Chapter Forty Two - Erebus

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I woke up groaning as my body ached all over, Brand's chest warm against my ear as I smiled snuggling in, feeling content. Laying on him I felt safe and happy, it was something I never wanted to leave.

But then suddenly the events of the previous night came flooding back to me and I snapped my eyes open, as if a cold bucket of water had been thrown over me as I quickly sat up and pushed myself off him. Running my hand through my hair as I stood up and walked away as Brand quietly watched me go,

He said nothing as a small sad look appeared on his face, and I sighed inwardly as I turned back, giving him a small quick smile, relief quickly replacing the sadness as he smiled back. I quickly turned back around to face starlight as I walked over and stroked her gently,

"Hey gorgeous girl, good morning to you too" I said as she nuzzled my face, "sorry about the scare last night, thanks for having my back" I said as I kissed her snout and she huffed at me,

I stood up looking around as I noticed Damien was gone, "Where is he now?" I said as Brand stood up tucking his wings away, them instantly folding and disappearing behind his back as he rolled up his sleeves, "He went hunting, blood bags aren't enough for him unfortunately" he said as I nodded pulling out my bow and counting me arrows,

Brand frowned at my bow as I rolled my eyes shaking my head, "Did you forget that I actually need food? If I can catch it now I can save my supplies for later" I said as I quietly walked through the trees, Brand following and walking closely behind, not letting me go too far.

I pulled my bow tight as I saw a bird in the tree above. Slowly I angled my bow upwards and let the arrow fly, hitting it perfectly as it screeched falling to the ground. Brand ran at vampire speed, catching it before running back with it in his hand, giving it to me gently as he watched me wearily.

I smiled as I took it off him, starting to pluck off the feather as we walked back towards camp and I set up a small fire, eating until I was full. Damien walked back not long after and sat down opposite me, his eyes falling upon me every so often as I squirmed under his gaze. I felt an awkward silence fall as events of last night must have entered our minds and I put down my food as I turned to Brand,

"I'm not going anywhere until you explain who is after me, and I want to know everything" I said, folding my arms as Brand quickly looked at Damien who shrugged and pulled out his knife, twirling it between his fingers as I tore my gaze from his face back to Brand.

Brand grimaced as he looked at me, "promise to hear me out and not get mad for once?" he said as my gut turned and I put the food down, "Fine. Whatever. Now tell me." I said as he sighed, my stomach growing uneasy.

"Magda, where do I begin, I met her at one of my father's galas. She is a very powerful vampire, not on the same level as an original, but on Evelyn's level for sure. She has been around a lot longer than Evelyn however, making her stronger and wiser. Everyone in court wanted her at the time, she was gorgeous, funny, and witty, well that's what she appeared to be on the outside. But to everyone's disappointment, she only wanted to be with me" he said as my stomach turned, and I had a feeling I knew where this story was going,

"So we quickly became lovers. You see I didn't believe in mates, and I didn't think you would ever show up, I had already been alone for so long it just didn't seem likely"

"So I fell in love with her, she captivated me, but after a while I realised she wasn't what she seemed, she was pure evil, she had manipulated me into getting what she wanted, the throne, the power to rule all over the kingdom. She never loved me, she just wanted me as a plaything, a stepping stone to being all powerful. You know at the time we could have potentially turned her into an original and that is what she wanted to perhaps be even more powerful than myself one day."

"But myself and Damien noticed what she was up to, and I was going to end everything with her, taking away her titles and removing her from court. You see she was getting close to another advisor and his name is Hale, the now leader of the rogue vampires. They were planning how to rule the kingdom together, and what to do once she sat on the throne. Again, she never loved him, but he loved her, and I assume still does, so he did whatever she wanted, he had always been a means to an end."

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