Chapter Forty - interrogation

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I stormed into the room, the old wood creaking under my heavy footsteps as I slammed the door behind me and threw my daggers onto the side desk. I was still furious at Damien, my vision red.

Brand stood up quickly from the chair in surprise looking at me, "What the hell is wrong with you? And what the fuck happened, why on god's earth are you bleeding" he said walking over as he brushed my cheek gently and wiped the blood off with his thumb. I looked at him clenching my jaw as he suddenly stepped back, wiping his fingers on his trousers as he looked away from me, his fists clenched slightly.

I grimaced as our earlier conversation came back to me and I sighed, taking a step back and running my hands through my hair, feeling my cut start to heal itself back up. Damien chose this time to swing open the door and stroll in the room as he leant against the doorframe, crossing his arms smirking,

"Well it turns out your little assassin here has enemies, and my oh my can she fight, you really should have seen it. Quite extraordinary for a human that is, I might have been impressed" he said as Brand turned to him, his fury filling the room as I scowled at Damien,

"You watched her fight, and you did nothing? What the actual fuck is wrong with you!?" he yelled the floor shaking as I quickly took a step forward towards him, the last thing we needed was to tear down this place and hurt people, but Brand immediately held out his hand halting me as I stopped confused,

"Please Lillian attend to your wounds, I can barely control myself right now" he said through gritted teeth as I looked down, "It will heal in a moment" I said quietly as Damien looked at me, his eyes darkening ever so slightly as his eyes flitted over the cut on my face,

"I must say brother, her blood is rather delicious smelling, almost irresistible in a way. It's very tempting indeed, even I'm struggling with it, I do wonder how badly you are wanting to get your fill. Surely you must have had a taste, I know I would have by now" he said grinning as Brand clenched his fists his whole body shaking with anger,

My cut finally healed at that moment as I wiped it with a cloth and ran in between them holding my hands out, once again, "Stop this right now. Brand control yourself and Damien stop being a fucking dick for once in your life" I said as they looked down at me both of them staring at the cloth in my hand which had my blood on it, both their eyes pitch black as restrained breathing filled the room.

I felt my stomach drop as I took in their gazes, and I shivered as they loomed over me, their tail frames caging me between them. I quickly threw the cloth behind me into the fire, my breathing coming out shaky as it quickly burnt up and their eyes slowly returned to normal, both of them relaxing. They took a quick look at each other before gritting their teeth and getting away from me.

I gulped, my body shaking slightly as I walked over packing up my bag, "We are leaving right now. I'm not staying in this place for a single moment longer, and for fucks sake you are grown men. Get the fuck over your dominating alpha egos and at least try to not look at me like a meal when I spill a drop of blood. I don't care for it at all." I said before rushing out of the room,

As I reached the horses I let out my tears as fear fully hit me, realising what could have just happened. I was almost a human blood pouch, and the worst part of it all, was I wanted it. Them looking at me with their fangs slightly hanging out their mouths had made me feel things I did not want to admit.

Starlight nudged me as I pulled myself together, "It's okay girl, I just, being in the castle, safe and everything, I forgot what they really are, and what they really crave, and most of all they seem to crave me, I have never been looked at like that before, and it scared me" I whispered as I climbed onto her wiping my tears away, not wanting to show my weakness.

Damien and Brand quietly walked around the corner, both of them nodding at each other suspiciously as they climbed on their horses and followed me out of the town. I pushed in front of them as my heartbeat began to slow down, however I couldn't shake the feeling I had that someone was still watching me.

"That's definitely her and that's them" the redhead said, appearing next to the inn woman as she watched them ride off outside the window, a cold smile sitting on her lips. "Did you get me what I wanted" she said coldly as the woman nodded in fear producing a single dark brown hair, "ahh yes this will do well, now for your payment" she laughed coldly, carefully inspecting the hair as a tall man walked out of the shadows holding a young boy by the throat, "Hale please give them what they deserve" she said dismissively, pulling her cloak up as the inn woman cried out, "please no, not my son, I did everything you asked, let him go" she sobbed as Hale smiled darkly, "begging will not help you now you useless human, the deal was you get her the hair and she gives you your son back, she never told you what condition." He laughed as the woman cried, "And she always gets what she wants" he stated with a cruel smirk. The woman laughed loudly as she closed the inn door, the sounds of screams erupting from within. He was right, she would get what she wanted, who she wanted, and nothing was going to stand in her way, nothing.

As we continued through the trees in silence I felt an uneasiness creep through me, it was too quiet, and we had been going for a while with no disturbances, that would have been unusual in Ezerene, but in here that meant nothing but trouble. I turned to Brand who quickly looked away causing me to frown as I pulled my horse around to face them as they both stopped, refusing to look at me.

I crossed my arms glaring at them as starlight moved restlessly underneath me. "Would one of you like to explain why you are both ignoring me or refusing to even look at me. What the hell did I do" I said growling as Damien looked at Brand, "And when the fuck did you two decide to team up and leave me out of things, as I remember I'm the whole who set this shit up" I said as Brand sighed,

"We think and we agreed, it's too risky to have you here, with us. We clearly can't control ourselves if you are injured and it's not like you aren't going to fight if we get into trouble" he said as I stared him down and he looked away, my gaze switching to Damien as he shrugged.

"So what does that mean then" I said glaring as Damien pulled his horse up next to mine, "It's quite simple gorgeous, you just won't fight." he said as my jaw dropped and he pushed on forwards, Brand gritting his teeth at Damien's choice of words,

"What the actual fuck" I said in disbelief as Brand clenched his grip on the reigns, "I am not risking you dying when we can protect you, and I am not putting your life in risk at the chance either one of us can't control ourselves around you" he said firmly as I rolled my eyes pulling the reins and storming off furious once again.

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