Chapter Seventeen - Reunited

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I heard a soft knock on the door as my eyes shot open, waking me from my slumber. I scrambled in the bath, the now cold water making me shiver as I looked around, the bubbles long gone from on top of the water as I clutched the side of the tub, only moonlight filling the room.

"Go away Brand, I thought I told you to leave me the fuck alone" I shouted out as I heard a light giggle from outside the door, "It's just me Lillian, can you please let me in, I promise it's only me" I heard Bethany say as I climbed out of the bath, the water dripping onto the freezing cold floor as I hurriedly wrapped a towel around my body, walking into the bedroom. I knelt down one hand still on the towel as I gently removed the spell from the door,

As I opened the door I saw her standing there in probably the most gorgeous dress I had ever seen and my eyes widened, I turned my gaze to her as she beamed happily at me, and I couldn't control the wave of emotions that consumed me,

"Oh my gods Bethany" I whispered as I grabbed her, pulling her tightly into my chest, crushing her as I sighed deeply, fighting the tears threatening to spill.

"Gods Lillian, when did you get all emotional?" She joked looking up at me as I pulled her back in, the relief of her being alive and well calming me. "I got emotional when you almost got burned at the stake" I said as she gulped a little, stepping out of my embrace and smoothing her dress down.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't follow your rules, I should have just moved away like you said, I just couldn't leave without you, it felt wrong" Bethany started as I held up my hands, "it doesn't matter now, we are safe and we are together. Everything is going to be fine, I just know it" I replied smiling as she giggled practically floating in and shutting the door behind her,

She turned to face me as her face dropped, taking in my attire, "Oh for the love of the gods Lillian, dinner is soon, and you are absolutely nowhere near ready, what on earth have you been doing all this time?" she said, shaking her head at me as I scowled at her, walking away towards the bed,
"Okay I'm over the emotions now, so don't start" I warned as she grinned widely, my threat clearly washing over her. Bethany rushed me as she grabbed my hand, walking me over to the dressing table, her grip firm on my arm as I didn't fight back.

She sat me down as I grumbled in complaint, but the look in her eyes stopped me from vocalising my argument. I watched her in the mirror as I picked at my nails nervously, searching for something to say.

"Well, you look gorgeous, almost as if you belong here" I said quietly as she shrugged, running her hands through my hair. Bethany looked at her dress as she shrugged, "It's okay I guess, I wouldn't say I fit in however, I know you just aren't accustomed to outfits like this, not that I am either." She said as a small smile flitted across her lips,

She looked up to me, her eyes narrowing as I tilted my head, "It doesn't look like too much does it? I don't want to seem like I'm trying too hard" she muttered as I shook my head,

"No way" I chuckled as she pulled out my hairbrush from the drawer, "Just wait until you see what Evelyn wears most of the time, there's not much left to the imagination. And I honestly don't think that's a competition we are ever going to win" I chuckled as she smiled brushing my hair out.

"Anyway, who are you wanting to impress, hmm?" I said hiding a smile as she blushed, "No one, I just don't want to do too much on my first night here" she replied quickly walking as I turned around raising an eyebrow as I leant on the back of the chair,

"Bethany, I presume you know how and why I'm still alive right?" I said as she nodded walking to the closet, "fate was lucky if you ask me, it clearly gave you and me a second chance" she said as I rolled my eyes chuckling,

"So what about Hyde then?" I probed as she stiffened slightly, "What do you think of him? Interesting man isn't he, quite hot too or at least thought so" I said as she poked her head around the door frame, "Oh please shut the fuck up Lillian, you are infuriating" she growled as I chuckled again, " And anyway I wouldn't know, I haven't had the chance to speak to him much" she said blushing as I laughed,

I turned around as I began to slowly comb it through my hair, framing it around my face, as I continued to style hair Bethany poked her head around the door again, "So, I happened to witness your little argument earlier" she said as I rolled my eyes opening up the drawer in front of me and pulling out the makeup, "And so did the entire castle" she muttered under her breath as I scowled,

"He's a complete and utter arsehole Bethany, I mean seriously who does he think he is, or who does he think I am? He is completely delusional" I said as Bethany sighed, "Lillian, seriously, for once in your life please don't be so stubborn" she said as I looked at her in disbelief,

"Are you serious, you're happy to just serve them? To be their object and possession?" I said as she shrugged, "From what Hyde said to me, I am his and he is mine. I'm not made for anyone else and he just seems protective. It makes me feel safe, and from what I feel when I'm around him, I know I don't want to be with anyone else".

I stared at her in shock as I shook my head, "Excuse me, where did my baby sister go and who the hell is this grown-up woman who knows so much? Also I thought you said you didn't speak to him that much?" I joked as she laughed throwing a slipper at my head as I dodged it smiling,

She walked over wrapping her arms around me as she hugged me, "Lillian. Thank you for saving me, for coming back. Now I can be with someone who loves me, just like I've always wanted, this is who I was meant to be, I just know it" she said quietly as I smiled placing a soft kiss on her cheek,

"Bethany, of course I came back for you, I would never ever leave you behind, you are my sister. Nothing will ever separate us" I said, pulling her tight to me, "And hey, I always said it would happen one day, you would finally find your man." I winked as she pushed me giggling,
"However don't think I'm not keeping an eye on you two, I don't want anything going on yet, you are still a young woman, and he better understand and respect that, mate or no mate" I said as she rolled her eyes walking to the closet again throwing me underwear, "He's a gentleman Lillian, and I'm a lady so be quiet" she said giggling I raised an eyebrow,

"I'm being deadly serious Bethany, not until you're at a minimum seventeen. And remember, you're not a young lady until I tell you, I'm in charge remember that" I said as she stuck her head around and poked her tongue out at me,

I sighed as I pulled the finally suitable underwear on and walked into the closet, "What are you trying to look for Bethany?" I said as she pulled through dress after dress "Well I'm trying to find a dress to make Brand's jaw drop. Seeing as you're pissed at him, let's make him beg for your forgiveness. Also so you can just tease him, have some fun for once in your life" she chuckled evilly as I raised an eyebrow at her,

"I'm not sure if I want to, you know I have trousers here and I've never been a dress person..." I started as Bethany whirled around pointing a finger at me, "No Lillian, you will be wearing a dress, no further conversation. You are not getting out of this" she said as I shrugged in defeat walking out of the closet, not even bothering to start another argument.

"Oh yes this is the one" she said as she walked around holding this dark shimmering blue material in her hands, I put my hands on my hips looking at her, my eyebrows raised as she pouted, pleading with me.

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