Chapter Fifty - self defence

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My eyes shot open as a a swift blow to my gut woke me and I coughed spitting onto the floor as I groaned, my wrists burning as I wriggled. I blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the scenery around me as I felt another swift kick to my back and my head whipped back as I grit my teeth in pain. Fuckers.

My head flopped back forwards as my eyes finally adjusted and I quickly found myself strapped to a chair in the middle of nowhere, the tree's looming around me as I failed to instantly recognise exactly where I was. I couldnt have gone too far, they wouldnt have had the time to get me out without suspicion and they wouldn't have gotten too far before Brand sent an army after me.

I slowly looked up through my lashes as my hair stuck to my face, flicked my head as I continued to look around, sweat trickling gently down my back.

"What the hell do you want from me" I growled into the darkness, "Come out, dont be scared, I promise I dont bite too hard" I finished as I saw three vampires walk out from within the trees. They chuckled meanacingly as one of them lifted my chin and smirked at me,

"You little bitch. We know who you are, and we have heard the rumours. But more importantly we know what you are, wearing a disgusting outfit like that means only one thing" he spat as he slapped me, my face instantly burning from the impact as my eyes watered,

I rolled my head back chuckling as I looked at them, "What rumours" I said as they chuckled, "You know what we are talking about. Your little show on the balcony was enough to prove it. We don't want peace, those cocky originals deserve to be eradicated, time for us to rise up, along with others" one at the back said as I narrowed my eyes at him,

"Oh so your rogues? I see now" I said laughing as they looked at me, their eyes narrowing, "Clever little human aren't you? Sneaking into that ridiculous party was easier than expected, and then you gave us the perfect opportunity to grab you without those pathetic brothers around" the same one said as he delivered a swift punch to my gut,

I doubled over again winded, as I coughed, air rushing out of my lungs. I let out another laugh as I lifted my head up looking him dead in the eyes, "Goods gods you punch like a little girl, aren't you meant to be intimidating me?" I mocked as he lifted his fist again,

Another one stepped in front stopping the vampire as he glared, "Stop, just ignore her she's trying to wind you up, lets just get this done" he muttered as I breathed deeply smirking, I needed to think and fast.

I looked down as I cursed, this bloody dress wasn't going to be much help, I still didnt believe the stories of Evelyn fighting in her ballgowns and I knew it was not going to complete this easily. I had a concealed dagger strapped to my thigh which they hadn't taken but how was I going to get it with my hands bound? I tried wriggling my hands but there was no relief.

My eyes fully adjusted to the darkness as I observed the vampires in front of me, something was wrong, these weren't rogues. They were too, well, clean. They were smooth shaved and their hair was neat, their outfits were also too expensive, the small flicker of gold thread glistening under the moonlight.

These were never rogues, these vampires belonged to one of the Kings. One of the kings who I had seriously pissed off earlier, I guess Evelyn was right. I didnt want to get on their bad side. But seriously? In the same night? They could have at least let me enjoy my own party.

I sighed as the vampires turned to their own conversation, I tried to think of a way out of this. Brand and Damien could find me soon and save me I thought but then I shook my head.

What the hell was happening to me? I am fucking Lillian Silverback. I have killed thousands, vampires, and humans alike, I didn't need to be rescued, I was not going to be a damsel in distress again, that's not who I am.

I gritted my teeth as I smirked. "Oi, you the ugly one" I said calmly as they turned around, I laughed as they looked at me,

"Well I mean your all disgusting looking but I mean balls for brains over there, the one with an anger problem" I taunted as the guy who kept hitting me walked over, he gripped my chin as he turned my head to him,

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