Chapter Twenty - Nightmares

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I opened my eyes, groaning loudly as I rubbed my eyes, hanging my head. I felt like utter crap, and I don't think the roughly ten glasses of wine I had last night at dinner were helping.

I had been hounded with vicious nightmares all night long, mixing both my history and Brands. I had been plagued by rivers of blood and burned alive by dragon's fire, the history non-stop rushing through my head. I shivered as I remembered the sounds of screams still ringing throughout my mind, it had all just felt so real. My head hurt as I felt a small shiver of fear still rushing through my body.

I slowly swung my feet over the side of the bed as I strolled over to the bathroom swaying my hips and humming lightly, trying to get the disturbing thoughts out of my mind. Fully absorbed in my own thoughts I swung open the door to the bathroom.

But upon doing so I saw Brand standing naked in my shower and I let out a loud scream stumbling backwards onto my arse. I quickly scrambled back, averting my eyes as he let out a loud laugh and the door clicked shut in front of me.

My cheeks grew red and my heart rose at the small glimpse I had gotten of his naked body, one which was now forever imprinted in my mind. I gasped at the dirty thoughts which had sprung themselves upon me from that small look as I scrambled away, trying my hardest to forget what it was I had just seen.

Why the hell was he in my shower? Was his own not good enough? I thought as I ran my hands through my hair, trying to start thinking with my mind and not the burning heat I could feel growing in between my legs.

I turned around to notice that the bed sheets had been disturbed on the other side also, had he slept in the bed with me last night? I was sure he had dropped me off and left me alone, what was he doing here with me? Was there something I couldn't remember? Surely I wasnt that drunk, and he wouldn't do that to me, would he?

I stood up and stomped back to the bed huffing as I sat down and waited for him to explain himself. As I sat picking at my fingers for what felt like an eternity, he finally opened the door, walking into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist as he ran his hands through his wet hair,

I lost my train of thought for a second as I ate up the sight of this half naked man in front of me. He looked godly and my mouth felt dry as I gulped and shifted in the bed, a small smirk appearing on his face at my clear discomfort. I rolled my eyes as I stood up, realising the short top I had on barely covered my arse, and his eyes shot to the apex of my thighs as I felt my palms become sweaty.

I tried to pull down the bottom of the shirt as I composed myself, "Why are you in here" I said keeping my voice steady, noticing a few trickles of water roll down his chest and over his insanely defined six pack, down to the v-line and slowly running under the towel, to somewhere my core was begging me to have.

At that thought I quickly returned my eyesight to his face and took a deep breath, attempting to compose myself.

"You were having nightmares, I could feel them and hear them, you may have woken up Evelyn with your screaming, so good luck with her this morning." He shrugged as i folded my arms, demanding more of an explanation,

"I came in to check on you and for some reason me being nearby seemed to calm you down. So I slept on top of the covers and stayed with you, I didn't touch you if that's what your thinking, I promise, not matter however badly I wanted to"

He said this as his eyes ran up and down my body and my stomach flipped causing me to look away. So he was just being nice? Not being creepy at all? And why on earth was I screaming? I always have nightmares, why now would I suddenly react like that?

I looked up at him as I let out my breath, his scent engulfing all my senses and causing me to think completely with my vagina, and she had a very clear opinion on what we should do whilst this sexy man was half naked in front of me.

"Well then, thank you" I said quietly as he smiled at me leaning against the doorframe as I fought the instinct to bite my lip at the way his muscles rippled with every movement. I went to walk around him to go and get into the shower as he moved quickly and grabbed my waist pulling me close into him,

My heart stopped as I felt every inch of his hard body press up against me, my legs growing weak and a wetness begging to grow at my core as my heart practically stopped beating. I gulped as his eyes pierced mine, "what's wrong Lillian, speak to me, what were the nightmares about" he said as I continued to struggle for breath being so physically close to him, the heat growing even more between my legs.

I shifted slightly as my boobs pressed up against his rock-hard chest and Brand inhaled deeply, his eyes growing dark as he clearly detected my arousal which was building by the second. He released me as I slowly took a tentative step backwards taking in a deep breath, "I'm sure it was nothing Brand, they seemed to be usual ones" I lied calmly as he cocked his head looking at me, clearly not believing a word I said.

I sighed as I walked over to him and placed my hand on his face, my body instantly reacting to the connection of our bodies. I'm not too sure what I was doing but for some reason it just felt right. Brand closed his eyes as my palm rested against his cheek, the electricity running through my body, as I fought my urges.

"Trust me, I'm fine thank you" I said quietly as I pulled his head closer to me and got up on my tiptoes, pressing my lips onto his, giving him a small gentle kiss. As I pulled back, I saw he had the biggest goofiest grin on his face and I rolled my eyes. "You could at least not be so smug about it" I said as he grinned wider, knowing I was slowly breaking down my walls around him.

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