Chapter Six - Capture

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The horse raced through the town as I pushed it deep into the dark forest, the wind cutting past my face harshly as I raced further and further, deeper into the mass of trees that surrounded our house.

Fuck, fuck, fuck I thought as I pushed the horse as fast as I could, wishing I had a faster method of travel. I had gotten so caught up in what I was doing I had completely forgotten about the threat that we were facing, or more that I faced and had now dragged Bethany into.

Due to her response, the one which I could still feel splitting my skull, I could only assume the worst. They know who I am. They know what I am. They know where I live.
And they have Bethany.

I was going to kill them. All of them, I don't care who they are or what they are. You don't fuck with a Silverback and live to tell the tale.

"Bethany", I said as I spoke down our mind link, "What's wrong, what happened" I said my gut turning as I felt sick, "I'm so sorry Lillian, help me. I failed you." I heard her sob in my head as I felt a fury like no other grow within me as I pushed the horse forwards again, twisting down the small paths as I ducked under the low hanging branches.

The moonlight guided my path as Bethany's cries continued to echo in my head, her fear lighting a new rage within me as I felt my body tingle with an energy I had never felt before. I saw a deep red begin to cloud my vision as it began to consume me.

"I'm coming Bethany, I'll be there soon." I sent through our link as I climbed up into a crouch and leapt off the horse grabbing onto a nearby branch hanging beside me. I effortlessly swung my body up and round, the bark digging into my palms as I climbed up and snuck through the trees towards our cabin. I moved as silently as possible over the branches and through the leaves, leaping from tree to tree.

As I reached the house, I climbed up the big tree overhanging our front deck as I hid within the leaves, gaining a better vantage point as I caught my breath and prepared myself.

Looking up to the top of our roof I saw him, that big ginger vampire from earlier, Hyde I believe his name was, and I cursed silently under my breath. We should have left earlier, Bethany was right. She always fucking was.

Nothing should have come before her safety. I should have just found this man later. Fuck. Screw me and my need for revenge, it may have finally cost me something too fucking valuable this time.

As I looked around, I saw that there was only the one vampire outside and I could bet on my life that the blonde bitch was in the house with Bethany and the thought of it made my vision once again tint to a deep red that crawled across my gaze.

I frowned as I shook my head, the colour slowly retreating as I refocused and looked to entrance to see a saw only a couple of human soldiers guarding the door.

Breathing quietly, I leapt and quickly scaled a nearby tree to get a better angle as I balanced myself on a thin branch. I silently pulled my bow off from over my shoulder I lightly cocked one of the precious wooden arrows I had gotten from Gustav earlier upon it. I angled it at the ginger vampire as I felt a small trickle of sweat run down my back, and I calmed the shakes echoing throughout my body.

Silently I let out a breath as I let it fly, the point angling straight for his heart but to my dismay he noticed it speeding towards him at the last minute and he quickly turned to the side, the arrow imbedding deep into his left shoulder instead.

"Shit" I muttered as he let out a loud cry tumbling off the roof and onto the ground, desperately grabbing his shoulder as I watched him roll into the bushes surrounding our home.

Oh well that will buy me some time to deal with the ones at the door, I thought as I quickly grabbed the branch under my feet flipping around it as I leapt down onto the forest floor and re-fixed my bow over my shoulder.

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