Chapter Twenty-one - Training

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I walked down the stairs and into the dining room as I made it to the dinner table, a happy glow on my face. It immediately faded as I saw Evelyn glaring at me from her seat, I gulped as I walked over and sat down with my tea. Brand was right, a tired Evelyn was not someone to mess around with, she looked like she was about to slice me into ribbons.

I turned to her as she shook her head and waved her hand, "Thanks for your little performance last night, woke me up during a really good nightmare" she growled as I raised an eyebrow, but then again I wasn't surprised, she was fucking scary of course she enjoyed her nightmares.

"It's fine, sometimes it happens to the best of us, I'm just glad it wasn't sex screams, I'll be moving to the other end of the castle before that starts to happen, with either of you" she muttered as I blushed furiously.

"Why on earth would there be sexual screams?" I shot back as she laughed sniffing the air lightly as she raised an eyebrow, "Let's not be silly now Lillian, I can smell Brand all over you, care to fill me in" she smirked at me as I felt myself blush more, "oh gods, you lot and your freaky fucking senses, nothing happened between us" I muttered sipping my drink.

Evelyn raised her eyebrows at me as I shifted uncomfortably, her gaze was hard and I felt like i was being interrogated as I shuffled in my seat, I knew she wasn't going to stop until I said something as I glared at her, giving in, "It was just a kiss, nothing else and don't get excited it doesn't mean anything, it was just something that happened" I mumbled into my cup as she chuckled shaking her head at me,

"That's all!? Come on now Lillian I need a little more information than that" she said as I folded my arms staring at her, "that man hasn't had a sexual interaction in centuries, I can't believe he would even still know what he's doing or if it even works" she laughed as my eyebrows lifted in surprise,

"What do you mean?" I asked very curious, no sexual interactions in centuries? How and why would he do that, that seemed a bit extreme, especially for someone like him. Evelyn shrugged unbothered, "I honestly have no clue, clearly he felt no need for it. I personally assume he was waiting for his mate. I guess if it wasn't you he didn't want it" she said calmly as I looked down at my cup, my heart racing.

As she said that I felt a warm sensation grow in my chest and happiness flow throughout my body, Evelyn had a small smirk when she saw my smile and I immediately wiped it off my face, refusing to show that her words had sparked some sort of happiness within me. I was about to question her further but before I could open my mouth Brand suddenly walked in and I turned back to my cup in front of me, remembering how I left him in my room, suddenly becoming nervous.

I felt his intense gaze on me as he walked in and I continued to look at my cup, my stomach curling as I refused to look at him, the fear of letting Evelyn see me lusting all over him stopping me. Before Brand could say anything, at the most perfect time Bethany came rushing in with Hyde at her side, her long dress flowing behind her, I turned to her frowning as I assessed both of our different outfits, narrowing my eyes.

Bethany laughed at my face as she sat down, "Clearly you can tell I won't be joining you for training" she said as I turned to Brand tilting my head in question, annoyance reflecting over my features, he cleared his throat slightly nervous at my expression as he looked at me,

"Bethany is going to work on her alchemy, we decided this was best for her, and she has no need to fight or protect herself, especially within these walls and the role she will be taking on in the future." he said as I folded my arms my jaw clenching, "Well that's one sexist remark if I've ever heard one, no surprise" I muttered as I looked at him demanding more of an answer,

Brand sighed as he picked up his glass, "You will become my queen alongside me, and you need to be prepared. You will be training so if I fail to keep you safe you can always keep yourself safe, not that you will ever need to" he said as I scoffed, "You will eventually have to join me on Kingdom matters, and there may be a time where you need to protect yourself" he said as I rolled my eyes,

"I don't need extra training, I'll be fine" I huffed as he looked up at me, "You will train Lillian, I'm not hearing anything else about it" he said final his voice harsh as everyone around us remained silent, not daring to speak up as I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, but me and Bethany will also continue our training. I will train her daily and I won't hear anything else about that." I said firmly looking at Bethany as he turned to look at me,

"Very well, we can see how you feel about that later after your individual training. You will also spend the afternoon with Hyde in the library, learning about the land and its history" he said as I looked up at him frowning,

"What? I don't want to learn anything, what on earth would I possibly need to know?" I said looking at him as he clenched his fist, "Please don't fight with me on this one, you need to learn what is out there and what goes on here, and as I said this is final, now you have training with Evelyn, go before I lose my patience, I have things i need to do" he said standing up and leaving the room before I could respond,

I rolled my eyes scowling as I flipped him off behind his back, "I saw that Lillian" he said as he walked out and I simply replied with the other finger, causing Evelyn to chuckle lightly at the interaction,

"Bethany, what are you doing then? What have you been ordered to do" I said quietly as I seethed, she giggled lightly at my reaction as she leant on the table, "Oh I have nothing to do, this is all optional" she said as I clenched my fists on the table,

"What the fuck? Why the hell am I getting ordered around then, who does he think he is?" I growled leaning my head back into my chair and folding my arms as Evelyn raised an eyebrow, "Come on now drama queen, let's take this anger outside please" she said walking out as I stormed off out of the room after her, leaving a laughing Bethany and Hyde behind me.

As I walked outside into the sunlight I turned around folding my arms looking at Evelyn, "what an arsehole, he's fine one moment and then once again ordering me around as if I'm below him or something" I said angrily as Evelyn groaned at me,

"Oh gods above, stop complaining Lillian, I didn't exactly sign up to enjoy your company either" she said rolling her eyes, "Anyway, this is for your own good, as queen you're going to have to know what you are doing" she replied as I picked up a sword swinging it,

"I never asked for this, if it was down to me I wouldn't be queen. Gods I'm probably the worst person they could have picked" I huffed as Evelyn turned to look at me,

"Good gods above please get over yourself." She sighed, "Let me be honest so you can stop whining and not give me a headache. I didn't think I'd like you, at all." She said as I raised my eyebrows, charming. "But," she said, holding up her hand as I listened quietly, "surprisingly you're not actually that awful. You're going to be a good queen, you're honest, loyal and you fight for what you believe in. And if you fight for your people as well as your fought for your sister, we might actually have some peace for once" she said quietly as I looked at her frowning,

"What do you mean?" I asked as she frowned, picking up a sword, "I shouldn't have said that, it's none of my business Lillian, if you want to know you'll have to ask Brand later. Now can we train or are you going to keep acting like a child?" she said raising her eyebrow as I rolled my eyes,

"Fine, let's train." I huffed as she sighed, "Come on then, see if you can land a blow on me" she said as I frowned looking at her, "Why would I want to do that" I said as she cocked her head, moving fast as she sliced the side of my arm, ending up behind me, I hissed as I turned around to see her grinning at me,

"Come on now, you're going to rule an entire kingdom, at least learn to protect yourself against us, we are the least of your problems out there. Remember we are faster, stronger, and generally better than you, if you can protect yourself against us you have more of a chance doing it against the others supernaturals who live in your kingdom" she said as I scowled watching the small cut heal up,

"I've killed vampires before, i'm sure I will be fine" I said as she rolled her eyes, "basic boring vampires Lillian, don't get cocky now. They are nothing like us or like me for that matter, the vampires you will be dealing with are a lot stronger than the run of the mill trash you have killed." she said as I clenched my teeth drawing my sword,

"Fine" I said as I narrowed my eyes, as she went to swing again I watched her eyes dart to the left before I swung the sword left, blocking her attack, and swung around, she smiled as we both parried each other's blows, again and again until my arms were begging for a rest.

To no surprise, she ended up cutting me much more than I cut her, and I realised she was right, I would have been screwed if all vampires were as fast and powerful as her.

After what felt like hours of sword practice, we eventually did some hand-to-hand combat training, which I failed at miserably. Evelyn practically beat me black and blue, something which I think she enjoyed and was unable to hide her happiness at knocking me down again and again.

After I had been thrown down and around the training ground for what felt like a million times we did some target practice, which I excelled at normally. But my body felt as if it was in pieces, Evelyn was right, I was nowhere near prepared to fight them, I felt as if I had never fought a day in my life.

As training continued I saw Brand appear and disappear from the balcony as if he was checking up on me, constantly watching me fail miserably, I hated the fact he was right. It pissd me off even more. Once Evelyn had decided we had finished I lay on the floor, my entire body aching, even places I didn't know could hurt were crying out to me.

I saw Hyde approach me as I groaned curling into a ball on the floor, "Please don't drag me up there, leave me here to die, she's finally got what she wanted, she's killed me. I don't want to do it anymore" I moaned as he laughed, "Come on grumpy. Wow, Evelyn really did quite a number on you didn't she" he laughed as Evelyn smiled pulling me to my feet as I groaned in pain.

"Ow, please. I don't want to do it anymore; I changed my mind, just kill me, I don't want to live" I grumbled as she smiled, "Can't wait to embarrassingly beat you again tomorrow" she said brightly mockingly waving at me as I let out a long string of curse words at her, Hyde dragging me up to the library.


-- what does she mean by peace?

-- what we thinking?

-- sensing a love hate relationship between Evelyn and Lillian? potential bffs? (Hehe)

-- thank you so much for reading please remember to vote and comment it really helps

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