Chapter Twenty Seven - going away

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I lay on the floor of my room as I looked out at the window, up at the clouds as the birds circled above the castle. Lucky fuckers. Whilst I was allowed to roam freely among the castle, it didn't truly feel like freedom. I heard the door crack open as I didn't even bother to lift my head, I was just so damn tired.

Since Damien had been to visit again I was too hateful at going to sleep, the fear of bumping into him again was too great. I hated him, he had done this to me, if he had just left me alone, everything would be fine.

Evelyn and Hyde had given up trying to get me to come out of my room, I had just lay here for god knows how long, sinking further and further into insanity. Bethany had tried to come in a few times, bringing me that fucking shite calming tea, if anything that stuff made me feel fucking worse.

She refused to give up, sometimes coming in and stroking my hair, whilst others she just yelled at me, screaming for me to get up.

The door opened further as i head the sound of footsteps enter and I chuckled internally,

I could tell it was Brand the minute he entered, but I didn't bother to move. He slowly walked over as he lifted me off the ground and onto the bed, climbing in next to me. "Is this a dream?" I said quietly as I looked at him, pure horror on his face as he looked at me.

He looked like shit, well at least I wasn't the only one.

"Oh gods what have you done to yourself?" He murmured as he sighed deeply, running his fingers over my face, "Are you really here?" I said as he dragged me onto his lap and stroked my head, "I'm here Lillian" he said as I sighed, enjoying his touch as I felt some sort of life flow back into me.

A tear ran down my face as I just enjoyed him being near me, "why have you been away? I've missed you" I said as his thumb brushed my tears away, "I'm so sorry Lillian, but you just don't understand how important you are to me. I must keep you safe, it's my number one priority. There is nothing on this earth that is more important to me than your safety." he said as I pushed myself off him, something coming alive in me as I narrowed my eyes on him.

"No Brand, I'm your number one priority, not my safety, not finding your brother. Me. Being with me should be at the top of your list. You have chosen to keep us apart, and it's killing me, if this is your way of getting me to finally feel something it's all wrong, I can't do it like this" I said angrily as he let me speak, sadness washing over his face,

"I am so alone, surrounded by Hyde and Bethany, day in and day out, so fucking alone. I have a mate that appears to have better plans than even spend an hour with me, and I just can't do it" I finished as I stood up walking to the window,

He walked over pulling me tight into his arms as I sighed, "I'm sorry Lillian, I truly am. I will spend every day with you, I promise, starting from when I'm back. I will start regaining your trust and treating you the way you deserve to be treated." He said as I pushed myself out of his arms looking at him in confusion,

"When you are back? Where the hell are you going" I said as he turned around walking towards the door, "I'm going to check out the old castle, and see how he survived. I need to know for you" I said as my face remained emotionless, I crossed her arms as I glared at him,

"If you go this is done, I can't do this. I cannot be without you again; this is killing me. I will not be treated like this, this is worse than death" I screamed as tears rolled down my face, my heart bursting with pain as I watched him look down at the ground, too ashamed to look at me.

"Do you even feel what I'm feeling? It's as if this isn't even affecting you? Brand please don't go" I cried as he looked away from me, "You started this, if this is how you are going to treat me then I wish you would have just let me die in that arena. This is no life, this isn't any better than when I was imprisoned at the assassin camp, at least then I had something to reach for. Here i have nothing" i said as he looked at me, anger racing across his face as he rushed forwards pulling me close to him,

"Dont you ever say that, i know I've messed up, i know i have well and truly fucked up. But I am going to be better, I promise." He said as i looked up at him, my eyes searching his face as i stepped back away from him,

"I've believed that lie before" I said quietly as he ran his hand over his face, his eyes haunted with pain.

"Lillian I love you, but I must go, everything i'm doing, it's all for you. I know you won't understand, but you will one day. I will be back in a couple of days'' he said as he opened the door,

"You aren't confined to your room anymore; I'm releasing you of your guards. Please try and get some of my Lillian back. I miss her, and I am truly sorry. I will make this up to you,' he said as he walked away, taking the guards with him and leaving the door open behind him as I stood there watching him go.


Hi, just wanted to say hello to all new readers, and those reading this book for the first time. First, i apologise for the short chapter here, promise they will get a bit longer as the book goes on. Secondly, i know this isn't the most exciting stuff right now but i promise its going to get a lot better. This stuff that's happening now will be very crucial in later scenes and books (I promise there's a lot more going on that meet the eye) Thank you to everyone who gives my book a chance, and do feel free to let me know what your thinking, I appreciate positive comments and criticism all the same - you all are helping me to become a better author xx

thank you so much for reading, I love you guys and appreciate all the support
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lots of love Lily xoxo

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