Chapter Fifty-Nine - the meal

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As I walked downstairs to the dining room Brand's words continued to circle in my head. The thought of seeing him right now made me sick, and I hated it. He was my mate, surely there was a reason behind it all, he coudln't have an ulterior motive. Could he?

I sighed as I thought back to Bethany. She was right, we hadn't just enjoyed a peaceful day in a while and she deserved this day more than anyone, she deserved to spend it with me, with Hyde and with our friends. And she was going to get that, I wasn't going to let anything get in the way.

I smiled as I walked into the dining room, everyone already at the table and turned their heads to me, no surprise, I was always the last one in the room. Bethany narrowed her eyes at me as I noticed Brand already sat at the table and I shook my head ever so slightly, warning her to not say anything, Evelyn smiled at me as she looked up and down at the dress and mockingly patted herself on the back, causing me to let out a little laugh.

As I walked over to my chair I felt Brands eyes burning a hole into my back, and as I looked around I saw him running his gaze over me appreciatively and I forced myself to smile, despite the sick feeling growing in my stomach.

As I sat down opposite him and took a quick sip of the tea in my glass, I met his gaze, and for the first time in a while, I instantly felt the sparks go through me that I felt at the beginning of all this and I frowned, taking another sip, the warm liquid running through my body.

I shivered at his gaze as I looked away, only to meet Damien's stare, quietly watching our interaction. Once again an unrecognisable expression was on his face, before he settled his gaze directly on me, my body prickling and I quickly looked down at the table.

I turned to look at the side as I looked at Hyde and smiled, however his raised eyebrow at the small interaction between me and Damien making me quickly look back down. As food was brought out and conversation started I felt the tension ease and I silently sighed in relief,

I smiled as everyone talked amongst themselves and a small warmth seeped into my chest. I had a family now and whilst it was not the most stable all the time, I had a real family. People who really cared for me, and for Bethany.

I leant over grabbing a bottle as I poured myself a fresh glass of wine as I slowly pushed my chair back and stood up holding my glass,

"I would like to say something, for Bethany" I said as everyone's eyes turned to me. "Bethany, if someone told us we would be celebrating your birthday here today, with everyone sat around us, we would have laughed and called them insane. So much has changed in such a short span of time and I am eternally grateful we are here to celebrate you."

"I love you more than anything, and being here today lets me know you are safe, even if I happen to fail at my job, I know that I have achieved the best for you. Throughout everything, I have done nothing but ensure you were safe and happy, and we could have as normal life as possible" I smiled as she looked at me tears in her eyes,

"I treated you not only as my baby sister, but how a mother would treat their child, as you deserved nothing less, and I don't know what I would do without you. We may have struggled, and it may have been tough at times, and I know at times you may have hated me for how I acted, but you know I did it to give you the best possible chance. I will forever be eternally grateful for all the fights, and all the hardships, because I am so proud of the woman you have become today, and if I had to do it again you know I wouldn't change a thing. You are my life and I want you to know I will always be there for you. No matter what, and I love you forever. To Bethany" I said as I watched tears roll down her face as she smiled and lifted her glass at me,

We all sipped from our glasses as Brand quietly watched me sit back down and I let out a shaky breath as I took another big gulp from my glass, alcohol was definitely needed right now, with all the crazy thoughts running through my mind.

Soon Bethany and Hyde left as he took her out for a birthday treat, but not without a stern look from me, making Bethany blush and Hyde chuckle lightly.

I turned to the table as Evelyn and Damien rose, "We need to go and talk to the witches about plans for the battle as well as run over numbers. We will be back later for dinner and to help set up with the party. Unfortunately, it is not a day off for us" Evelyn said smiling at me as I smiled back and looked up at Damien who avoided my gaze as he quickly walked out the room, leaving a stinging feeling in my chest as I looked down. As they exited I realised it was only me and Brand left at the table

I looked up slowly at Brand seeing him staring straight at me as I pushed my chair back from the table smiling. We hadn't spent much time together since me freaking out and the constant preparations for the upcoming battle, and I suddenly had the realisation that I had missed him. I missed being close to him and I missed kissing him most of all.

I slowly walked over to him swaying my hips as he watched smiling. I walked around his chair as I stroked my finger up his arm and over his shoulder as I stuck my head around the side of his chair smiling, "I missed you this morning" I said as he watched me intensely, my core tightening,

"I am sorry about that darling" he said lowly as his words made me shiver, I walked around the side of his chair as I climbed onto his lap, "You could make it up to me now then" I said quietly as he smirked and stroked my chin,

"I've missed you" he said quietly as he ran a finger across my lips, I wrapped my arms around his neck as I straddled him and placed my lips on his. Our kiss was slow and intense, I moaned into his mouth as his hands wrapped around my body, holding me firm.

His tongue requested entry into my mouth as I willingly let him take control, slowly biting his lip, drawing a moan from him.

My hands ran through his hair as my hips rolled landing right on top of his clear arousal and I let out another moan as he gripped my ass tightly and I felt a wetness grown in-between my legs.

I pulled away breathing heavily as I rested my head on his and smiled, "Your forgiven" I whispered as I kissed him again, however keeping it short to avoid more sexual tension building in me.

My mission was however unsuccessful as he held me close, his grip tightening on my body as he deepened the kiss again, pressing my body up against his. His hands dropped under my arse again as he slowly stood up lifting me with him as I quickly wrapped my legs around him,

He quickly pushed the things on the table off causing a loud bang as he lay me down, causing me to slightly shiver against the hardwood table pressing on my back.

He kissed down my neck slightly pulling my dress down, exposing my shoulders as he placed gentle kisses, leaving small love-bites as he went. I let out a deep moan, my eyes closing as my back arched from the contact and his hands ran all the way down my body and I sighed loosing myself within his touch as my hands gripped the hardwood table.

"I do hope I'm not interrupting" a loud voice said as I quickly snapped open my eyes and sat up, rearranging my dress.

Brand pulled me close to him, covering my slight nakedness as I turned my head to see Damien resting against the doorway, his eyes burning into mine as ran my fingers through my hair, trying to tame the mess Brand had created.

I felt my face grow red as he walked over, his gaze never leaving mine as I looked down embarrassed and all of a sudden I was jolted back to reality,

What the fuck was I doing, why was I all over Brand after what I had heard this morning, what was wrong with me? I went to climb off of Brand's lap as his hands held me firm on his lap and I felt nerves bundle in my stomach, Damien's gaze on me making me feel sick.

Brand growled as Damien's gaze didn't leave mine, "Is it too much to ask for you to knock Damien" Brand said harshly as Damien shrugged looking away from me,

"I simply forgot my maps, so I came back to get them" he said as he walked around the table and picked them up off the floor where Brand had pushed them off. I said nothing as he turned quickly and silently walked out the room,

"I would suggest the bedroom for that kind of antics in future. You never know who could just walk in here" he said as he turned and looked at me, shooting a small smirk as Brand growled and I gently placed my hand on his chest to try and calm him down,

Damien let out a light chuckle as he caught my gaze one more time before leaving the room and I blushed looking down, desperately wanting to get off Brand.

Brand turned to me as I smiled at him and realise quickly I needed to get off him and begin my plan to follo him, "Just ignore him, he's just trying to get under your skin" I said as Brand looked at me and smiled,

"he's not wrong though, we seem to have a habit of doing things in this room and always getting caught" he chuckled as I forced a smile on my lips. I leant in as I kissed him again and as I did he lifted me up causing me to wrap my legs around him.

The sudden desperate need ran through me again as I moaned into his mouth and I felt him move his hands to hold under my arse and I felt tingles rush through me straight to my core and I sighed my head rolling back. Brand gently kissed my neck as I shivered and let out a little moan.

He pulled away as he gently set me down onto my feet and sighed looking down at me, reality instantly coming back as I felt my head spin from the back and forth between my emotions. "I really could do this all day, but I have some important business to attend to in my office for the battle. Perhaps you should find Evelyn if she's not too busy. Get her to help you decide something sexy to wear tonight" he said lightly slapping my arse as I jumped gasping,

Why was he lying to me, I knew he wasnt going to his office to make plan's. What was he really up to?

"Okay, don't take too long your highness" I said mockingly bowing as he let out a loud laugh, gently kissing the top of my head,

"Its good to have you back Lillian. You've been freaking me out recently and I've been worried about you. You really are important to me, you do know that don't you?" he said as I smiled looking up at him nodding as he pulled me in and hugged me,

"Now go do your important work" I said as I watched him go, my smile falling as he left the room, mysuspicion rising within me as I folded my arms. I quickly rushed out of the room, down to the barracks nearby as I ran through the grounds.

I snuck into the small room as I quickly picked up some armour and put it on, the heavy metal weighing me down. As I grabbed a nearby helmet, I felt arms grip my arm and turned me around, pushing me against the wall.

"What do you think your doing playing dress up Lillian?" Damien said as I gasped,


- what we thinking and feeling? we are drawing towards the end of this book and probably around 10-15 chapters left!

- love you all and thank you for reading,

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