Chapter Forty One- Apologies

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I shook my head as I took a hesitant step away from Damien and Brand, a cold shiver of fear still rushing through my body at what I had just witnessed. "No. Stay right where you are, don't come near me" I said my voice wavering slightly as both their expressions turned pained,

I turned around covering my mouth and nose from the foul smell of burning vampires all around us, my lungs burning slightly from the sour taste filling my mouth. I coughed lightly as I found starlight and quickly climbed onto her, Brand and Damien quietly climbing onto their horses beside me as we moved forwards in silence. As we moved on I quietly moved my stake from my bag into my right pocket, my heart still beating rapidly from what the fuck had just happened.

We continued to ride in an uncomfortable silence as I went over what had just happened in front of me. What I had just seen them do to those vampires happened in the blink of an eye, it almost didn't seem real, as if I had just imagined it. Sure, I had been destined for a far worse fate if they hadn't come, but I had never seen anything like it, and it had terrified me. The fact that it sent a chill down my back was horrifying, it's not like I haven't seen some shit, especially in this lifetime.

I knew they were powerful, that much was obvious, but to kill an entire pack of rogues, with as little as a flick of the wrist or a click, was absurd, and completely ruthless. I always knew I had never stood a chance against them, but what I just witnessed, I couldn't even believe it was possible.

No wonder they had been such a problem for the gods, and the original brothers had been rumoured to possess even greater gifts than their descendants, I couldn't even begin to fathom the type of power they could wield, or how brutal the wars had been.

I had never seen that side of Brand before, Damien I wasn't the least bit surprised, his reputation evidently preceded him. But from Brand? I was shocked at his ruthlessness and unforgiving nature, he didn't even give them a chance to beg before he murdered them.

From what I had witnessed Brand was much worse and clearly more powerful than Damien. He didn't even hesitate before ending their lives, and it made me think, how did he act as King if this was how easy it was for him to kill? He was so nice to me and kind and caring, but I had never once seen him at work, or even do kingly duties.

Who had I really given myself too?

As I pushed starlight on I felt my body begin to shut down on me, my eyes dropping as I felt my body slip and slide on top of starlight, my hands growing loose on the reins. We had no hope of finishing the rest of the trip with tired horses and I had absolutely no chance feeling as drained as I did.

I slowly looked around for a place to stop as I felt my body begin to fully shut down on me and I began to slip off the side of Starlight. As I fell I heard Brand call out and leap off his horse catching me before I could hit the ground, his arms cradling my body as I forced my eyes open, the world blurring in front of my eyes.

"We should stop here you cannot ride without rest, this night has taken too much out of you" he said as I mumbled and he carried me to a small space where we set up camp,

Damien secured the horses as Starlight lay down watching me carefully, clearly not enjoying the fact I had now fallen off her twice in the last hour. I curled unmoving as I let out a deep breath, I didn't have a shred of energy left to move, the riding and the emotional events of the day had me drained and I didn't even have the strength to keep my eyes open,

Brand sat down resting against a tree as he opened his wings up, cradling me within them. I didn't want to lay with him right now, but I didn't really have another choice?

"Don't think I am okay with everything just because I am sleeping here" I managed to mumbled as I felt Brands chest rumble against my head, "I know Lillian just get some rest" he said as everything went black and I fell into a deep sleep


Brand watched her fall into a deep sleep as the events of the day finally caught up with her, he knew he had fucked up. She had seen the monster, the person who made him king. He had no remorse in his land, and now he had a sick feeling in his stomach knowing what he had done. What he had shown her.

Brand stared down at Lillian, his eyes scanning over her face. I grit his teeth as he leant his head back, he couldn't believe he almost lost her today. How could he have been so foolish?

Brand looked up at Damien who was looking at him and Brand sighed as Damien tilted his head watching Lillian, "Brother you indeed have an interesting mate there, I don't think I've ever met another female quite like her" he said quietly as Brand groaned moving ever so slightly so he wouldn't wake her, wrapping his wings tighter around her in a protective style, away from the prying eyes of his brother,

Damien chuckled as he noticed the movement and ripped open a blood bag, taking a big gulp. "Don't you worry your big head brother, at the moment I'm not even the slightest bit concerned of taking her from you, surprisingly I don't even think she's interested, which is also a fist" he joked as Brand growled,

Damien held his hands up in a surrender as he sighed, "Dear gods, I was joking brother, please, let me talk" he said as Brand reluctantly let him,

"I'm sorry" he said as Brand's head immediately snapped up, clearly surprised at his words. "For everything, for mother, for what you have had to go through alone, without any family" he said as Brands watched him wearily, "Damien, please let's not do this right now" Brand said as Damien sighed a tired look appearing on his face, one which Brand had never seen before.

"Please Brother, I think we have been gifted a second chance by this remarkable woman in your lap, to actually start over, I know I can never truly be forgiven for what happened to mother, but for father I cannot apologise" he said his fists clenching ever so slightly,

"I will never forgive him for what he put us through, forcing us against each other, making every day of my life hell, I cannot and will not ever forgive him, but mother. I spend every waking moment regretting my actions for what it did to her. I loved her, probably the only woman I will love in my life, and I truly regret everything I did that killed her" he trailed off as he quickly looked away, folding his arms across his chest,

Brands face turned to slight shock as he looked at his brother, the wind rustling slightly through the trees above them as Brand sighed, "I will try to forgive you brother, but first can you forgive me" Brand said as Damien's head snapped up to look at him,

"If I had just been a better brother and not listened to our fathers rules, this could have been so different, for you and for me. I should have never let him treat you the way he did, you didn't deserve it, it was never your fault" Brand said as Damien smiled slightly, "brother it's okay, I'm just glad to see you again after all these years, I have slightly missed having you around" he said as Brand smiled,

"Don't get too ahead of yourself Damien, not everything is fixed from this, but in the end we are brothers, and we have a kingdom to rule" Brand said as Damien looked at him, confusion written all over his face, "if there is to be a war, and I do believe one is coming, I will need you to join me, form an alliance, help me protect the most important thing in my life and also my kingdom" Brand said as he stroked Lillian's face, Lillian instantly nuzzling closer into his hand.

Damien smiled nodding, "of course brother, I think it is high time we remind the people who we are, and what we are capable of" he said wistfully as Brand nodded silence filling the air again,

Damien turned to look at Brand as he watched him carefully, "So what are we going to do about Magda" he said quietly as Brand sighed, running his hand through his hair.

Magda Velorina. The woman before Lillian, Damien thought. Brand never thought he would meet Lillian, at least not for a very long time, and so Brand let himself get involved with Magda, Damien always knew it would be something he would regret.

Damien had tried to warn his brother, to let him know what and who Magda was, but for some reason he refused to accept it, never fully listening to him about how dangerous she really was.

She was wanted by everyone in the land, but she only wanted Brand and at the time he thought it was because she was in love, but it was all just a cruel plan, one which Damien had seen a mile off.

She only wanted power and the throne, to influence her rule over everyone, including Brand. She took his heart and ripped it out of his chest, quite literally. She always had been dramatic, Damien thought as he mentally eyerolled, she was powerful and cruel, and was clearly jealous that Brand had chosen someone else and given Lillian what she wanted.

"I don't know, I will have to find a way to explain to Lillian first" Brand said as Damien looked at him as if he was crazy,

"You didn't fucking tell her? You knew this was going to happen at some point, she has been after you and the throne ever since you dumped her and cast her out." Damien said as he looked at him in disbelief, "You do remember she actually ripped your heart out the last time she saw you and promised you and this kingdom would belong to only her?" he said as Brand sighed running his hand over his face,

"Thanks for the reminder brother, I couldn't quite remember how that went" Brand said wincing slightly as Damien thought back, remembering the incident very well,

Me and Brand stood in the hall as Magda came storming in, the door crashing against the wall as I turned, raising my eyebrow slightly. Someone wasn't happy.

"You are kicking me out? Me!? All because of some little bitch in the future, this is not right. You are mine and I will be Queen" she yelled as I crossed my arms watching them quietly, I knew I had been fucking right, that two faced cow.

"Magda, you will never have this throne, you are mean, manipulative, spiteful and pure evil, you only crave power and are not fit to rule, and I wished I had seen this earlier." Brand said as she whirled around her eyes flashing red,

"you will fucking regret this Brand, mark my words, you will be mine and I will have that throne, I don't care what I have to do or who I have to kill to get it" she said right before she plunged her hand into Brands chest ripping his heart out in one foul swoop,

Brand gasped as me fell to my knees in front of her, "this belongs to me, always has and always will, and I will make you pay for taking this away from me" she whispered as Brand gasped his heart still beating in her hand as I growled, the shadows flickering dangerously around my feet as I lunged straight for her as she immediately dropped the heart and ran away and I quickly pushed the heart back into Brands chest as he gasped laying on the floor,

The flashback ended as Brand rubbed his chest, clearly reliving the memory as well. "You loved that woman, and she betrayed you as well as threatening to end this kingdom and you" Damien said as Brand sighed,

As he did Lillian moved slightly, pressing herself up against his chest, as Brand noticed Damien grimace ever so slightly from the corner of his eyesight. "Damien, nothing is going to stop me killing that wicked bitch when I see her, let's see how well she does when I rip out her heart, nothing is going to happen to Lillian, I swear it. She's far too important, more than you'll ever know" Brand said as they both sat there in silence watching Lillian sleep peacefully, unaware of the horrors coming her way.


well what do we think of Magda?

any feelings?

thank you so much for reading I love you guys

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