Chapter Fifty-Four - Grandmother?

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I groaned as a bright light woke me and I slowly sat up looking around the room, rubbing my face. However I quickly realising I wasn't in bed next to Brand, and I definitely  wasn't in my bedroom.

I looked around as I realised I was in the dining room, and to top it off I was on the dirty cod floor,

"What the fuck?" I said out loud, mainly to myself as I stood up and walked around seeing I was alone, the castle was eerily quiet.

I put my hands on my hips as I sighed, "Damien, cut it out now. We can talk tomorrow if you have something else to say, just leave me alone to get some sleep, or I swear to the gods I will murder you" I groaned rubbing my eyes and yawning,

However as I waited for a response, I didn't receive one and it didn't seem that he was here at all, normally he would have poked his head out by now. This is weird, I thought as I ran my hand through my hair.

I looked around, searching for any type of clue as to why I was here, and perhaps who was here with me, fear starting to creep into my body as I searched, who the fuck had called me here?

As I looked I noticed the back door to the gardens was slightly ajar and I sighed rolling my eyes as I walked to it, pushing it open.

However as I opened it I was met with a sight I wasn't ready for. The garden was gone and replaced with a large field, a huge oak tree right in the centre. My skin began to prickle as I shivered and rubbed my arms. Something was not right here, and I began to suspect that maybe Damien wasn't the one behind it.

"Damien, really good joke I am very impressed, just come out now" I said walking towards the tree, "seriously this isn't funny anymore, its freaking me out" I said as I reached the tree running my hand over it as I felt a hum of power wash over me, "Why hello my dear child, I was beginning to think we would never meet" a calm voice said behind me,

As I turned around to face them I was met with the last person I thought I would ever see.

"Oh my gods, Hecate?" I managed to get out as I took a step backwards and the woman turned to me smiling warmly, her arms open.

"My darling child, come here" she beckoned, her lips turning in a warm smile, I stayed where I was, folding my arms hesitantly "It was you wasn't it. You're the voice from earlier, the one that peirced my mind?" I said as she nodded signalling to the bench next to her.

She was certainly a goddess, and the books did nothing to capture her beauty. Her long hair was flowing down her sides as her whole body was lit up in some sort of glowing power. She was covered in black ink markings, and a very large ornate crown was settled on her head.

She practically radiated power and confidence, my skin tingling even being near her. She almost floated over to the bench as her gown flowed behind her and she looked over her shoulder tilting her chin telling me to come forwards.

I slowly walked over as I sat and turned to face her, "Why have you called me here?" I said as she sighed tilting her head at me,

"My child, there is much you do not know, and I really shouldn't have brought you here, perhaps even angering the gods. But seeing as you are my granddaughter, I feel responsible for you and you have no idea of the power you possess, how much chaos it can bring" she said as I sighed my shoulders slumping, "Oh trust me I know, and I'm about to know fully, besides when have you ever cared I was your granddaughter? Not like you've ever been there before" I remarked as she reached for my shoulder smiling at me, my eyes staying slightly cold as I watched her,

"My darling Lillian, you are not a pure agent of chaos my dear. You think I would send you into this life with just one path ahead of you? You are special, not only are you chaos but you are the chance for fresh beginnings, for rebirths, you are destined for greatness."

"But change does not come easy. The path of freedom and peace is a heavy burden, and there will be prices to pay" she said as I turned to her, "Why have you never spoken to me before, why have you never been there for us?" I asked as her smile fell and she stood up walking in front of me,

"Lillian, I cannot directly interfere with your life, it is my punishment, this right now is pushing the limits. You don't know how badly I've wanted to save you and Bethany from all the hardships you have been through, but you needed to live through them. And I know it seems cruel to have put you two through so much, even as children, but you wouldn't be who you are today without it, and I know the world and yourselves would be in a much worse place" she said calmly as I watched her, "However, what I did today was essential, I had no other choice, I couldnt remain silent any longer, I do not have a lot of time, the gods will be watching me closely and wil have noticed I have called you here" she said as I looked at her confused as she looked around,

"What on earth do you mean" I said standing up to face opposite her, she looked around suddenly as the illusion began to crumble around us,

"Oh dear, they seem to have noticed quicker than expected, I thought we may have more time together than this my child, but before I have to go please listen to me" she said holding my hands in hers, "Be careful who you trust, you must remember yourself first always, I had to stop you today because you cannot mate with anyone yet, especially not" she trailed off as the illusion began to crack under our feet as I felt the dream begin to fade,

"Especially not what" I said as she looked around panicked as everything began to disappear, "All is not as it seems Lillian, please be careful of who you trust. If you mate with anyone it will affect your control and power, they will be able to influence you and therefore your magic, which could cause untold destruction. Do not mate with anyone until you completely trust them and the people around them" she said quickly gripping my hands,

"It may not seem it my child, but I love you and your sister very dearly, and I only want the best for you, please stay safe" she said as she quickly gripped my forearm and kissed my forehead pulling me tightly,

"A little protection for you" she said as she began to crack away in front of me, "I know you will do the right thing. You are not evil Lillian, remember that. All is not lost" she said before the ground beneath me cracked and I fell down, away from her.

As I hit the floor I sat up quickly yelling and breathing heavily, sweat covering my body as I controlled my breathing, my heart beating out of my chest. "Lillian what's wrong" Brand said quickly shooting up in bed as I scrambled off of the bed onto the floor and held my body breathing deeply as he ran over and held me tight, pulling me into his lap,

"Hey, hey it's okay, your safe with me it's all okay," he said rocking me slowly as I calmed down slowing my breathing, my body shaking slightly.

"What's this" he said quickly grabbing my wrist as he turned it and I saw a dark mark on it as I squinted grabbing my arm back,

"I don't know" I said quietly running my fingers over it as he stood up, turning the lights on so we could get a better view,

There was an intricate swirl of black ink that swooped delicately around my wrist that I certainly didn't have before I went to sleep. I turned my wrist as I looked at the marking, my mind travelling back to what Hecate said before she disappeared, this was the arm she had touched, what the fuck had she given me?

I opened my mouth to tell Brand about it, however remembering her words I closed it, hesitant to share the details with him. Was she right? Was everything not as it seemed, and while I loved Brand, could I still trust him after that interaction? There seemed to be a lot of warnings being thrown at me recently, and it was starting to make me nervous.

I trusted Brand with my life, I loved him, and I knew he loved me, but her warning had truly shaken me. It could be Brand I should be afraid off but what if it was someone else here in the castle? Who could be the person who had an ulterior motive, who was really in control here?

I had to keep my wits about me, and I needed to be careful, while they had become my family in such a short amount of time, that was the problem. I did not fully know these people, and with this warning, now I didn't know who I could trust.

Deciding against telling him I pulled him close to me, "it was just a nightmare Brand. I'm sorry I freaked you out and woke you" I lied as he kissed the top of my head.

"That doesn't explain the mark Lillian but it's fine, we are mates remember. I'm here for you, always, even if you think I'm not, I love you" he said as a guilty pit in my stomach grew,

"Brand" I said quietly as he carried me back to the bed and we cuddled close, "if something was wrong, not just with me, but with anyone, or if someone was acting weird you would tell me right?" I said as he pulled me back and looked at me confusion all over his face,

"Why would you ask me that?" he said as I lowered my gaze and shrugged, "I'm not sure, I guess it's just getting so close to the battle, I'm just getting nervous, and I don't want anything to go wrong" I said as he smiled and kissed me on the head,

"Lillian go to sleep, nothing will ever happen to you, you are too important to me, don't panic about anything" he said as I smiled and nuzzled into his chest,

I finally fell asleep to the gentle sound of Brand's breathing and thankfully no more people visited me in my dreams.

But Hecate's words ran round and round in my head, was everything not as it seemed? If so who was the bad guy and who could I trust? And who on earth would want to use my power to their advantage, what could they possibly want?


the mark

well, twists and turns, lol

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well, twists and turns, lol

what we thinking?

what is hecate trying to say?

thank you so much for reading I love you guys!

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