dryly as I chuckled back.

"What do you want then" I huffed sitting up as she looked at me, assessing me up and down, "You know you're not too bad looking when you actually try" she said "and I wasn't expecting that under the suit" she finished as I snorted flopping back onto the bed,

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