Chapter Forty-Nine - the ball

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Clarissa had a grim look on her face as she wrapped a large cloak around my body, her fingers shaking lightly as I smiled, taking the string from between her fingers and threading it myself,

She looked at me as I smiled warmly at her, "you are under my protection Clarissa, no harm will come to you from helping me, I swear it" I said as she nodded gripping my hands,

"Be careful your grace, the Kings will not forget this insult so quickly, you will need to be on your guard" she said as I leant over picking up the headpiece off the side, gently placing it on top of my delicately braided hair. Clarissa had done a wonderful job, framing my face with my long wavy hair, a delicate circlet of braids surrounded the back of my head,

I pulled the cloak tight as I gripped her hand, "you may stay if you wish, it would be better for you, go now, join the festivities, it gives you time to be clear of this so they cannot penalise you" I said as she nodded, rushing out of the room.

I ran my hands down the cloak as I picked up the letter that had returned,

My dearest Lillian,
It would be my greatest honour to supply you with what you desire, take this as an appreciation on my thanks, I do believe it will suit you needs and create the desired effect.
Stay safe

I smiled as I quickly threw the letter into the fire, the paper disintegrating as I turned and opened the door, the sound of people echoing throughout the halls.

I snuck through the hallways as I reached the door leading to the ballroom, guards posted in front of it. As I walked I felt a hand grab my arm and quickly pull me to the side, Evelyn's eyes meeting mine as I mentally cursed, gritting my teeth, fuck.

"What the fuck are you doing" she hissed as I fought in her grasp, my eyes flashing dangerously, "Evelyn, leave it alone" I growled as she looked me up and down, "Oh dear gods Lillian, now is not he time to be fucking around, this is serious. I dont think you understand the gravity of the situation" she said as I felt rage fill me and Evelyn immediately gasped, he hand releasing off my arm as she winced in pain and I frowned.

My eyes searched hers as she rubbed her hand, "No need to shock the shit out of me" she groaned as I lifted a hand over my mouth, "I'm so sorry Evelyn, truly I didnt mean to" I said as she nodded lifting her hand up, "I know,I know its fine" she whispered,

"Lillian, you cant be fucking around here, Brand will not be happy with what you are doing" she said as I folded my arms, "You all told me to man up and face who I am, well this is who I am. I am no ordinary Queen, and I will not be humiliated by the likes of them." I said as Evelyn took a deep breath, calming herself.

"Dear gods help me" she muttered as she looked around frantically, however before she could do anything I stepped out of her grasp and had motioned the guards to announce me.

Evelyn's eyes grew wide as she watched me go, but my gaze remained firm.

"Lillian, I will always support you, but what you are planning to do is dangerous. Provoking them will only lead to punishment" she said as my eyes flashed red slightly,

"Let them try" I said coldly as the doors swung open and I walked in, my head held high.

"Now presenting the future Queen, Lillian Silverback, the silverback assassin" a voice called out as the room turned to face me, silence echoing throughout the room.

I let out a shallow breath as I looked around catching Brands eyes. He looked me up and down as he clenched his glass and his eyes darkened but I didnt falter.

I saw Clarissa standing by the tables as I let out a sigh of relief, she had slotted in with the staff and therefore would be safe.

I lifted my gaze to meet the Kings standing at the end of the hall, disgusting smirks on their faces as I lifted my chin defiantly, a smirk of my own resting on my face.

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