Chapter Thirty-Seven - Bathtime

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<finally some smut for you all!>

I walked outside to get some air, trying desperately to escape the suffocating tension between the two alpha males behind me. As I breathed in deeply calming myself I felt my heart sink, I felt crushed.

Why had I thought this was ever going to work, they had been through an ordeal, and I couldn't expect them to get over it in two seconds, no matter how much I told them to, I knew it was pointless. If I was Brand I wouldnt be able to ever get over what Damien had done to him, it was unfair of me to just expect it.

Meanwhile, Damien had been treated like trash his entire life, never given a second to be apppreciated by his father, all because of something that was completely out of his control. Brand hated him for killing his mother, something that I knew would never be fixed, however I had noticed a slight pained expression on Damien's face every time she was mentioned, as if something was eating away at him every time she was mentioned. I let out a sigh as I ran my hand through my hair,

As I looked up to the sky I felt Brand quietly walk up behind me, his presence causing my stomach to flip as I bit my lip lightly. His arms wrapped around me as he rested his head on my shoulder and kissed my cheek softly.

"I'm sorry Lillian, I tried, I just don't think I will ever get over what he did to my mother, to our mother. It's something I will hate him for forever, I will never be able to get he back" he said quietly as I sighed turning to him, I looked up at him as I kissed him softly on the lips, his body automatically leaning into mine.

As I pulled away I rested my forehead on his chest and grimaced, "Brand, you cannot stop me going to visit the witches, so dont even bother trying." I said as he clenched his jaw slightly, "Am I that transparent?" He chuckled lightly as I stroked his cheek gently,

"Brand you have to remember I am fully capable of handling myself, I am the best assassin ever you know. I've been taking care of myself and Bethany my whole life, im not as fragile as you think. And if I must do this alone, I will." I said as he smiled rubbing my shoulders as I sighed,

"I know you will Lillian, and I won't stop you. Especially because it might help us explain what just happened in there" he said as he hinted to my earlier outburst.

I groaned as I turned around to face the sky, resting against the wall of the balcony, "I truly don't know what happened I just felt a red rage flow through me, a dark rage and I lost control, whatever it was I don't want it happening again" I said quietly as I leant back into his strong hard chest, the feel of his body against mine calming me.

"Tell Damien to be prepared we move out at first light tomorrow, I want to get this done and be back intime for the ball and festival, we dont need word getting out to the people about a disturbance." I said as Brand nodded grimly,

We stood in silence for a little bit until Brand coughed lightly, tucking my hair behind my ear, "Does he really have to come with us?" he groaned as I scowled at him,

"You would rather that I took only one original vampire to protect me when I could have two?" I replied as he sighed eventually nodding his head,

"Your right Lillian, although you know I could protect you on my own, we don't need that dick coming with us" he said as I smiled holding his cheeks as I pecked him lightly on his lips,

"Of course not, I'm very sure you could protect me on your own, although you know I dont need it." I winked as he chuckled lightly, "Now come on, I have had enough drama and excitement for one day, lets go to bed" I smiled as Brand's eyes lit up at my request,

"Oh don't get too excited big boy, I am not ready for that yet. Especially with these two now strolling around the castle, I don't need any more supersonic vampire hearing in my life" I said strolling towards my bedroom,

Brand chuckled behind me "I'm just going to go and prep some things for the morning, I will be right up" he called out behind me as I continued up the stairs towards my bed, gods I was exhausted, that power had really taken it out of me, and all I wanted to do was curl up and forget everything that had happened.

As I reached the door a tall figure stepped out of the shadows, scaring the shit out of me. I quickly grabbed the knife on my thigh and flung it directly towards the persons heart as they caught it with ease chuckling deeply.

"Seriously darling, trying to kill me now? I just turned up, would be a shame to waste all the time we are going to get to spend together" Damien joked as I sighed as I snatched back my dagger from him, placing it back against my thigh. He watched intently as I growled, lowering my dress back down and folding my arms.

"Are you trying to get killed? Because I can make that happen" I glared as he cockily leant against the doorframe, folding his arms, his muscles rippling under his clothes as I felt my mouth grow dry,

"Oh so very feisty, gods you just keep getting better dont you, nothings ever going to be boring with you around" he winked as my patience began shrink,

"Damien are you trying to get him to kill you? Seriously stop it. You are here to make sure I don't die, my sister doesn't die and hopefully half this kingdom doesn't die, so please respect that. And stop calling me names, you dont get to do that" I said firmly as he grinned at me,

"Whatever darling, just trust me if I was making a move on you, I would have made one by now, one that I think you would struggle to say no to" he said towering over me as I clenched my jaw and held my breath, refusing to give in to the desperate need that was filling my body. His scent consumed me as the shadows danced in his eyes above me.

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