Chapter Twenty Nine - A Secret

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I felt my whole-body freeze as I stumbled backwards, away from him as I felt as if I had been dunked into a frozen lake. I tried to speak, tried to say something, anything, but nothing came out.

Damien looked at me with a weird expression on his face as I tried to come up with something, however finding nothing to say.

It was him I had seen as a child, it had been him all along. He was the white haired man that was in my house.

He took a step forwards as I held out my hand, "Don't come near me, you stay the fuck away" I managed to whisper out as he stopped tilting his head, "I know this may be a shock, but I knew your mother well, she helped me out on numerous occasions, I knew her a lot in her youth" he said calmly as I tried to process what he was saying to me,

"Why did you know her, and why would she tell you of all people about me" I said as he continued to look at me not moving, he shrugged as he folded his arms, "She didn't tell me about you specifically, she actually never let me near you the very few times I visited her later in her life. But when first I bumped into her she was younger, pure chance really, she was in my father's kingdom, being hunted under his rule, and I gave her refuge" he said, I tilted my head confused as he looked back at me,

"What!? I may have done some fucked up shit but im not an entirely evil person, could a completely evil person be this god damn sexy?" He joked winking at me as I scowled folding my arms, not amused by his jokes.

"Tough crowd," he fake grimaced as I tapped my foot, starting to become impatient,  "Anyway, after me giving her refuge we became friends of a kind" he said as I grimaced, "Oh gods above please say you didn't have a sexual relationship with my mother" I said feeling sick, as he let out a loud laugh surprising me,

He bent over chuckling as he looked at me, realising I was serious. "Oh gods no Lillian, she was really not my type, not really into blondes" he winked at me as I rolled my eyes folding my arms, clearly still not amused.

He raised an eyebrow, sensing I was expecting more of the story as he sighed, "Gods lighten up a little darling" he muttered as he sat down, "I mean when I saved her, I didn't realise she was part of a high witch coven before and I mean she was one the first witches ever on this shithole we call home, not surprising that she was one of the first, being the direct descendent of Hecate herself, her daughter to be exact. This meant she was one of the most powerful witches in history, being around much longer than myself or my father, but i must say, she didn't look bad for her age" he chuckled as I tutted shaking my head at him as he shrugged,

"I didn't essentially need to give her shelter, she could definitely handle herself, but my act of kindness made her in my debt" he continued as I stood there taking it all in,

"She taught me about herself, and I never understood why. She unveiled many secrets about herself and her past, and gave me untold amounts of knowledge that if I didn't know all of it, they would have died with her. But then one day, when my father found out where she was, she found me and told me why she had stayed for so long telling me everything" he said as I took in a deep breath to steady myself,

"You see Lillian, she had seen her future. She knew what was going to happen to her, and what time she had left, and she had accepted that. She also knew she would eventually give birth to you and Bethany, and guessed at what horrors you would be put through once she was gone".

"However, she couldn't see what happened after her death, obviously, only that I would come across your path one way or another, and she wasn't wrong. I've been following you for a while" he said as I raised an eyebrow at him, "Like my own personal stalker? That's not creepy at all" I mocked as he shrugged,

"Who do you think got rid of all those guards the day you fucked up? Or who do you think kept Evelyn and Hyde off your arse for so long so you could complete your kill?" he said as I whipped my head to look at him, confusion written all over my face.

"I mainly did it for me, don't start getting all flattered. I've got to stay in shape too and it was fun watching those two idiots run around in circles" he said dryly as I nodded sarcastically, yeah right.

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